Possibly dumb question, but does going into stasis cancel Mao's ult?
EDIT: Playing around with a bit on jungle Galio. Will be back with results. I feel he has potential-- Q isn't terrible for clear, W is a decent amount of sustain, and his ganks should be fairly strong.
Ran through a couple custom games by myself to around 10 minutes. Game 1. + Show Spoiler +Runes: flat armor/mpen/scaling mr/movespeed Masteries: 0/21/9 (full tank basically)
1. Blue does a lot of damage, but with leash probably take a lot less damage 2. First clear took until 4:50, so not terrible I think 3. Used all 5 pots-- as said, probably due to no leash
Game 2. + Show Spoiler +Runes: flat armor/mpen/scaling mr/armor quints Masteries: 0/21/9 (same)
1. Took armor quints to try and make first clear easier 2. Only needed 3 pots on 1st clear, surprisingly big difference 3. Clear took 5:00, the movespeed hurts a bit
So Galio is really mana hungry. Even with blue buff, he is at risk of running OOM, though I did spam E to get around a bit faster. I actually bought chalice on first back. However once I stopped spamming like crazy, mana problems actually weren't too bad (I didn't even have blue at this point). The first clear felt a little rough, but honestly I don't think it's much worse than other junglers, and not getting that blue leash probably hurt.
W is really good sustain. I use it at wraiths and healed a ton and took no damage while clearing, which was pretty nice. You can pop it about once a camp, when you take wolves and wraiths you basically heal a hp pot's worth combined.
I think rushing aegis components and a twin shadows would be pretty good on him.
I kind of want to say he's dependent on getting a good gank off early, or the jungle will be harsh. Not sure though as I didn't jungle past 10 minutes in either game.
On May 12 2013 13:35 ticklishmusic wrote: Possibly dumb question, but does going into stasis cancel Mao's ult?
EDIT: Playing around with a bit on jungle Galio. Will be back with results. I feel he has potential-- Q isn't terrible for clear, W is a decent amount of sustain, and his ganks should be fairly strong.
Jungle Galio? Oh god why...and no his ganks are poo. For serious though, he is just a really awful version of jungle Morg in every way.
On May 12 2013 09:06 Alaric wrote: Ah, maybe I didn't make myself clear. I meant more in a "reliable" sense, since initiating is easier for Malphite (esp. with Flash down, Twisted Advance's 650 range shouldn't be easy to latch onto an enemy carry) and his diver role tends to make him "simpler" to use. Maybe it's only subjective, but when playing them I often find that my role is less clearly-defined as Maokai, between engaging, diving, and peeling, depending on the flow of the game and item builds. Saplings certainly hurt a bunch if they hit a squishy, but I found it harder to get the explosion on the intended targets in teamfight, and I tend to only detonate my ult early if I know the fight will move (and I'll need the cd as soon as possible for another one) or if it will allow a kill on a key target, as part of a burst combo. Otherwise I really try to keep it up as long as needed/useful, leading to most non-diving opponents to get out of it at some point. Then again, it's very possible I'm just failing at using the ult's potential and positioning it correctly to protect while maintaining enemy ranged into its AoE.
Basically, Maokai is harder to play in a teamfight. That's fair to point out; it takes strong prediction skills and experience to place and cancel his ult to it's maximum potential, and decent aim to land meaningful saplings. I probably wouldn't recommend Mid Maokai to a Bronze/Silver level player looking to carry themselves up the ladder unless they really wanted to commit to learning a tricky champion.
That said, Maokai fits somewhat into the Lee Sin/Orianna/Lissandra/Zed school of champions. His skills can be unwieldy or tricky to use properly, but given time and patience he can become extremely potent. It was easy for me to carry with him because I have a crapton of experience with him as a jungler. I imagine other experienced Maokai players might have similar experiences.
On May 12 2013 13:35 ticklishmusic wrote: Possibly dumb question, but does going into stasis cancel Mao's ult?
No. It fits into the same category as Swain ult, maintained until either you run out of mana or turn it off. Incidentally if you are stunned/silenced/in stasis you can't turn it off (but it will stay on).
Yeah, in that case Zhonya's definitely worth it IMO. Shurleyas into possible flash W R Zhonya's is big damage.
Actually I vaguely remember Maokai's ult being canceled when you activate Zhonya's. Brb testing.
Confirmed that Zhonya's (or at least, Wooglet's) does NOT cancel Maokai ult. It will continue running and draining mana
Pootie too good!4331 Posts
Was just thinking of an idea, let me know what you guys think.
Team Reset: Kha'Zix (mid/top) Kat (mid/top) Yi (jungle) Trist (adc) Thresh/Blitz/Ali
Build Kha'Zix and Yi as a ArPen/tanky Build Kat as MPen/tanky Build Thresh/Blitz/Ali/Leona super tanky Build Trist normally (need BotRK for self-peel)
The point is to get your three main reset champs resetting constantly. The waveclear on the team is pretty strong, and Yi can take Smite/TP for super splitpushing. Team seems weak to poke/hard CC comps and Trist really needs a BotRK for the self-peel because only the support can peel for Trist. Definitely some weak comps, but with Trist late game and the reset potential, I think this team could do well against certain teams.
Edit: Thresh/Blitz/Ali/Leona are there because they are tanky by nature and they have great initiation, unlike the rest of the team. Janna might also be a possible idea. She'd help with wave clear, peel, and a possible shurelias initiation.
You need poke, or you won't get the first reset off quickly enough. Also, you probably don't want to bet all your assets on one thing. Having two reset-style heroes (AP yi, khazix?) should be enough, if others can provide CC. Like, [hard engage jungler (mumu, sejuani etc)], Kha'zix, Yi, Ezrael, [support]...
I think this was also brought up a few pages back.
I'd like to get a group of five going tonight if I can. It's been a while and there are a lot of things we've testing inhouse that could use testing in the wide, wide world. I'll start looking for people around 22:00 GMT (+00:00). Bonus if TL RnD gets together.
On May 14 2013 03:51 Seuss wrote: I'd like to get a group of five going tonight if I can. It's been a while and there are a lot of things we've testing inhouse that could use testing in the wide, wide world. I'll start looking for people around [unparsable timestamp format]. Bonus if TL RnD gets together. I'd be up for this dependent on the time. I really miss playing stuff other than ARAMs.
I'll def be around pending on what time we plan on getting started.
22:00 GMT (+00:00) is when I'm looking to start grabbing people. I tried to say that before but I left out the PM so TL couldn't parse it.
Yeah definitely not going to be able to show up that early. Have fun!
It was overkill in that game, but I do want to test teleport support leona more in future gatherings.
tried a couple games of tele-push
so the idea is definitely fun and workable, but we need to work on not giving up a ton of kills early.
from the three games I played, success list: blitz/annie bot lane (susprisingly not dependent on hooks), armorshred team, support urgot, jungle karth, maokai mid, first red buff for bot lane
fail list: junglefarm gp, rugfeeder annie in teamfights
On May 14 2013 03:51 Seuss wrote: I'd like to get a group of five going tonight if I can. It's been a while and there are a lot of things we've testing inhouse that could use testing in the wide, wide world. I'll start looking for people around 22:00 GMT (+00:00). Bonus if TL RnD gets together. Nat and I will be around until a bit before 7pm EDT, then we have to leave for a bit, but we'll be back later in the evening.
Derp, that was yesterday? TL Korean Dates OP.