This could also fit well with a lane-dominating bot lane ranged AP+support duo as opposed to jayce. In general you want a lot of hard initiation on your team, since your teamcomp is 'weak' to poke/kite teams.
[TL R&D] T.R.O.L.L.S. - Page 53
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United States8298 Posts
This could also fit well with a lane-dominating bot lane ranged AP+support duo as opposed to jayce. In general you want a lot of hard initiation on your team, since your teamcomp is 'weak' to poke/kite teams. | ||
United States10467 Posts
Tryn gets all the farm from pushed lanes after a failed gank and carries the mid game tempo. Jungle farm isn't enough. Avarice blade would only amount to .01% of Tryn's gold so he instead should focus on IE PD LW(Screw lifesteal, maximize dps) BT/Hydra BC GA. Team gets a few crucibles. | ||
3232 Posts
not a viable build, but really good stuff if ur facerolling | ||
Canada5484 Posts Siimlar to how Shaco carried the game from jungle despite not ganking much and just solo pushing. | ||
United States10536 Posts
In general it might be a good idea if I hand the reigns over to someone else permanently. The whole getting engaged thing is eating up a lot of my time and making it hard to be here every Friday. | ||
Canada31494 Posts
On May 03 2013 03:32 Seuss wrote: I demand that T.R.O.L.L.S. testing be held tomorrow in honor of Monte. I will not be around because I will be unconscious and subsequently doped up on pain medications. In general it might be a good idea if I hand the reigns over to someone else permanently. The whole getting engaged thing is eating up a lot of my time and making it hard to be here every Friday. Just wait, bro. Just wait. | ||
United States5211 Posts
i want to be on monte's team because i took tomorrow off and i can make it again and i've never been on monte's team | ||
Canada6158 Posts
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United States9316 Posts
![]() Idk about being on at 6 tonight but i should be on 7-8 and can help make games and whatnot if really needed. (aka id ketarah can't) | ||
United States15065 Posts
If Monte is still having issues in two weeks I can start hosting it then. | ||
United States10536 Posts
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Canada418 Posts
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Canada750 Posts
On May 11 2013 10:31 dudecrush wrote: Hello everyone, I'm new to TROLLS. First time I'm able to come. Welcome~ ^_^ | ||
United States10536 Posts
Mid Maokai is legit. The telling quote of the evening came from Arekan, who said something to the effect of, "This is dumber than AP Yi." It hasn't been tested against mids like Zed or Kha'zix, but it's faired very well against Lux, Quinn, Jayce + Blitz, and Lissandra. AD Jungle Gragas needs a lot of work. red_ had a lot of trouble making it function tonight, and might offer his insights into the problems he faced. Taric Top had more issues. It seems limited to being a counter-pick, as there are too many opponents who seem to just walk all over it. Those are just my first thoughts. Feel free to chime in. | ||
France45622 Posts
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Canada6158 Posts
Was a great night ![]() | ||
United States10536 Posts
On May 11 2013 17:06 Alaric wrote: Can you be a little more detailed concerning Maokai? For example, even just range-wise, Lux and Lissandra aren't exactly the same kind of opponents, so I'm curious as to what makes it strong in each case—he clears well, but roaming potential? Ease of reaching them and just killing them (he sets up killer ganks anyway, probably harder against post-6/first back Lux though)? Certainly. My opening in every case was Flask + Ward + Potion. The combination of health and mana sustain this gives works extremely well with his passive, as the more spells you cast and the most spells your opponent casts in order to harass you the more your passive comes into play. This is also why Catalyst is such a good first item, and as a bonus its health increases the effectiveness of your passive. What makes Maokai's laning phase so potent is his ability to sandwich opponents between himself and his saplings. The range on saplings is 1100, not including their chase distance, meaning that even opponents like Lux are not outside of his threat distance. If his opponent hangs back away from their minions, Maokai can simply throw saplings at them with near certainty that his opponent won't be able to escape the explosion. But if his opponent stays near the minions, Maokai can throw his saplings in locations which force his opponent to choose between running into the sapling or running into Maokai. Maokai also has a substantial kill threat. The damage from a rank 3 sapling is potentially 290 at a point when opponents have as little as 800 maximum health. An EWQR combination at level 6 does as much as 740 damage without accounting for AP. That's more damage than Lux's QER combo even if she procs every Illumination. Maokai's ultimate also has an extremely low cooldown, 40 seconds at rank 1, meaning he can basically repeat this burst every single minion wave. It's basically impossible to stop Maokai from farming. The range on saplings makes it easy for Maokai to clear waves from a distance, so even when I was against the Jayce+Blitzcrank lane the only problems I faced were my own dumb mistakes. Maokai's high base AD and low cooldown Q also makes farming under the tower fairly easy. Maokai's waveclear is extremely strong thanks to saplings. By level 3 a quick EQ combo will clear the range minions, and it isn't long before Maokai can clear the melee minions as well. If you're in a commanding lead in the lane you can walk into an incoming minion wave to bunch them up for the simplest waveclear in the world. This gives him plenty of time for roaming, where his root is guaranteed to bring him to his opponent even if they Flash. Maokai's core items are Rod of Ages and Spirit Visage. The former gives him excellent early sustain and damage, and the latter gives him the CDR and tankiness he needs to be a front line fighter. I tried Iceborn Gauntlet for a third item last night but I don't really like it (Q is already an area slow). I think I'd rather just sit on the Glacial, build a Locket, or try for another damage item. One of the benefits of Mid Maokai is that he fulfills the tank role without being weak, ult dependent, or unable to easily control is laning opponent. Typically a team's front line comes from the top lane or the jungle, and if you run something that isn't tanky in those lanes or that plans on diving more than protecting (e.g. Zed/Elise top, Karthus/TF Jungle) you're basically entirely reliant on Leona/Thresh supports to tank for you (which is hard on a support's budget). Mid Maokai gives you more team comp flexibility. If you need to know anything else just let me know. | ||
France45622 Posts
I'm not sure about Sheen... I mean it's not bad if you can sit on it, but I'm really wary of Gauntlet in general, and while Lichbane sounds like luxury because of the lack of tankiness, Triforce is too expensive. When jungle farm allows I like either FH (added with his ult it makes him really hard to kill for AD carries, giving dive potential) or Randuin's (great candidate for the active with his diving/initiating/peeling habits), but having Locket on him isn't a bad idea either and that+SV would waste some FH CDR. He's a pretty good Abyssal carrier for the same reasons as Randuin's, but if already using SV it's a bit too much. I'd add that I wonder how it plays out with a champ whose damage falls off harder than Malphite (except for saplings) in a solo lane, but in an organised setting you can cede farm later (especially to your jungler once you start roaming) so it's only tangential I guess. | ||
United States10536 Posts
I'm going to try Zhonya's and Locket in future games, as post-Spirit Visage the game is entering a phase where the enemy AD should be reaching key timings. However, that will be in normals/ranked away from T.R.O.L.L.S. It's clear that it's not particularly fun to play against my Mid Maokai, and I'd rather people be able to come to T.R.O.L.L.S. without having to worry too much about that sort of abuse. One final point, I'm not sure where you got the impression that Maokai's damage falls off harder than Malphite. His burst damage is actually higher than Malphite's at all levels/ranks (at level 18, 1430 (+2.7 AP) vs 890 (+1.8 AP + 0.3 Armor)), and obviously scales better as well. Malphite's sustained damage is also stronger both in base damage and in scaling, even if you account for Malphite's armor scaling and don't consider the possibility of using additional Maokai ultimates in a fight (that 12-20 second cooldown at rank 3). | ||
France45622 Posts
Maybe it's only subjective, but when playing them I often find that my role is less clearly-defined as Maokai, between engaging, diving, and peeling, depending on the flow of the game and item builds. Saplings certainly hurt a bunch if they hit a squishy, but I found it harder to get the explosion on the intended targets in teamfight, and I tend to only detonate my ult early if I know the fight will move (and I'll need the cd as soon as possible for another one) or if it will allow a kill on a key target, as part of a burst combo. Otherwise I really try to keep it up as long as needed/useful, leading to most non-diving opponents to get out of it at some point. Then again, it's very possible I'm just failing at using the ult's potential and positioning it correctly to protect while maintaining enemy ranged into its AoE. | ||
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