You never get FoN on veigar ever. FoN is for people who have lots of health and want MR as well. For squishy people your MR item of choice should be banshees since it gives extra health or QSS if its really the cc killing you. Chalice is not the best item but its what I usually end up going vs people like leblanc, combined with 21/9/0. You still need hp pots. I say to baleful the minions farther away from you because your baleful has a higher range than your AA. Good players want to harass you anytime they have a chance so dont let them get a range advantage by you overextending trying to AA a minion. Honestly, q farming is overrated too. Too many veigars think that they will win the game by q farming. Veigar is not nasus. Better farming in general will help you win because of the gold advantage, but using q to zone your opponent is something I just don't see many veigars do. Smartcasting is also a must on veigar because your nuke has to be done in the least time possible, I have had leblancs dash to me to get QR combos off and smartcast q r kills her as she dashes back, have to be fast.
[Champion] Veigar - Page 12
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United States176 Posts
You never get FoN on veigar ever. FoN is for people who have lots of health and want MR as well. For squishy people your MR item of choice should be banshees since it gives extra health or QSS if its really the cc killing you. Chalice is not the best item but its what I usually end up going vs people like leblanc, combined with 21/9/0. You still need hp pots. I say to baleful the minions farther away from you because your baleful has a higher range than your AA. Good players want to harass you anytime they have a chance so dont let them get a range advantage by you overextending trying to AA a minion. Honestly, q farming is overrated too. Too many veigars think that they will win the game by q farming. Veigar is not nasus. Better farming in general will help you win because of the gold advantage, but using q to zone your opponent is something I just don't see many veigars do. Smartcasting is also a must on veigar because your nuke has to be done in the least time possible, I have had leblancs dash to me to get QR combos off and smartcast q r kills her as she dashes back, have to be fast. | ||
United States5348 Posts
On December 06 2011 05:29 Mogwai wrote: I find the more interesting way to look at it as like, say your ult does 200 damage at level 1 with 0.8 AP scaling. If you have havoc, it will be better than a point in mental force even at 0 AP and only 1 level of the skill. I guess I'm just saying mental force is bad and havoc is typically worth more than it on spells. so, i guess if you're getting the + minion dmg, then drop some points from mental force to put into havoc. RE: dfg vs dcap, i think one of the bigger factors is that you have 3 damaging spells, 2 of which are on fairly high CD, and one of which is pretty dependent on your stun, which is also fairly high cd, so having a 4th nuke is very valuable. I feel that he's a high-cooldown combo champion, and therefore would benefit much more from an increase in dmg for a single unload, which dfg provides, compared to increased dmg over a longer period of time. Anyways, that's just my take on it. | ||
Canada690 Posts
You want DFG over Deathcap because it gives you more burst damage, and lets you threaten kills even on full hp champions for the rest of the game. In fact, I don't even buy Deathcap in 30% of my Veigar games. As long as you can kill a squishy in one combo, that's all you need. Other than Doran -> DFG, I've also had success with my Fake Locket build. Philo -> Doran -> Revolver -> Pick for infinite HP/MP =] | ||
United States9316 Posts
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Carnivorous Sheep
Baa?21242 Posts
On December 18 2011 03:06 Yiruru wrote: In fact, I don't even buy Deathcap in 30% of my Veigar games. As long as you can kill a squishy in one combo, that's all you need. ^This this this a million times this. More people need to realize this. Yes, Deathcap is the best AP item in the game. HOWEVER, the goal of an AP carry is not to run around with the most AP possible, the role is to threaten KILLs. Having a Deathcap is irrelevant if people know you're useless after you blow your combo and they're at 40 percent health, and laugh at you as you spent 3600 on an "useless" item. The reason you get Deathcap is to get more damage, but if you don't NEED the extra damage, why bother? | ||
United States17713 Posts
On December 18 2011 07:16 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: ^This this this a million times this. More people need to realize this. Yes, Deathcap is the best AP item in the game. HOWEVER, the goal of an AP carry is not to run around with the most AP possible, the role is to threaten KILLs. Having a Deathcap is irrelevant if people know you're useless after you blow your combo and they're at 40 percent health, and laugh at you as you spent 3600 on an "useless" item. The reason you get Deathcap is to get more damage, but if you don't NEED the extra damage, why bother? I always go for lich bane with veigar and so deathcap is much more effective for that situation. ![]() | ||
Carnivorous Sheep
Baa?21242 Posts
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United States20254 Posts
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United States4789 Posts
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United States17713 Posts
On December 18 2011 07:23 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: Lich Bane is terrible on Veigar ;d Super expensive, and gives you a passive that puts you in position to die while using it. You're also building no armor pen so the damage is diminished. I read this as: Lich bane is awesome on veigar, a little expensive but gives you a passive that lets you escape danger easier. They're also building magic Resist against you so otherwise your damage is diminished. | ||
United States9316 Posts
On December 18 2011 08:28 PrinceXizor wrote: I read this as: Lich bane is awesome on veigar, a little expensive but gives you a passive that lets you escape danger easier. They're also building magic Resist against you so otherwise your damage is diminished. I read that as you have no clue what you're talking about and don't understand the game at all. =) Lich bane is horrible on burst casters. Only good on champs like akali, sion, TF, etc who actually benefit from the proc due to their kits/roles. | ||
United States5348 Posts
On December 18 2011 08:28 PrinceXizor wrote: I read this as: Lich bane is awesome on veigar, a little expensive but gives you a passive that lets you escape danger easier. They're also building magic Resist against you so otherwise your damage is diminished. lichbane is a maybe as a semi - lulz 6th item. how does it help you escape danger? not to mention, they're not going to exclusively build mres JUST because enemy team has a veigar, typically mr and armor are balanced, and while it's really easy to itemize for mpen (hint voidstaff) it's hard as fuck to itemize for apen as a caster, which means your magic dmg is going to do an arseload more than any physical dmg you deal. It's the same idea as Last Whisper vs Bloodrazor on AD carries, to somehow 'try' to counter armor with bloodrazor procs, which is just dumb. edit: typo | ||
United States760 Posts
On December 17 2011 14:31 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: That build means you do no damage and are basically worthless ;\ I stay even or ahead from farming AP. I have longer sustain on the field. Works for me. Doesn't have to work for you. | ||
United States9316 Posts
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Australia3091 Posts
Just got excited and wanted to brag about it. To any Veigar experts, once I got all the items I usually get, I didn't know what to spend my money on, so I ended up stacking deathcaps as you can see. Is there something better I could've poured my gold into? ![]() | ||
75 Posts
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Carnivorous Sheep
Baa?21242 Posts
Core (4): DFG, Void Staff, Deathcap, Merc Treads Choose 2: Hourglass, QSS, Banshee Veil, Guardian Angel (roughly in order of prevalence, though obviously depends on situation each game) Order of importance: Red Pot, Oracles, Blue Pot, Green Pot(lol) With masteries/Blue/DFG, you should be max CDR anyways, and Blue pot adds minimal additional AP to what should be massive AP in the full item situation we're describing here. Earlier in the game usually Blue Pot is preferable, but again, depends. End game 200 HP > 40 AP for Veigar tbh. Oracles is good if you're maxed, relieves some burden for Support so they can build aura items. | ||
Australia3091 Posts
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Germany2819 Posts
Also, I am a bit confused about the deathcap situation. On December 18 2011 07:16 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: ^This this this a million times this. More people need to realize this. Yes, Deathcap is the best AP item in the game. HOWEVER, the goal of an AP carry is not to run around with the most AP possible, the role is to threaten KILLs. Having a Deathcap is irrelevant if people know you're useless after you blow your combo and they're at 40 percent health, and laugh at you as you spent 3600 on an "useless" item. The reason you get Deathcap is to get more damage, but if you don't NEED the extra damage, why bother? I don't get the bolded part. Please clarify for me. ![]() Moreover, any tips on positioning in 5v5 teamfights in order to get the stun off and not get jumped by Pantheon, Xin Zhao, Lee Sin and the likes? Thanks! | ||
Carnivorous Sheep
Baa?21242 Posts
If anything you get Sorcs early game and then sell for Mercs, you never gets Mercs then sell for Sorcs. Well, i never do anyways @@ Spellblade is a very cost inefficient item, and also slot inefficient since you're going to be limited by slots later on anyways. Don't really like the item. Mercs give more tenacity anyways and the added bonus of some MR. Spellblade is probably one of the worst items in the game lol. | ||
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