[Champion] Swain - Page 9
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New Zealand4445 Posts
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Carnivorous Sheep
Baa?21242 Posts
Put in chalice earlier if you really need the MR, otherwise finish RoA ASAP since it's time sensitive. Always cawcawcaw never not cawcawcaw. | ||
France45622 Posts
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United States3977 Posts
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297 Posts
RoA/Abby/FH is my favored build. | ||
766 Posts
Is there a build I could do that lets him tank the entire enemy team, and regain health constantly enough to the point where you never die? And enough mana to let him do this for a long time? | ||
Canada10660 Posts
On May 30 2012 11:28 GhostOwl wrote: Would spirit visage (or whatever its called) increased healing % help Swain? Is there a build I could do that lets him tank the entire enemy team, and regain health constantly enough to the point where you never die? And enough mana to let him do this for a long time? Aside from just being really really fed and the other team not having Ignite? No, that would be broken as all hell. That being said something to the effect of Zhonya's, Abyssal, Athenes, RoA, Ninja Tabis/Mercs, and Deathcap would make you tanky as balls, hit like a truck, and solve most of your mana issues. | ||
France45622 Posts
Thanks Tooplark btw. | ||
United States3977 Posts
If you want to maximize tankiness, Spirit Visage, WotA, and efficient armor/mr items are the way to go. This has problems, however, in that you don't really contribute much to teamfights except for however much damage you absorb, and you aren't threatening enough to be the target of much damage. Balancing tankiness with AP is the most challenging part to playing Swain. Zhonya's Hourglass lets you go much heavier on the AP, and is core in any AP-centric build. RoA is an extremely efficient combination of stats and should be purchased as early as possible on a tankier Swain. | ||
Australia648 Posts
Not sure... | ||
Carnivorous Sheep
Baa?21242 Posts
On July 26 2012 12:14 Skithiryx wrote: So went through a few pages and didn't see much on it, but I'm wondering on the merit of 3 Spellvamp quints in place of flat AP, 15 ap v 6% spellvamp given swains slightly lower ratios would seem to always work out in the Spellvamps favour no? Not sure... ? Swain's ratios are actually extremely high, they're just all DOT. Ignoring the E amplification, he has .9 Q .7 W .8 E and .6 R With E he has 1/close to 1 ratios on three of his skills, and his ult is 3 birds every second... | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On July 26 2012 15:05 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: ? Swain's ratios are actually extremely high, they're just all DOT. Ignoring the E amplification, he has .9 Q .7 W .8 E and .6 R With E he has 1/close to 1 ratios on three of his skills, and his ult is 3 birds every second... Don't forget long cooldown. | ||
Carnivorous Sheep
Baa?21242 Posts
That is a detriment to spellvamp then just as much as AP so I don't really see the relevance..? | ||
United States12679 Posts
I tried him the other day and I went RoA->Abyssal. Then Zhonyas, Grail. Was thinking about working towards either dcap or void staff as last item (it was a 50+ minute game). I did okay, but laning was a pain against Morg since she could push me to tower and roam, while I struggled to clear creep 'til 6. I went R>E>W>Q. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On July 26 2012 15:09 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: That is a detriment to spellvamp then just as much as AP so I don't really see the relevance..? Of course that's important. That's like asking why not use spellvamp quaints on LeBlanc. | ||
Carnivorous Sheep
Baa?21242 Posts
On July 26 2012 15:10 Ryuu314 wrote: Just wondering, is spellvamp a good item on Swain? I know his Q+E are full spellvamp and his W is reduced spellvamp. How about his R? I tried him the other day and I went RoA->Abyssal. Then Zhonyas, Grail. Was thinking about working towards either dcap or void staff as last item (it was a 50+ minute game). I did okay, but laning was a pain against Morg since she could push me to tower and roam, while I struggled to clear creep 'til 6. I went R>E>W>Q. His ult is considered AOE for spell vamp and Rylai purposes. Spell vamp is cute and fun to screw around with but honestly you get more mileage out of just building hp and resists alongside your ap. I'm not really a fan of spell vamp on him, especially after wota got nerfed. You're just paying a lot for very little benefit compared to what you're giving up. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On July 26 2012 15:10 Ryuu314 wrote: Just wondering, is spellvamp a good item on Swain? I know his Q+E are full spellvamp and his W is reduced spellvamp. How about his R? I tried him the other day and I went RoA->Abyssal. Then Zhonyas, Grail. Was thinking about working towards either dcap or void staff as last item (it was a 50+ minute game). I did okay, but laning was a pain against Morg since she could push me to tower and roam, while I struggled to clear creep 'til 6. I went R>E>W>Q. Actually, his Q/E both have reduced spellvamp because they are DoT. In fact, all of his spells have diminishing returns with spellvamp. | ||
United States12679 Posts
On July 26 2012 15:25 Sufficiency wrote: Actually, his Q/E both have reduced spellvamp because they are DoT. In fact, all of his spells have diminishing returns with spellvamp. eh? wiki says the exact opposite. Damage over time abilities (DoT) apply full spell vamp. (e.g. Brand's Blaze and Malzahar's Malefic Visions). http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Spell_vamp | ||
Carnivorous Sheep
Baa?21242 Posts
On July 26 2012 15:17 Sufficiency wrote: Of course that's important. That's like asking why not use spellvamp quaints on LeBlanc. The argument was "low ap ratios therefore spell vamp > ap," i say "ap ratios are high" and you counter with "ya but long cooldowns;" that adversely affects spellvamp just as much as ap ratios, so i don't see the relevance. Also DOT single target spells 100% apply full spell vamp... | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On July 26 2012 15:29 Ryuu314 wrote: eh? wiki says the exact opposite. http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Spell_vamp Ugh. For the whole time I thought it was reduced =\. I blame the wording on the wiki. http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Swain_the_Master_Tactician/Ability_Details Decrepify procs spell vamp and Rylai's slow similarly with all damage over time spells and abilities with diminished effect. On July 26 2012 15:32 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: The argument was "low ap ratios therefore spell vamp > ap," i say "ap ratios are high" and you counter with "ya but long cooldowns;" that adversely affects spellvamp just as much as ap ratios, so i don't see the relevance. Also DOT single target spells 100% apply full spell vamp... Spellvamp's effectiveness has to do with DPS. AP ratio plays a part in this, but cooldown also needs to be considered. | ||
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