Welcome to this patch's General Discussion thread for the League of Legends subforum. This thread is for discussion around League of Legends. Free feel to talk about anything LoL related here that does not already have its own thread.
So we have male Vi now, I like it, I might try it, he is my type of champion, although I dont really like this new champions stacking and he also looks way too generic, like lets add a champion for the sake of adding a champion and earning some profits out of him
Anyway, I was looking at PBE changes and saw the support item tweaks and I noticed that for the AD lines, targon line finishes with 300 health + 24 damage, while the spellthief line finishes with 100 health + 25 damage, so I was wondering why would anyone ever take the spellthief line, especially, when both cap at 1200 gold and even if you can stack the spellthief faster, does it really matter?
The boxer in me both loves his passive and hate his auto animations. Although given that his W is literally called hatmaker I guess he wasn't meant to be a technically clean fighter.
His Q is an auto reset. With ApQp-Hydra-Ap you get off 7.45 autos in under half a second. Seems legit. Makes a guy want to build like IE+ER+SR+Shiv+RH and one shot a full hp Mundo.
By my calculations that combo would be 5841 + 18.3% max HP physical damage and 240 magic damage on that combo, both before mitigation of course, but like... Damn. Give him a fighting chance and add R+E+W, he's at 1244 true + 240 magic + (6894 + 18.3% max HP + 60% bonus HP)
Say our Mundo has Warmogs + SV + Randuins + DMP + Sunfire. That'd give him 285.5 armor, 108.8 magic resist and 4595.5 HP. So he'd mitigate 74% of Setts Phys damage, which would be 9235 for 2401 dealt. Add the ~120 magic damage and 1244 true, add 15% for cut down and you're only at around 4330 damage. Unlucky. No full item Mundo one shots; Conquerer + sudden impact and / or poor Mundo ability timing maybe gets you there.
On December 13 2019 06:22 Slusher wrote: With a name like Sett I was expecting him to be a relative of Renekton and Nasus, actually kinda disappointed. His character design is super vanilla.
as much as riot are creative with new champions kits, they are quite linear in terms of species/models, all champions are either human or very humanoid
Magic has had the same topic come up, where people were complaining about too many humanoids (granted, from the way it was worded, after people kept asking and trying alternate wordings, it became pretty obvious that it was other-kins, which are a very small minority). The face of the game design-wise straight up said, in several instances and in response to different wordings, that no, giving people "non-human" planeswalkers (the main characters of the game PR-wise) pretty much means elves and minotaurs and devils, but even stuff like a centaur would sell a lot less and something non-humanoid would have very little appeal.
He very patiently tried to tell them "you're not even 2% of our sales and if we produce furry characters it'll decrease them with a non-negligible portion of the other 98%, so we won't go further than a human with a lion's head" without stating it outright.
Did new Diana lose a lot of damage or am I just too used to playing against 12/0 Dianas?
Sett feel so clunky to play early but so insanely smooth to play when he got Triforce and a Hydra item. His W allow for some pretty hilarious early dives.
Her ult (old E) does damage now which is equal to slightly less than hitting her old ult(damage) twice, but more if you hit two or more targets with it. However the damage is delayed and can be flashed even if hit with the succ.
W lost half it’s ratio
And e, the damage was reworked to be a normal ability with 2 sides on one hand is “free damage” in that it’s just damage that didn’t exist before, but if you take into consideration her ultimate has a real cool down now she lost a ton of damage . Furthermore it compares very unfavorable to LeBlanc Q, which I will argue has similar functionality but less commital. LB=55-155 And Diana = 40-120 both .4 ratio for one “half” of the ability.
I’ve checked some vods for S Diana 2, a known na one trick, and I came away with the impression the champ sucks. But I’ve heard she’s being experimented on with Tanky so builds in Korea but haven’t looked at it yet not sure if they are just testing or think it’s good.
Edit: I missed something, ult ratio is the same, therefore halved, so while base damage was compensated, scaling was not.
I say this as someone who has only seen his Champion Spotlight and hasn't played with or against him yet, but what's the point of Aphelios? Does he fill an adc 'role' that other champions don't? For example Cait/Trist are siege champs, Vayne/Kog/Twitch are hyper carries, Lucian is an early game skirmisher type, Corki has his hybrid damage, etc.
Nothing about his kit seems to show me why someone would pick Aphelios over anyone else, contrast that to most new champions that at least in my opinion are immediately identifiable as what their niche is. I should mention I mean specifically in pro play, obviously if the champ is fun he'll see play in soloQ
On December 14 2019 07:11 chipmonklord17 wrote: I say this as someone who has only seen his Champion Spotlight and hasn't played with or against him yet, but what's the point of Aphelios? Does he fill an adc 'role' that other champions don't? For example Cait/Trist are siege champs, Vayne/Kog/Twitch are hyper carries, Lucian is an early game skirmisher type, Corki has his hybrid damage, etc.
Nothing about his kit seems to show me why someone would pick Aphelios over anyone else, contrast that to most new champions that at least in my opinion are immediately identifiable as what their niche is. I should mention I mean specifically in pro play, obviously if the champ is fun he'll see play in soloQ
I also dont see why he would be picked in pro play unless he is just OP, perhaps he might provide some flexibility in a way that he can kind of do everything, just not consistently, something like a more controlable gnar
Does anyone knows how the tiers in clash work? I have two teams, one is G3,G3,P4,P4,P2 and its Tier 4 and the other is: G3, G3, D4, P1, P1 and its Tier 1
Somehow I cant see how the difference between these two teams is the highest and the lowest tier?
p.s none of the people has a inflated or deflated mmr
On December 14 2019 07:11 chipmonklord17 wrote: I say this as someone who has only seen his Champion Spotlight and hasn't played with or against him yet, but what's the point of Aphelios? Does he fill an adc 'role' that other champions don't? For example Cait/Trist are siege champs, Vayne/Kog/Twitch are hyper carries, Lucian is an early game skirmisher type, Corki has his hybrid damage, etc.
Nothing about his kit seems to show me why someone would pick Aphelios over anyone else, contrast that to most new champions that at least in my opinion are immediately identifiable as what their niche is. I should mention I mean specifically in pro play, obviously if the champ is fun he'll see play in soloQ
What about bottom carries like Jhin or Varus? I don't know how to describe their niches, but they're both viable competetively
On December 14 2019 07:11 chipmonklord17 wrote: I say this as someone who has only seen his Champion Spotlight and hasn't played with or against him yet, but what's the point of Aphelios? Does he fill an adc 'role' that other champions don't? For example Cait/Trist are siege champs, Vayne/Kog/Twitch are hyper carries, Lucian is an early game skirmisher type, Corki has his hybrid damage, etc.
Nothing about his kit seems to show me why someone would pick Aphelios over anyone else, contrast that to most new champions that at least in my opinion are immediately identifiable as what their niche is. I should mention I mean specifically in pro play, obviously if the champ is fun he'll see play in soloQ
What about bottom carries like Jhin or Varus? I don't know how to describe their niches, but they're both viable competetively
Depending on the meta both are Lethality/Poke champs. I guess my point overall wasn't to describe every adc and put them in a bucket, it was that I don't see Aphelios fitting into any bucket that currently exists, but I also don't see what new bucket he makes. I contrast this to the releases of Pyke and Qiyana. On release Pyke was obviously a "new bucket" and was obviously an AD support. It was very easy to understand from his Kit what he was doing. Qiyana from her kit was obviously not making a "new bucket" and was very clearly in the assassins bucket.
I just don't see why Aphelios exists. What does he do that makes me choose him, from a professional standpoint.
On December 15 2019 04:30 M2 wrote: Does anyone knows how the tiers in clash work? I have two teams, one is G3,G3,P4,P4,P2 and its Tier 4 and the other is: G3, G3, D4, P1, P1 and its Tier 1
Somehow I cant see how the difference between these two teams is the highest and the lowest tier?
p.s none of the people has a inflated or deflated mmr
It’s 100% based off the highest mmr player, you can have 4 bronze and 1 challenger and you’re in the hardest bracket
On December 14 2019 03:30 Slusher wrote: Her ult (old E) does damage now which is equal to slightly less than hitting her old ult(damage) twice, but more if you hit two or more targets with it. However the damage is delayed and can be flashed even if hit with the succ.
W lost half it’s ratio
And e, the damage was reworked to be a normal ability with 2 sides on one hand is “free damage” in that it’s just damage that didn’t exist before, but if you take into consideration her ultimate has a real cool down now she lost a ton of damage . Furthermore it compares very unfavorable to LeBlanc Q, which I will argue has similar functionality but less commital. LB=55-155 And Diana = 40-120 both .4 ratio for one “half” of the ability.
I’ve checked some vods for S Diana 2, a known na one trick, and I came away with the impression the champ sucks. But I’ve heard she’s being experimented on with Tanky so builds in Korea but haven’t looked at it yet not sure if they are just testing or think it’s good.
Edit: I missed something, ult ratio is the same, therefore halved, so while base damage was compensated, scaling was not.
I have watched Noway play her a few times, and he had more success with full burst masteries, but the sample size is too small for me to tell if she's strong. She can still blow people up, but it was very obvious that her late game damage has been nerfed, and her damage sometimes looks very wonky, her combo has time gaps in between resulting in her either blowing someone up or they escape with most of their HP.