The tree's W only lacks (slightly) in terms of base damage. However, it is also a gap closer plus it has a fairly short cooldown.
[Patch 4.14] Gnar General Discussion - Page 6
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Canada23833 Posts
The tree's W only lacks (slightly) in terms of base damage. However, it is also a gap closer plus it has a fairly short cooldown. | ||
10417 Posts
Both Talon and Tryndamere mid are underrated as counterpicks to many mages. Fiora is still insane top in pretty much any matchup and I've been playing with a d1 who mains Rumble mid, which I think is really strong right now too. If Maokai gets through for some weird reason, Shyvana actually crushes him by just rushing Visage -> BotRK. Vayne/Trist/Kog are really strong right now and all generally better picks than Lucian, but they're support-dependent. Sona is a good pick right now and can really let your hypercarries farm or bully in matchups that they used to lose, and Janna's stronger than she might seem. Miss Fortune is a sleeper pick against any lane that doesn't have Sona in it. Strongest jungles at the moment imo are Jarvan, Amumu, Elise, and Eve, but the jungle doesn't have any standouts as far as I'm concerned because Lee/WW/Nunu/Fid are all very strong situational picks. On August 13 2014 12:20 GhandiEAGLE wrote: 5hit I just noticed youre in the same Diamond 2 as a close friend of mine and I laughed absurdly hard. The games are starting to actually get hard. I lost lane for the first time since like d5 on MF. I think Sona players being on the rise makes MF a little less dominant in lane. Going to try reverting to Q max against Sona supports because the sustain/shield is really strong against E max. In other news, I'm aiming to be the #1 MF worldwide on Lolskill. Currently rank 281, might go up when it updates today! [didn't wanna double post] | ||
Australia2470 Posts
On August 13 2014 11:59 JimmiC wrote: I really don't understand your logic, if the patch is the problem then why complain about it before it goes live? And then if it's still bad and not necessary complain about it. Because the ult nerf alone may be enough to tone him down. Or alternatively maybe go through with the W nerf (as 5hit pointed out it is super strong, I didn't realise that) and look at the ult next patch. Overall this is just another example of why Riot should really think before they bring such huge changes into the game this close to worlds. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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Bearded Elder29903 Posts
Fizz, because people on my level seem to feed him a lot, as he mostly win his lane and roams 24/7 and people keep feeding him enormous amount of kills. Morgana, because being hit with that Q root hurts a lot and her ult is annoying to deal with. Yasuo, because he's Yasuo. Braum because his passive is one annoying piece of crap to deal with in teamfights. Eve, because I hate stealth champions and people won't buy pink wards to prevent ganks. Also I used to ban Jax but I don't anymore as there are more important champs to be banned. | ||
United States12679 Posts
On August 13 2014 16:02 krndandaman wrote: trist, braum, alistar, yasuo, lee, mao alistar is so fuckin broken atm. also isn't sona good for mf? I remember sona being my favorite support to play with when playing mf i think alistar's very strong, but personally don't think he's broken. You can counter pick him pretty easily. I've had a really hard time against Nid and a well-played Maokai. Nasus also "wins" that matchup really hard since Ali can't really bully Nasus out of lane and Nasus effectively gets free farm and free Q stacking in that matchup. Although I will say it's kinda hilarious how many champs are quickly surging up to top tier status with simple mana cost reductions. Mao got (mostly) mana cost reductions and is now a must pick/ban. Alistar appears to be going down the same road. Just goes to show how important gating is. RE: Bans, Jax is also a lot easier to shut down now too after the hp nerfs. He can't afford to just go Triforce+Bork every game and be ok. He has to fit in an earlier defensive item, which is also a bit tricky since all the defensive items got nerfed. | ||
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
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Australia1825 Posts
My bans: Generally I ban Yasuo, Braum and Eve. They all make the game less fun due to the nature of their kits. Sometimes I throw in random bans like Caitlyn to mess with people. | ||
United States12679 Posts
On August 13 2014 16:39 739 wrote: If it comes to Alistar, in my recent games, if enemy team is picking Alistar top, some guy from my team insta locks Vlad. Last game our Vlad rekt Ali top pretty hard and I think it should work pretty well, to be honest. oh yea, I got completely wrecked by a Vlad as a Alistar, too. It's disgusting. Vlad's sustain early on isn't great, but it's more than enough for Alistar's sparse harass. By the time Ali gets a Sheen/enough AP to really harass Vlad, Vlad should have revolver plus enough levels to sustain through everything. Plus he's ranged. Although I do think any Alistar matchup is winnable for the Alistar if he gets good jungle support. Ali has one of the best gank assist in the game. | ||
United Kingdom50293 Posts
Full metal/mecha yasuo screenshots are out, looks sick (Also essence reaver down 200g literally essence reaver meta!?) | ||
France45622 Posts
Braum, Tristana unless someone asks for it (and isn't 5th pick >>), Maokai/Alistar (as said, depends but they'd prob end up there), Kassadin, and whatever low skill floor passive pick gets popular (like Gragas, I tend to ban Ziggs whenever I have a ban available to). 5HIT was saying he has trouble against Sona as MF. | ||
Sweden5302 Posts
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Australia18228 Posts
On August 13 2014 16:36 Ryuu314 wrote: Although I will say it's kinda hilarious how many champs are quickly surging up to top tier status with simple mana cost reductions. Mao got (mostly) mana cost reductions and is now a must pick/ban. Alistar appears to be going down the same road. Just goes to show how important gating is. Ahri's getting popular again as well. I started to ignore Yasuo because I thought they nerfed Q CD to 1.6s but they only changed min cast time >_> Probably gonna start banning him again | ||
Sweden5302 Posts
On August 13 2014 16:16 739 wrote: What am I banning? Fizz, because people on my level seem to feed him a lot, as he mostly win his lane and roams 24/7 and people keep feeding him enormous amount of kills. Fizz is permaban status for me. There's a reason he always wins lane and always roams and always gets enormous amounts of kills. It's because his kit is retarded. | ||
France45622 Posts
On August 13 2014 17:33 Osmoses wrote: I can't wait for Gnar to go live and immediately recieve permaban status. I've watched streamers play him and the kit on this champ is just ridiculous. Without a doubt the most ridiculously OP (on paper) release since lee sin. All for the very simple reason that they neglected to give him a mana bar. As it is now, there is no reason to not throw your cross-screen boomerang, all the time. Every second it's not flying is wasted. It's like a nidalee that never stops chucking spears. Won't you just transform super fast if you do this? Also free skillshots to the face, Draven style. | ||
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On August 13 2014 17:36 Osmoses wrote: Fizz is permaban status for me. There's a reason he always wins lane and always roams and always gets enormous amounts of kills. It's because his kit is retarded. I'd ban fizz but denying my team yasuo takes priority. How do these solo queue yasuos always get solo killed I ain't even mad I'm impressed at some of the shit a solo queue yasuo can do. My favourite was a yasuo jerking himself off to getting the yasuo vs lux match up, dies 3 times in 5 minutes which in itself is impressive and then on the 4th death he doesn't windwall the binding or E follow up and instead waits for the ult which isn't stopped by windwall, it was at that point did I realise I was going to lose even though our ryze was wrecking face at top lane. | ||
Sweden5302 Posts
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France45622 Posts
Although I forgot that he got a MS buff upon transforming back to still be able to run away... I don't think I've seen more than 2, maybe 3 good Yasuo. The vast majority simply lost before he became relevant, and amongst the others there were the cases where the game went late and their mechanics didn't matter as he did so much dps he only needed to have a good synergy pick and press R to do his job, and the cases where he got ahead due to stuff like counterganks and spamming E mindlessly on an incoming wave to catch up to someone moreso than actual decision-making, reaching his items earlier. I'm not saying Yasuo is the kind of mindless spambot with a cellar for a skillfloor like Riven (Wind Wall still super annoying in terms of safety/fallback), only that I haven't encountered many players actually good at him. Typing that it reminds me of release Zed, who had room for a lot of cool stuff but a very low skillfloor so most players only facerolled and he seemed bland as a consequence (the change to his ult's shadow helped a lot change that). | ||
United States3106 Posts
Also, has Kass finally fallen off permaban status? I want to say no, but I'm not so sure. | ||
Australia1541 Posts
yeah i think ill just read reddit to see the results of this. | ||
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