Thresh is fine where he is. He only gets tanky if, and granted that does happen alot because he's Thresh, gets ahead (just like Leona btw) But in pro play, where it can be alot more even for a longer time, he's just as squishy as any support and has to play that more with consideration because if he goes in or does something out of position he just gets blown up. I think Sona has a really good kit aswell, she gives perma passive stats to her team, can give a strong movement speed slow or damage reduction, great aoe stun. Ofcourse it's less obvious than what a Thresh does, but that doesn't mean it can't be as impactful.
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
BTW how long exactly does regular ranked season lasts? Average, let's say?
On June 23 2014 22:42 739 wrote: BTW how long exactly does regular ranked season lasts? Average, let's say?
After worlds we'll most likely hear when it comes to an end. Most likely some time in Nov.
He didn't say much about Darius.
Darius was pretty strong on release. I think he was poorly designed tbh. If you did the right damage with Ult he would be able to snowball by having ult for the next duel.
He got weaker from the ult nerfs but also a stealth change to his E. It used to be way harder to dodge.
I think he's still playable and in no need for a rework though.
Meteos playing full tank gragas w/ frozen fist top. the amount of damage it does is pretty unreal
Who whould have thought that slapping spammable %maxHP on a champion with a (spammable too) dash with stun/knock-back included for chase potential would work out well. (Kass can do mostly the same thing off of W's and Es ratios and cooldowns.)
On June 23 2014 22:41 Uldridge wrote: Thresh is fine where he is. He only gets tanky if, and granted that does happen alot because he's Thresh, gets ahead (just like Leona btw) But in pro play, where it can be alot more even for a longer time, he's just as squishy as any support and has to play that more with consideration because if he goes in or does something out of position he just gets blown up. I think Sona has a really good kit aswell, she gives perma passive stats to her team, can give a strong movement speed slow or damage reduction, great aoe stun. Ofcourse it's less obvious than what a Thresh does, but that doesn't mean it can't be as impactful. Well, I mean, if YOU say he is fine, I'm sold. I'll just forget the last 12 months of competitive play, with a special emphasis on forgetting ogn spring and masters.
Thresh is definitely not fine. His W by itself is so good that there should be significant trade offs... which he has none.
On June 23 2014 23:38 cLutZ wrote:Show nested quote +On June 23 2014 22:41 Uldridge wrote: Thresh is fine where he is. He only gets tanky if, and granted that does happen alot because he's Thresh, gets ahead (just like Leona btw) But in pro play, where it can be alot more even for a longer time, he's just as squishy as any support and has to play that more with consideration because if he goes in or does something out of position he just gets blown up. I think Sona has a really good kit aswell, she gives perma passive stats to her team, can give a strong movement speed slow or damage reduction, great aoe stun. Ofcourse it's less obvious than what a Thresh does, but that doesn't mean it can't be as impactful. Well, I mean, if YOU say he is fine, I'm sold. I'll just forget the last 12 months of competitive play, with a special emphasis on forgetting ogn spring and masters. shouldn't that just mean that other supports should be brought to his level and not he get nerfed so the next OP takes over in his stead.
i'm not even sure who the next op is in the support line after thresh like is it braum?
I don't really see the problem with Thresh. He is not a support I fear in any way whatsoever. Braum on the other hand is still stupidly overpowered.
On June 23 2014 23:46 PrinceXizor wrote:Show nested quote +On June 23 2014 23:38 cLutZ wrote:On June 23 2014 22:41 Uldridge wrote: Thresh is fine where he is. He only gets tanky if, and granted that does happen alot because he's Thresh, gets ahead (just like Leona btw) But in pro play, where it can be alot more even for a longer time, he's just as squishy as any support and has to play that more with consideration because if he goes in or does something out of position he just gets blown up. I think Sona has a really good kit aswell, she gives perma passive stats to her team, can give a strong movement speed slow or damage reduction, great aoe stun. Ofcourse it's less obvious than what a Thresh does, but that doesn't mean it can't be as impactful. Well, I mean, if YOU say he is fine, I'm sold. I'll just forget the last 12 months of competitive play, with a special emphasis on forgetting ogn spring and masters. shouldn't that just mean that other supports should be brought to his level and not he get nerfed so the next OP takes over in his stead.
Clearly you haven't been paying attention to what riot does with every single "OP" champ.
Morgana isn't OP though. She's simply used as a counterpick and because in the current state of the game most initiation relies on picks made using single-target cc skillshots that she can prevent (also casual Black Shield reduces damage from Ziggs, LB and Nidalee poke).
She's fine, because she's got a niche, and clear advantageous/losing match-ups for the laning stage as well a compositions she does well or bad against. Get me a Wukong/Orianna/Lucian/Leona/Shyvana comp and Morgana will be sad. Replace it with a Vi/TF/Caitlyn/Thresh/Renekton comp and she'll be much happier.
I'd rather supports have better defined strengths and weaknesses, because apart from shoving and poking I don't think there's a single area where Braum and Thresh don't do well for example (and shoving, for Braum, but starting at level 1 he's got really good pressure). Make Thresh innately squishier, slightly increase the cooldown on Braum's W or something, give them trade-offs. Meanwhile buff Janna, etc. Alistar and Soraka could use some love too but since Riot plan on reworking their heals they probably don't want to touch them.
Allowing tanky junglers to prospere is also one of the two critical points in the game currently, along with addressing the passivity brought by the buffs to Heal and Exhaust. Being able to get your initiator/main frontliner out of the jungle opens up a lot of compositions because you don't require your off laner to fulfill that role (even though right now Kayle can kinda circumvent this thanks to her ult), or to run poke comps to not need to fight. Being able to run a non-AP champion who wouldn't have to focus on tankiness in a solo lane would in turn potentially let you run an AP offlaner and something else mid (for example an AD caster, not necessarily an assassin; we see it with Yasuo but that's because his lategame is broken and his laning very solid, with his counterpicks being basically all-ins on early game snowball in the competitive scene; basically an AD Kassadin), maybe bringing back stuff like Kennen or Rumble (although I hate Rumble, I have to give him that it'd bring diversity in the current pool).
Currently popular supports like Thresh, Braum and Morgana discourage being proactive and taking risks because they provide such safety in general on top of being extremely punishing of a fuck-up and counter-initiating/denying initiation really well. On the other hand of the spectrum Vi, Lee, Elise aren't as effective at pushing through such a wall as well as the likes of Malphite, Alistar, Zac allow. Maokai would be exactly the kind of pick you'd want against Twitch or Jinx, mitigating AoE damage while providing lockdown (soon to be obsolete, Smash why do you want to turn a diver into a bodyguard T_T).
I don't want champion X to be popular, I want the viable/efficient pool to expand. The way it currently works is that it either shrinks or moves sideways, which brings some novelty which also wears out rather quickly.
Morgana would do amazing vs the wukong/orianna/lucian/leona/shyv comp wtf are you smoking?
On June 24 2014 00:01 Prog wrote: I don't really see the problem with Thresh. He is not a support I fear in any way whatsoever. Braum on the other hand is still stupidly overpowered.
No it's definitely thresh. Janna and the other hard peel/buff supports beat Braum because they ensure their carry has a way to be stronger than Braums and braum doesn't have much of a way to get to the enemy carry and help out. He should also be weak to Alistar but I haven't tested that. I think I am like 6 and 1 against Braum due to this. Braum is also weak against stacked assassins.
Morgana is beat by Karma and J4 in a way that should mitigate her power. But post lane her root does last forever which means she is always a pick threat. Her 2-0 is t that strong because there is no one to root and she doesn't bring anything to the tower push game. Her peel depends on how much magic damage the enemy team does.
But thresh lanes well against like everyone and has his OP lantern and is a pick threat. He doesn't have weaknesses in lane like every other support does.
Morgana would do amazing if protecting a single champion from all the cc gives your team an automatic victory. If the initiation kills or puts everyone else at 10% and your black shielded target can't 1v5 then I don't think it helps much (also cc'd people can't peel those who dive the protected one).
(Note that in this configuration there's more than enough magic damage to immediatly pop the BS and make sure at least 1-2 cc hit that target as well; at least until the target gets more MR and Morgana gets more levels in BS which she maxes second. The games being so passive and drawn out plays into that since most of the games is played in that context. Staving off the rampant passivity Riot and the meta introduced would ake the early/midgame more decisive and reduce the impact of BS against so much magic damage. BS's main advantages are allowing a diver to do his thing without getting peeled off when you're on the offensive, and preventing picks from one-off picks created by ability such has Dragon Rage, Cocoon, Charm, etc. not protecting from massive AoE cc.)
On June 24 2014 00:31 Alaric wrote: Morgana would do amazing if protecting a single enemy from all the cc gives your team an automatic victory. If the initiation kills or puts everyone else at 10% and your black shielded target can't 1v5 then I don't think it helps much (also cc'd people can't peel those who dive the protected one). And if your team is spread out like they should be the ults can't hit more than 2 people you would win easily by just protecting one person.She gives you pick potential,wins lane vs leona,can block up to 3 ultimates with black shield if timed well and can destroy their engage with ult/zhonya.What more can you possibly expect of a champion who doesn't farm?In fact I would go as far to say that she would be the best support against that team.Realistically not even lantern can save someone who gets knocked up cause they insta die afterwards.
There is no teamcomp in which morgana doesn't fit.
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On June 24 2014 00:14 Thermia wrote:Show nested quote +On June 23 2014 23:46 PrinceXizor wrote:On June 23 2014 23:38 cLutZ wrote:On June 23 2014 22:41 Uldridge wrote: Thresh is fine where he is. He only gets tanky if, and granted that does happen alot because he's Thresh, gets ahead (just like Leona btw) But in pro play, where it can be alot more even for a longer time, he's just as squishy as any support and has to play that more with consideration because if he goes in or does something out of position he just gets blown up. I think Sona has a really good kit aswell, she gives perma passive stats to her team, can give a strong movement speed slow or damage reduction, great aoe stun. Ofcourse it's less obvious than what a Thresh does, but that doesn't mean it can't be as impactful. Well, I mean, if YOU say he is fine, I'm sold. I'll just forget the last 12 months of competitive play, with a special emphasis on forgetting ogn spring and masters. shouldn't that just mean that other supports should be brought to his level and not he get nerfed so the next OP takes over in his stead. Clearly you haven't been paying attention to what riot does with every single "OP" champ. Every champ in general. I think so many champs have been nerfed that the old champions that used to be weak are now strong.