Alright, we're going to call it a day with all the Thorin drama, guys. I figured if it was about SI, onGamers, TSM, etc, it had some relevance to League but somehow you guys managed to devolve the discussion into an issue about race of all things.
Enough is enough. Let's move along now.
-NeoIllusions |
On June 08 2014 00:03 Slayer91 wrote:Show nested quote +On June 07 2014 23:19 Frolossus wrote: i call bullshit on the statement that pro players bash/hate 1 trick ponies
most of them were 1 trick ponies back in season 1 to begin with ill try to name some off the top of my head wickd - irelia froggen - anivia snoopeh - amumu yellowpete - kog maw diamondprox - lee/udyr later shyvana aphroo/rekkles adc mains dyrus: singed///jax tabzz: fizz shook: lee sin doublelfit: blitz yellowstar - corki older pros saint - warwick oddone - olaf? rainman: teemo hotshot: nidalee shushei; gragas candypanda/nyph played like sona/ez bot a lot a lot i cant think of because they are newer and i know less about them, i think svenskeren was a big jungle j4 player notable versatile players include chauster and xpeke who played a variety or shit and have been consistently at the top level for a long time chauster was ashe and shen xpeke was kassadin iirc reginald was shaco/ezreal chaox was ezreal xpecial was ezreal dyrus was singed/jax jiji was orianna/anivia kobe was kat then amumu oddone did maokai qtpie was mostly corki* and kog scarra was kat voyboy was akali westrice akali doublelift blitzcrank salce vlad jatt udyr
even outside of the pros and just high elo names in general had their champs.
most pros got to where they are on a few champs many many many high elo players got there season 1 with ezreal
damn..is the pic working?
Not the same powerspikes. Plus, Irelia's a lot easier to abuse a less skilled opponent with. Jax gets easier to play in the lategame (or once you hit your 3rd item basically) but Irelia's ult is a pretty big part that Jax doesn't have too (the burst healing is huge if your opponent decides to fight you with a bigger wave, kinda like Renekton doesn't mind if you both have a wave because he'll nuke yours and Q will give him a ton of fury; it also lets her shove a wave or two before an objective and grouping or something, or just to buy time while she backs if she doesn't have TP).
I realise now it took me a really, really long time to notice the power behind Irelia's ult apart from shoving (because I used it a bunch for that). You can easily start hitting an opponent when he's got wave advantage or a wave coming in just because if he bites the bait and commits on you you can ult and be almost sure to win the trade (unless he ignites you).
^ put the picture in an URL tag instead of an img one and it should work. It's huge anyway so maybe it's better if it doesn't display.
its not really about powerspikes its just about the feel of trying to chase people and get kills and stuff, dunno just feels weird on jax sort of the way i dont like playing singed even thought it sort of suits my style
Czech Republic11293 Posts
It feels weird on Jax because you don't have any games on Jax becomes really intuitive once you have 100+ of them under your belt
On June 08 2014 00:03 Slayer91 wrote:Show nested quote +On June 07 2014 23:19 Frolossus wrote: i call bullshit on the statement that pro players bash/hate 1 trick ponies
most of them were 1 trick ponies back in season 1 to begin with ill try to name some off the top of my head wickd - irelia froggen - anivia snoopeh - amumu yellowpete - kog maw diamondprox - lee/udyr later shyvana aphroo/rekkles adc mains dyrus: singed///jax tabzz: fizz shook: lee sin doublelfit: blitz yellowstar - corki older pros saint - warwick oddone - olaf? rainman: teemo hotshot: nidalee shushei; gragas candypanda/nyph played like sona/ez bot a lot a lot i cant think of because they are newer and i know less about them, i think svenskeren was a big jungle j4 player notable versatile players include chauster and xpeke who played a variety or shit and have been consistently at the top level for a long time
TOO played like nothing but Annie for a long ass time(like, all of beta and a lot of S1, I think he was still playing Annie on TT after he became a jungler main on SR). Regi and his Shaco could prob get tossed in as well(I don't know if he was known for a single champ in beta as Andy Dinh, wasn't playing then). Jatt retired quick but he was super attached to Udyr.
There were a lot of 'signature' champs at the top of the ladder in pre-S1 and early S1, dudes that would've been the pros of that era if the scene had developed in time(ScarletDoom's Karthus, Grandjudge's Singed). Old man Neo might be able to pop in and add more.
Froggen may be an anivia god. But he's hardly a one trick pony. He's got the deepest champ pool of anyone in EU and plays them a level above everyone else....
Yellowpete's kog was never that good. Clg.eu just good at stalling so eventually even zoonie couldn't fail with 60 min farmed kog in s2.
On June 08 2014 00:54 wei2coolman wrote: Froggen may be an anivia god. But he's hardly a one trick pony. He's got the deepest champ pool of anyone in EU and plays them a level above everyone else....
Yellowpete's kog was never that good. Clg.eu just good at stalling so eventually even zoonie couldn't fail with 60 min farmed kog in s2. the thing about froggen was that he got there known for anivia then he picked up ahri and ap kog later and eventually stuff like ori and continued to branch out anivia definitely defined his early career
salce was kennen but otherwise pretty accurate
and xpecial was tristana. he was like a worse locodoco pretty much.
On June 08 2014 00:58 VayneAuthority wrote: salce was kennen but otherwise pretty accurate
and xpecial was tristana. he was like a worse locodoco pretty much. salce had a 97% win rate with vlad on ladder during one season iirc definitely stood out to me
when i think of kennen i think of ego ignaxio
also lets be honest + Show Spoiler +loco is best known for fapping on stream
On June 08 2014 01:00 Frolossus wrote:Show nested quote +On June 08 2014 00:58 VayneAuthority wrote: salce was kennen but otherwise pretty accurate
and xpecial was tristana. he was like a worse locodoco pretty much. salce had a 97% win rate with vlad on ladder during one season iirc definitely stood out to me when i think of kennen i think of ego ignaxio
yea I remember that too but overall he was known for his kennen, thats what he played the most before ranked so most people know him as the guy that just played kennen all day.
oh and ill add one to the list
lilballz - udyr hahaha. the legendary bigfatjiji premade with him and those other guys.
On June 08 2014 01:03 VayneAuthority wrote:Show nested quote +On June 08 2014 01:00 Frolossus wrote:On June 08 2014 00:58 VayneAuthority wrote: salce was kennen but otherwise pretty accurate
and xpecial was tristana. he was like a worse locodoco pretty much. salce had a 97% win rate with vlad on ladder during one season iirc definitely stood out to me when i think of kennen i think of ego ignaxio yea I remember that too but overall he was known for his kennen, thats what he played the most before ranked so most people know him as the guy that just played kennen all day. oh and ill add one to the list lilballz - udyr hahaha. the legendary bigfatjiji premade with him and those other guys.
I don't see anything wrong with having a main champion or role. If you're a regular soloQ player it's great to be great at that one thing. Things get nerfed, things get buffed, but you just knowing your champ or role really well means a lot of changes and stuff don't hurt you that much.
When you're a pro or super high elo, then you need to diversify because people can target ban you out, and the shifts in meta mean you have to adapt more. Again, higher skill, changes to the game have are amplified. Look at Innox, guy's probably a soloQ god (I'm not sure) but his inability to play tanky tops handicaps his team.
On June 08 2014 00:46 Slayer91 wrote: its not really about powerspikes its just about the feel of trying to chase people and get kills and stuff, dunno just feels weird on jax sort of the way i dont like playing singed even thought it sort of suits my style Well if Irelia has Triforce she will kill a squishy after dashing to him in a teamfight, even if she gets it late because she didn't do well. A Jax who didn't get ahead or anything will def. wreck the squishy and zone him but he won't necessarily manage to kill. Hiten Style still serves burst purpose against squishy in the midgame, while Jax has some burst (Q-auto-W-ult buffed auto and the spellblade passive) but he's more about really high dps. Plus, Jax often builds BotRK first if he needs sustain or gets a hard lane (like unless I get a big early advantage vs Singed I'd rather get BotRK for sustain + the active) so they don't exactly act the same at that point.
What feels weird about chasing people for kills as Jax? I mean, that'd feel natural for Irelia? Sure he'll kill a turret faster than her if he lets the 50 HP dude run away, but apart from that I'd argue Jax chases better because you put more points in your dash early on (lower cd) and it works on wards and stuff. You're more of a brawler than an assassin though, can frontline against people. Irelia can withstand some damage if she positions for her ult to hit a bunch of enemy champs, but she can't go in like Jax can REQ to initiate by stunning multiple people and live through it.
There's also a reason Jax is sometimes called janitor Jax.
what glyphs should i buy? i only have scaling mr atm
what do you play? other good ones to have are flat mr, flat cd, flat ap off the top of my head.
On June 07 2014 22:40 Ketara wrote: How do people feel about Braum post nerfs? Does he still seem to be super strong? He's still pretty strong but u can't really just walk up to the other teams bottom lane and win a fight no matter what anymore. Paired with Lucian there is not a lane that comes close to beating them.
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
Hotshott - nidalee + CHO'GATH
On June 08 2014 01:28 ticklishmusic wrote: There's also a reason Jax is sometimes called janitor Jax. You have no idea till Bladesurge nets you a triple and you end up at 100 HP.
mostly support since its the best role i had about 30000 IP and i just spent 20K of it and swapped my seals to 5 flat hp and 4 scaling armor with an armor quint since somebody mathed that it give 10-11% EHP for the entire game.
spending that much ip feels good
should i go to 8 rune pages? it sounds obscene but 2 for 1 is tempting