On April 14 2014 05:12 SagaZ wrote:Show nested quote +On April 14 2014 04:55 iCanada wrote: I almost feel like WW clears the Wight and Golem camps faster than wolves/wraiths, I could be wrong though. I'ma go test.
EDIT: At level 3 with double buff and leveling QWW Golems take 12 seconds, wraiths 19s, Wolves, 16s, and Wight is only 10s.
I feel like his clear might not be bad, just people emphasizing wrong camps. You get a second W point at lvl 3? I tough warwick maxed Q first and E second
You clear way faster with W. Not like you lack sustain or are goping to burst a kid with jungle WW Q.
Personally WQWE, R>W>Q>E
On April 14 2014 05:12 SagaZ wrote:Show nested quote +On April 14 2014 04:55 iCanada wrote: I almost feel like WW clears the Wight and Golem camps faster than wolves/wraiths, I could be wrong though. I'ma go test.
EDIT: At level 3 with double buff and leveling QWW Golems take 12 seconds, wraiths 19s, Wolves, 16s, and Wight is only 10s.
I feel like his clear might not be bad, just people emphasizing wrong camps. You get a second W point at lvl 3? I tough warwick maxed Q first and E second
Q is 110 mana at level 5. You Q 4-5 times and you're out of mana if you don't have blue buff.
I generally go W->Q->W->E, into R>W>2nd point into Q > E > Q
I don't really see the point in maxing Q first (or even second ) if you go the wriggles route, you run out of mana way too quickly for it to be useful and more movement speed for securing kills helps a lot. Unless you're having trouble surviving and its a constant 5v5. Then I'd consider more points in q.
I'm with Zerodas though, if you doing any real fighting you want that Q to be high for the heal baits, but W definitely a better farming spell.
On April 14 2014 05:14 Alaric wrote: Pre-s2 Mundo used to build PD because of that. Can't remember their other items though, I didn't see him at that time, just that when he received the buffs that made him a good jungler people mentioned PD and that he stopped using it. (Then again troll builds on Rammus included PD for the zoom zoom effect + the fact that his passive gives him a frightening amount of AD—especially early game, the 80+ AD dude coming out of the jungle and hitting you with AS marks makes for a lot of his gank damage). PD Mundo was good for after you were fed or as a late game item on top of his +100 AD on E.
Rammus was actually pretty scary with wriggles atmogs and pd, you could taunt people into their death by critting the fuck out of them lolol
Says on the Wiki Warwicks ult automatically applies max stacks of his passive on hit, confirm deny?
On April 14 2014 06:49 arb wrote:Show nested quote +On April 14 2014 05:14 Alaric wrote: Pre-s2 Mundo used to build PD because of that. Can't remember their other items though, I didn't see him at that time, just that when he received the buffs that made him a good jungler people mentioned PD and that he stopped using it. (Then again troll builds on Rammus included PD for the zoom zoom effect + the fact that his passive gives him a frightening amount of AD—especially early game, the 80+ AD dude coming out of the jungle and hitting you with AS marks makes for a lot of his gank damage). PD Mundo was good for after you were fed or as a late game item on top of his +100 AD on E. Rammus was actually pretty scary with wriggles atmogs and pd, you could taunt people into their death by critting the fuck out of them lolol Says on the Wiki Warwicks ult automatically applies max stacks of his passive on hit, confirm deny?
Confirmed. 90% sure it also applies max stack even if QSS is used.
What AD is good to pair with Nami other than Caitlyn?
On April 14 2014 06:53 Sponkz wrote:Show nested quote +On April 14 2014 06:49 arb wrote:On April 14 2014 05:14 Alaric wrote: Pre-s2 Mundo used to build PD because of that. Can't remember their other items though, I didn't see him at that time, just that when he received the buffs that made him a good jungler people mentioned PD and that he stopped using it. (Then again troll builds on Rammus included PD for the zoom zoom effect + the fact that his passive gives him a frightening amount of AD—especially early game, the 80+ AD dude coming out of the jungle and hitting you with AS marks makes for a lot of his gank damage). PD Mundo was good for after you were fed or as a late game item on top of his +100 AD on E. Rammus was actually pretty scary with wriggles atmogs and pd, you could taunt people into their death by critting the fuck out of them lolol Says on the Wiki Warwicks ult automatically applies max stacks of his passive on hit, confirm deny? Confirmed. 90% sure it also applies max stack even if QSS is used. What AD is good to pair with Nami other than Caitlyn? Isn't lucian pretty good? Lots of burst if you catch someone in a bubble, and his passive helps get off all the e bonus damage quickly~
Vayne + Nami is pretty good
Honestly, most adc's can function pretty well with Nami. She can max E for champions that want the slow or Q for high burst, depending on what works best for your lane.
am I the only one that feels nami is just a bad zyra? The sustain can be nice in certain situations but besides that zyra much better
Nami is a pretty well-rounded support and almost ANY ADC does well with her in lane. You can max W or E depending on needs, and most games I take a second point in W before 6 even if I plan on maxing E first. I don't agree with Cheap0 that Q is ever a good idea to max first, as bubbles aren't nearly as easy to land as W's and E's, and the stun duration doesn't scale... It's a high risk, low reward choice.
As Nami, some of the ADC's I look most forward to working with are:
Caitlyn Draven Miss Fortune Lucian Vayne
Those 5 tend to be the best and utilizing my E (Vayne, Draven, Cait) and/or following up a landed Bubble (Lucian, MF). In the case of MF, I don't think I need to spell out that the wombo combo is pretty badass, in particular.
On April 14 2014 07:22 VayneAuthority wrote: am I the only one that feels nami is just a bad zyra? The sustain can be nice in certain situations but besides that zyra much better
I like them both, but no. I think Nami is stronger than Zyra in most situations. Nami's passive, heal, slow on E, and hard CC with ult and Q are much more reliable at protecting your teammates than Zyra's skills, although Zyra tends to deal more damage on her own.
Zyra is better at pushing, checking bushes, zone control in general. Nami's ult is instant counter-initiation, while Zyra is either follow-up, disruption, or zone control on your own backline when you get dived. Nami has stronger catches, sustain, is better at chasing (and possibly kiting).
Yea, bubble is much better than any of Zyra's CC. Zyra is just a totally different type of champion, she is a poke and damage support with some zone control. Nami is a more traditional support.
you'd think that on paper, but as we see constantly LCS is all about minimizing risk as much as possible. it's too easy to fuck up all of nami's skills so she is never picked, while we do see zyra a bit since she is much more forgiving.
Yeah, skillshot taric has too high of a skillcap.
On April 14 2014 07:45 VayneAuthority wrote: you'd think that on paper, but as we see constantly LCS is all about minimizing risk as much as possible. it's too easy to fuck up all of nami's skills so she is never picked, while we do see zyra a bit since she is much more forgiving.
You see Nami a bit more in OGN. And I haven't seen an LCS Zyra since last season?
On April 14 2014 07:45 VayneAuthority wrote: you'd think that on paper, but as we see constantly LCS is all about minimizing risk as much as possible. it's too easy to fuck up all of nami's skills so she is never picked, while we do see zyra a bit since she is much more forgiving.
That doesn't mean that they are similar champions/fit the same niche, it just means that at least one of them (both IMO) need buffs.
Speaking of FF warwick, what runes/masteries are you guys running on him?
On April 14 2014 08:46 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Speaking of FF warwick, what runes/masteries are you guys running on him?
I been using oldschool jungler runes.
MS Quints, 6 AS reds, 3 AD reds, Flat Armor Yellows, and Scaling MR blues.
I want to try FF Chogath too. I feel like that would be pretty good for some reason. Anyone who likes Wits End and can jungle I feel like can smash things with Feral Flare. WE+FF is so strong together.
Nami is really good in lane. Her teamfight feels slightly underwhelming though.... not as awkward as Sona, but still, I feel her impact is somewhat limited to her Q and R.