[Patch 4.4] CUDDLY INCOMING! ヽ(*・ω・)ノ - Page 13
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Bearded Elder29903 Posts
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France45622 Posts
I can't log on the official site though, it says "internal server error" to me so it should be coming from their side. Anyone on NA being able to log into the site? On March 18 2014 17:10 Omnishroud wrote: I have such a love/hate relationship with top, i love playing it, unless i have to face darius/tryndamere/teemo/jax, then i just sit and cry at my tower for 20 minutes and those picks are all thats ever fucking picked i swear to you. Any tips on how not to cry vs those? Pick Renekton (not too sure for Darius, but he should do way better than most at the least). About PBE changes, damn teleganks with distortion to get CDR benefits will be like mini-homeguard teleganks. Flash range increase is absurdly strong tho (rush distortion so you don't miss these hard wall flashes anymore!) especially considering how crucial it is to Annie. Iirc summoner spells' cdr applies before flat reductions (for cancelling for example) so distortion + the 100s reduction for TPing to a tower would potentially put TP's cd pretty low if the mastery is used too. And the cast range buff on Exhaust is huge, oftimes champions wouldn't be able to use it well (or in time if not positioned specifically for it) because 550 cast range is inferior to most ranged champions' aa range for example, forcing you to put yourself in harm's way if playing against a melee jungler/support to exhaust a ranged champion during a gnak for example. Or having to sit in front of your allies rather than on the side or behind them if something like LB threatens them and you want to insta-exhaust her when she goes in. | ||
Germany24009 Posts
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United States2906 Posts
On March 18 2014 18:59 NeedsmoreCELLTECH wrote: Does anyone think that Kog/Trist will see more play now that they are buffed? Especially Kog buffs are huge, he's gonna dunk in lane. Tristana's viability was never about mana costs so... nope. | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On March 18 2014 20:27 RuskiPanda wrote: Tristana's viability was never about mana costs so... nope. She can still be used, this is inb4 someone picks her and she becomes fotm | ||
Ivory Coast6262 Posts
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United Kingdom50293 Posts
On March 18 2014 20:34 arb wrote: She can still be used, this is inb4 someone picks her and she becomes fotm It's possible, it's kind of what happened with kennen after the ult cost was removed maknoon picked him and made him incredibly popular when maknoon was asked about it he said "I saw the change and I just decided to try him out, turns out he's really good" | ||
Sweden4641 Posts
On March 18 2014 20:47 Zdrastochye wrote: She's still a terror lategame when paired with bursty mid/top laners. As long as the enemy team is dying she can be as mobile as she needs to be, and her self-peel with W + R is good enough to disengage most annoying squishy killers. Her laning is still mediocre after her level 2 all-in. Like a weaker version of Vayne in most aspects. She is nothing like Vayne, Vayne can't shove or clear waves. Trist is one of the best 5v5 heroes, Vayne is not. Vayne is incredible 1v1 2v2 3v3 trist is not. Trist clears towers amazingly and sieges tower decently Vayne is terrible at it. | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On March 18 2014 21:12 Eppa! wrote: She is nothing like Vayne, Vayne can't shove or clear waves. Trist is one of the best 5v5 heroes, Vayne is not. Vayne is incredible 1v1 2v2 3v3 trist is not. Trist clears towers amazingly and sieges tower decently Vayne is terrible at it. I feel like 1v1 shes stronger than vayne, she has the best steroid in the game, makes her pretty good 1v1 imo well maybe not stronger but kinda on par | ||
1073 Posts
What is everyones longest game of SR then? I played a 200 minute game a month or so ago, normal 5v5. | ||
France45622 Posts
Jinx's Q prob wouldn't be as good in teamfights without her passive (still obnoxious in lane and when trying to push towers using a distraction). | ||
United Kingdom3884 Posts
On March 18 2014 20:10 Alaric wrote: About PBE changes, damn teleganks with distortion to get CDR benefits will be like mini-homeguard teleganks. Flash range increase is absurdly strong tho (rush distortion so you don't miss these hard wall flashes anymore!) especially considering how crucial it is to Annie. Iirc summoner spells' cdr applies before flat reductions (for cancelling for example) so distortion + the 100s reduction for TPing to a tower would potentially put TP's cd pretty low if the mastery is used too. And the cast range buff on Exhaust is huge, oftimes champions wouldn't be able to use it well (or in time if not positioned specifically for it) because 550 cast range is inferior to most ranged champions' aa range for example, forcing you to put yourself in harm's way if playing against a melee jungler/support to exhaust a ranged champion during a gnak for example. Or having to sit in front of your allies rather than on the side or behind them if something like LB threatens them and you want to insta-exhaust her when she goes in. No, they may be even better. No one seems to care about the 100sec cdr on Teleport to an allied turret that's in the current patch, meaning 200sec TPs. Add in 20% CDR and you can TP to your bot lane turret every 160 seconds, or your top lane to return. AND you get a 30% movement speed boost (all if toplaners rush the boots). It will become a lot less useful lategame though, since if you don't have turrets you can't TP to them, so will be interesting to see if there's actually any real benefit from the boots, but even without the boots early game TP/etc will be massive, e.g. toplaner with TP vs one without, you can base and back to lane way more often to prevent losing the lane, and help with dragon etc. But because they are changing lich bane, no one cares to talk about teleport and toplane. Because who cares about a 100sec reduction in TP cooldown... | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On March 18 2014 21:45 Alaric wrote: Jinx has a stronger steorid, what makes Trist so good is that she pairs her AS steroid with a range increase that allows her to actually make use of it instead of spending half the teamfight running. Jinx's Q prob wouldn't be as good in teamfights without her passive (still obnoxious in lane and when trying to push towers using a distraction). Wish they'd give her another passive, shits really retarded to try to face honestly | ||
Finland33997 Posts
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Denmark4564 Posts
On March 18 2014 21:12 Eppa! wrote: She is nothing like Vayne, Vayne can't shove or clear waves. Trist is one of the best 5v5 heroes, Vayne is not. Vayne is incredible 1v1 2v2 3v3 trist is not. Trist clears towers amazingly and sieges tower decently Vayne is terrible at it. Tristana's early game 1v1 potential is kinda big, the only downside to Tristana (the one that has been haunting her for years) is the lack of mid-game scaling. You just suck fucking donkey dick with 1 big item and it doesn't really fix itself before you acquire enough attack speed and gain enough levels to max out your Q. EDIT: It also explains why she suddenly got popular with botrk. Botrk is such a good item to scale into mid-game, which was the reason why she got played for some time. | ||
Bam Lee
2336 Posts
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Sweden2247 Posts
On March 18 2014 11:14 Steins;Gate wrote: stop nerfing thresh please, he's been fine for a while. Leona is worse to deal with than thresh D: What do you mean 'stop' nerfing thresh? Isn't this like the first nerf to him in several patches? And thresh remains the champion with the most broken kit in the game. He's not going to be balanced until one of his abilities sees a complete rework. | ||
Germany24009 Posts
On March 18 2014 22:05 Shikyo wrote: I actually think Tristana's Q mana cost is a big deal. you can max Q second with E first and push turrets with the Q all day while harrassing with E. that's like... actually the norm already but doesn't work in practice because her scirmish potential post lvl 3 and before 3 item timing still sucks. | ||
Canada22817 Posts
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South Africa35471 Posts
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