United Kingdom50293 Posts
On February 12 2014 19:03 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: If jungle wukong isn't in your repertoire, you're missing out on freelo. Jungle wukong is amazing, all those free stats means I can dive in 1v5 with brutalizer + sotl and come out fine.
i just had someone pick mundo into my katarina top
that felt so good
It looks like the KR Eve junglers are going Lizard Elder > BotrK > Tank and a lot of NA/EU junglers are still going Wraith Elder > DFG.
How is the KR Eve build for late game comparatively?
On February 12 2014 19:40 silencefc wrote: It looks like the KR Eve junglers are going Lizard Elder > BotrK > Tank and a lot of NA/EU junglers are still going Wraith Elder > DFG.
How is the KR Eve build for late game comparatively?
hmm iirc Diamond was the first and only one to play Eve this season and he went elder lizard botrk eve 3 weeks ago.
On February 12 2014 19:44 AsnSensation wrote:Show nested quote +On February 12 2014 19:40 silencefc wrote: It looks like the KR Eve junglers are going Lizard Elder > BotrK > Tank and a lot of NA/EU junglers are still going Wraith Elder > DFG.
How is the KR Eve build for late game comparatively? hmm iirc Diamond was the first and only one to play Eve this season and he went elder lizard botrk eve 3 weeks ago.
In solo queue?
My observations are from just watching streams though, so forgive me if EU players aren't majority going Wraith Elder.
Koreans worship Diamond's jungling so... who started that Eve build first? Them, or did they take it from him?
Looks like Kassadin's at an all time high for ban rate: over 94% now.
What's the opinion on the new xerath?
Pootie too good!4331 Posts
is there really no way to beat a kassadin? I get that pre 6 you can bully him and post 6 he can rack up the kills, but is there really no champion that can match him/team comp to stop him?
On February 12 2014 20:40 nanospartan wrote: What's the opinion on the new xerath?
bjergsen approves haha @Bjergsen 5h Reworked Xerath is a lot of fun. Good job based rito!
On February 12 2014 20:46 JonGalt wrote:is there really no way to beat a kassadin? I get that pre 6 you can bully him and post 6 he can rack up the kills, but is there really no champion that can match him/team comp to stop him? Show nested quote +On February 12 2014 20:40 nanospartan wrote: What's the opinion on the new xerath? bjergsen approves haha @Bjergsen 5h Reworked Xerath is a lot of fun. Good job based rito!
Kass just really ridiculous with both new masteries and new meta. New jungle means no more lvl 2/3 ganks generally, and those were his weakness. I remember S2/3 you'd get a Lee Sin or a J4 on your ass at lvl 1 and you'd be dead.
Diamond has been lately using some sort of bruiser eve, with just getting a lot of cost-efficient stats, starting with spectral wraith, and then getting things like seeker's armguard, hexdrinker, randuin's and banshee. It's also the build he used in LCS (he went Lizard + Botrk once and then the afromentioned build second time). I've been using this build lately to a suprising success.
It's not because of the new masteries or anything. His ban rate was around 90% at the end of season 3 as well.
Pootie too good!4331 Posts
I once had an AP tristana dump all over my very terrible kassadin.
maybe that's the new meta.
On February 12 2014 21:16 JonGalt wrote: I once had an AP tristana dump all over my very terrible kassadin.
maybe that's the new meta. adc in general take a dump on kassadins.
On February 12 2014 21:20 Gorsameth wrote:Show nested quote +On February 12 2014 21:16 JonGalt wrote: I once had an AP tristana dump all over my very terrible kassadin.
maybe that's the new meta. adc in general take a dump on kassadins.
I used to play Caitlyn against him if I had to mid against a Kassadin. You can deny him farm pretty well, but it doesn't stop him from killing everyone on the map.
On February 12 2014 20:08 Alaric wrote:Koreans worship Diamond's jungling so... who started that Eve build first? Them, or did they take it from him?  He did it in LCS so they probably took it from him. Its the Genja build.
Kassadin requires inane amounts of coordination to deal with, because he's very likely to get away unless you can 100-0 him during a cc chain. Which generally means you'll need 2+ cc dedicated to him, and not every comp can get away with that (depending on his own team of course), even worse if his team can protect him (try killing Kassadin when he has a Lulu, oh the horror). He's hard to burst down because he'll often build RoA or will end up with Seraph's Embrace, more or less sources of HP (good against burst) and he's got a 15% magic damage reduction stacking multiplicatively with the reduction from his MR, so you'd be lucky to 100-0 him with magic nukes. When AD carries are in range to hit him, it generally means he ult'd to QE them and then they're most likely busy instinctively running away with 1/3rd of their HP remaining. Which seems sensible to do if he isn't alone because the rest of his team would probably love for said AD to stay in range to get finished off.
You can get him but unless your team has very high burst and lockdown it requires a lot of efforts. Dealing with him in general hinges a lot on vision too to avoid getting smashed for half your HP if you step too close to his nest before he retreats. Pro-level doesn't always have the coordination for it, so if we're going to talk about soloQ...
Things like flask start, doran items' cost buffs to get sustain on top of HP buffer, etc. help his pre-6 a lot too. Same reason shit like Katarina or Akali became super strong and Viktor hurt badly with the high sustain starts.
Kassadin's win rate in soloQ isn't overwhelmingly good though. Overall I feel he is banned because he is annoying to play against.
So apparently if pantheon places a ward, he turns invisible until he uses a skill.
How does that even happen >.>
I'm really sad because before, my goto counterpick against kassadin was corki. You could zone him off CS starting at level 1, and level 2 with W you can be harassing him under turret with impunity because basically no jungler could do jack shit to you so long as you valked in a good direction. But with the Q change you can't reliably punish him going for CS any more, and the Q is so stupidly slow.
I think it's more that a lot of the champs that dominated kassadin hard enough to prevent him from scaling into mid-lategame, while being huge threats themselves got nerfed, and early game items got buffed, so while kass can still get shit on, he becomes relevant much more reliably.