ive KIND OF come around on lucian ult lately. its not bad, and on a 30 sec cd, quite possible GOOD.
I saw all this nasus going around lcs so i picked him up today. played 2 games with him, and carried both. he seems like a simple champ at first, but he is super fun imo. its kinda nuts to build only tank items and do such ridiculous damage late game.
the laning phase is amusing too -- its a game within a game. How many stacks can i get before I have to go group?
Nubbypoohbear is 1v1ing ilysuiteheart on stream right now, giving some pretty good insight on some mid 1v1 matchups. I really feel like his stream should be more popular, he's a pretty good player with good music.
On August 31 2013 12:45 Klonopin wrote: ive KIND OF come around on lucian ult lately. its not bad, and on a 30 sec cd, quite possible GOOD.
I saw all this nasus going around lcs so i picked him up today. played 2 games with him, and carried both. he seems like a simple champ at first, but he is super fun imo. its kinda nuts to build only tank items and do such ridiculous damage late game.
the laning phase is amusing too -- its a game within a game. How many stacks can i get before I have to go group? Tangentally related to your post:
I think the highest # of Nasus Q stacks I've seen in a legit game was actually a GPL game where Stanley got over 1k stacks by the end of a 30~40 minute game. Was pretty lulzy.
United States15536 Posts
On August 31 2013 12:57 smOOthMayDie wrote:KawaiiRice switching to LoL from SC2? + Show Spoiler +
iirc, he asked some questions in the Simple Questions thread (or possibly even in GD) so yeah... definitely playing a bit.
He posted in the indoors thread too
Played on Kawaii's team on IHs.
On August 31 2013 13:02 xMiragex wrote: Played on Kawaii's team on IHs.
Time to retire. Go out on that high note.
Nice, coming over to the dark side.
I am fairly new to LoL (level 13) and I played with one of the most frustrating teams ever. I like playing as Teemo (he is quick, can escape, can do damage and grants a lot of map vision) and it was like nothing I did was ever right. Team is something like Akali, Lucian, Rammus, Teemo, and Yi. Lucian tells me I am support (first I had ever heard of this, but whatever) and to not cs. I am like "ok whatever", so I harass the Ashe in our lane (she is solo) using Q for a while. Eventually I get her low enough that I Q then incinerate and the tower barely kills me (and Ashe dies too). Lucian somehow dives and dies to the tower shortly after. I dont even know wtf happened there.
After that happens and I get back I decide we should probably push a little so I hit each creep once so that Lucian can still last hit. Lucian tells me to stop cs and I am like "wtf im not". Anyway, so I stop hitting creep at all. I am basically just there absorbing exp. Then I hit level 6 and start shrooming, we are bot so I get the bushes, the river, then I head towards mid to get that shroomed and he starts calling me a noob and to get back down there.
Anyway, game goes on and we start to fall behind barely and Lucian immediately calls a surrender vote (which obviously doesnt pass). Game goes on longer, its still close. Lucian calls another surrender vote, it fails, he afks for like 5 minutes. We still hold on. We end up getting the ace with them in our base, but they have a lot of creep killing our top and bot tower so I shroom and clean them up as fast as I can, meanwhile the team is split on what to do. So we have 2 at roshan and 2 pushing towards their base (which made no sense, by the time they reached the base they had respawned), and me heading towards roshan. 2 at their base obviously die doing almost nothing, we get neither roshan nor anything else.
This happens like 3 more times before we finally lose. Chat afterwards has 1 guy saying to report basically our entire team and calling me a noob etc.
I finished something like 6-11-16
Anyway, have any of you experienced players ever heard of a support teemo? Should I have been killing creeps? Did I do anything particularly wrong?
I would show the replay but my lolrecorder was ancient so it looks like the replay is corrupt.
don't support before lvl 30 imo, double bruiser or just 2 random guys bot.
On August 31 2013 13:02 I_Love_Bacon wrote:Show nested quote +On August 31 2013 13:02 xMiragex wrote: Played on Kawaii's team on IHs.
#imadeitbig Time to retire. Go out on that high note.
Mods Permaban me.
+ Show Spoiler +
I played Support Teemo during Season 2 and I just pretty much poke them with my Q. Supports should never auto minions unless the ADC isn't there. Then you should last hit the minions until the ADC comes back. Since you are in the lower levels, its usually bad since there is rarely any communication. Edit: Plus I kind of agree with SagaZ with don't support till level 30. Just get blitzcrank and go like damage with him and armor/mr.
On August 31 2013 13:42 Tosstriss wrote: I played Support Teemo during Season 2 and I just pretty much poke them with my Q. Supports should never auto minions unless the ADC isn't there. Then you should last hit the minions until the ADC comes back. Since you are in the lower levels, its usually bad since there is rarely any communication. I see. So when is usually a good time to try and push a tower?
EDIT: And I would like to continue playing teemo, I find him fun. I also dont have blitz I dont think.
Also, pretty sure our lucian was bad anyway, he went bootless death cap (think thats what it is called).
On August 31 2013 13:45 TheRabidDeer wrote:Show nested quote +On August 31 2013 13:42 Tosstriss wrote: I played Support Teemo during Season 2 and I just pretty much poke them with my Q. Supports should never auto minions unless the ADC isn't there. Then you should last hit the minions until the ADC comes back. Since you are in the lower levels, its usually bad since there is rarely any communication. I see. So when is usually a good time to try and push a tower? That's a tricky question. If you/your team is confident in maintaining map vision and are good at avoiding ganks (less likely at lower levels) you want to take the tower ASAP since it gives you map control, which you can turn into getting more objectives and starving the enemy team of farm. If you/your team isn't good at maintaining map vision and/or avoiding ganks, it may be better to keep the tower up until you have a good lead on the other duo or when teams simply get bored of laning lol
However, assuming you can maintain vision and avoid ganks, pushing the creep wave to the enemy tower is usually a good thing since you can effectively deny farm by forcing creeps into the enemy tower, so the enemy duo will lose cs. You have to be careful when doing this, though; since a strong duo lane can just kill you as you're so far from your tower. A strong enemy ganker like Nocturne/Zac can also abuse you easily if you're pushed up.
Yea, your Lucian sounds pretty bad lol. Boots+Dcap lol... Teemo is pretty good; he's generally played top solo. He dominates most melee champions assuming you're good at kiting. Teemo is less powerful against more coordinated teams and teams that actually buy oracles and sweep Teemo's shrooms.
On August 31 2013 13:45 TheRabidDeer wrote:Show nested quote +On August 31 2013 13:42 Tosstriss wrote: I played Support Teemo during Season 2 and I just pretty much poke them with my Q. Supports should never auto minions unless the ADC isn't there. Then you should last hit the minions until the ADC comes back. Since you are in the lower levels, its usually bad since there is rarely any communication. I see. So when is usually a good time to try and push a tower? So bot lane to me is pretty much ADC farms and supports protect the adc and/or try to the opponent ADC feel pressure so he can under farm. With pushing tower is usually when there ADC or Support aren't there, just make sure there is no Jungler in the brush. But killing the tower means you can roam/farm, but the opponent ADC can have free farm unless you can punish him. Edit: Lucian is terrible going bootless and DCap as an ADC. Meh We shouldn't be surprise since its low levels. Teemo is only useful as a support with his Vision from the Shrooms and probably is Blinding Q.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/LDoPbXp.jpg)
2 months after hitting 30 and im in gold gg rito i would like to thank people in the kayle champ thread for showing me imba builds also i personally still think wits end is strong as fuck on her
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On August 31 2013 14:42 FinestHour wrote:![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/LDoPbXp.jpg) 2 months after hitting 30 and im in gold gg rito i would like to thank people in the kayle champ thread for showing me imba builds also i personally still think wits end is strong as fuck on her
Yeah wit's is amazing on her early/mid but obviously scales like ass, it's probably a really good item to buy after nashor's if you start to get going.
And congrats !
On August 31 2013 14:42 FinestHour wrote:![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/LDoPbXp.jpg) 2 months after hitting 30 and im in gold gg rito i would like to thank people in the kayle champ thread for showing me imba builds also i personally still think wits end is strong as fuck on her User was warned for this post
you playing with Nani lol?
i dont know who nani is i only solo que in this game played like 2 games max with some other guy from this thread notsorry or something