On August 18 2013 02:24 AsmodeusXI wrote:
oh shit i dun goofed
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United States33802 Posts
On August 18 2013 02:24 AsmodeusXI wrote: Show nested quote + On August 18 2013 01:56 Requizen wrote: EDIT: OH AND FLCL ISN'T ON YOUR LIST ASMO WHY ISN'T IT ON YOUR LIST? Show nested quote + On August 18 2013 01:36 AsmodeusXI wrote: Gurren Lagann, FMA: Brotherhood, GitS, FLCL, Baccano!/Durarara!, Cowboy Bebop all fucking brilliant. REALLY BITCH?! YOU WANNA GO?! GRUDGE MATCH PT. 2 INC. oh shit i dun goofed | ||
United States15536 Posts
On August 18 2013 02:29 Requizen wrote: Show nested quote + On August 18 2013 02:24 AsmodeusXI wrote: On August 18 2013 01:56 Requizen wrote: EDIT: OH AND FLCL ISN'T ON YOUR LIST ASMO WHY ISN'T IT ON YOUR LIST? On August 18 2013 01:36 AsmodeusXI wrote: Gurren Lagann, FMA: Brotherhood, GitS, FLCL, Baccano!/Durarara!, Cowboy Bebop all fucking brilliant. REALLY BITCH?! YOU WANNA GO?! GRUDGE MATCH PT. 2 INC. oh shit i dun goofed huehuehuehue reading comprehension ftw. srsly though I can still watch that anime, knowing everything that's coming, and laugh my ass off. It's so brilliantly random. | ||
United States60033 Posts
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Sweden1908 Posts
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United States23745 Posts
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Hungary1011 Posts
On August 18 2013 02:57 zodde wrote: Hey so I'm going to pick up Pokemon game, either gen 4 or 5 (maybe one of each). Which game(s) do I want? When it comes to gen 5, you should check-out the game-exclusive Pokémon to make the decision. The B/W2 refer back a lot to the first games; but I liked the second ones' story more. I am a noob at gen 4. Chifayafuru needs way more love. | ||
United States20754 Posts
AKA TowerofGod4lyfe | ||
Canada3367 Posts
Thinking about it now, I think the only animes that I have watched are Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Code Geass and some Bobobo-Bobo-Bobo. I live a truly sheltered life indeed. | ||
United States23745 Posts
On August 18 2013 03:07 GhandiEAGLE wrote: I have a really bad habit of just leaving anime when people do something frustratingly stupid. The prime example of this is Valvrave the Liberator, which is beautifully animated, with a fairly weak story (vampire-mech children, wtf?). There was one episode were everyone was in a huge crisis, but the way they acted in it made me leave. I couldn't deal with annoyingly dumb the main character was. AKA TowerofGod4lyfe So what you're saying is you never finish any anime? hue | ||
United States20754 Posts
On August 18 2013 03:11 onlywonderboy wrote: Show nested quote + On August 18 2013 03:07 GhandiEAGLE wrote: I have a really bad habit of just leaving anime when people do something frustratingly stupid. The prime example of this is Valvrave the Liberator, which is beautifully animated, with a fairly weak story (vampire-mech children, wtf?). There was one episode were everyone was in a huge crisis, but the way they acted in it made me leave. I couldn't deal with annoyingly dumb the main character was. AKA TowerofGod4lyfe So what you're saying is you never finish any anime? hue No, because sometimes when people do something stupid it fits their character. The people in Valvrave HAD no character, lol | ||
France45622 Posts
On August 18 2013 01:36 AsmodeusXI wrote: Someone please give me a new anime to enjoy? I don't think I watched something through since Durarara! Seirei no Moribito (based off books, anime is basically the first one but it stands on its own), Kaiji (based off a manga, but I think it's still pretty different because of the way the music and sounds and voice acting pulls you right into it; it's shonen-ey/over the top at times, but in a way that makes you even more hooked if you manage to get into it) although the 2nd season (esp. its 2nd part) is inferior to the first one. Black Lagoon was kinda nice in the same "you watch it for the atmosphere" style (a la Cowboy Bebop) but its based off a manga too so I dunno about that. Witch Hunter Robin has a really nice soundtrack and atmosphere for the most part, the writing related to the plot (and the character of the "dark mysterious protagonist") gets weaker after that, so it's not a must-watch but the beginning was very enjoyable. So was Ergo Proxy, until it starts to try and be all metaphysical and stuff and just turns into a pile of weak writing, badass characters for the sake of looking badass and pointless scenes which don't serve the story that much. Then a trash ending. The first part is really good, again in an "atmosphere" way of enjoying a work. I liked Air but I'm weak to this stuff (and the art was awful for the first half, and it had cringe-worthy moments when you went "Yeah, that's the day after the ero scene in the VN, right?" because they masked it so awkwardly). Then again you quote Mai HiME as a guilty pleasure so it makes it pretty hard to tell you "be wary however, for the 2nd half/ending is trash" ![]() Oh, Serial Experimental Lain. You've got to keep in mind it's been done in 1998 when you watch it though, otherwise you'll miss the way it addresses some issues regarding the Internet, virtual stuff, etc. years before the boom. From the same creator Haibane Renmei is good. Slow, not very talkative, but pleasant and soothing. | ||
United States33802 Posts
On August 18 2013 02:56 wei2coolman wrote: No trigun being brought up? shit was legit. Trigun anime was pretty good (it's one of the few I own), but the manga is leagues and miles better. The manga is straight up one of my favorite stories of all time in any media, no question. | ||
United States23745 Posts
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United States19143 Posts
one I have not seen recommended but is one of my absolute favorites is Kino no Tabe. Read or Die, the OVA, NOT the show is also really fun. | ||
United States15536 Posts
On August 18 2013 03:30 Requizen wrote: Show nested quote + On August 18 2013 02:56 wei2coolman wrote: No trigun being brought up? shit was legit. Trigun anime was pretty good (it's one of the few I own), but the manga is leagues and miles better. The manga is straight up one of my favorite stories of all time in any media, no question. + Show Spoiler [Trigun's Last Episode] + "You're a plant." "I know that." "You're a superior being." "I disagree." Rest of the anime is okay to good, but I love this exchange far more than I ought. | ||
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
On August 18 2013 02:57 zodde wrote: Hey so I'm going to pick up Pokemon game, either gen 4 or 5 (maybe one of each). Which game(s) do I want? Gen IV: For nostalgia reasons, Heart Gold or Soul Silver are excellent choices. They are very faithful remakes of the original Gen II games but with a massive amount of quality of life improvements and additional content to boot that really extends the story while also adding in a lot of post-game content such as the Battle Frontier. There's also gym leader rematches, daily and weekly events, revamped safari zone, a new Pokealthon sports competition you can play and more. The music remixes are all very faithful and super awesome, such as Violet/Olivine City and National Park. The only one I prefer from Gen II is Goldenrod because it doesn't feel as bouncy but the new one is still good. And have I mentioned the Eyecatch Splash Art when you enter special zones? The handpainted water colours are amazing. If you still remember the original Gen II games, then you'll remember there was somewhat of a levelling problem and while that still exists, it's not as severe as it once was. It's a very fun lively game. Btw, did I mention your Pokemon follow you around outside of their Pokeballs? Like, all the time? It's the only game that does so and it is amazingly sweet. Every Pokemon has its own sprite and you can talk to them at any time when wandering around too. There's even some mini-quest rewards for doing so too! The Diamond/Pearl/Platinum trio in Gen IV is okay but it didn't leave a very strong impression on me. DPP has its fun moments but it feels a lot more limited and contained compared to the vastness that is HGSS. They're still fun, but if you had to choose between HGSS and the DPP sets, I would recommend HGSS every time. Still, if you want to go for DPP then getting Platinum (the third one) is always the correct choice (the same way choosing Emerald over Ruby/Sapphire is always correct). Gen V: The Gen V universe is amazing and is definitely a great choice to make. There are two choices to make here though. The first is whether you want to play the first set of games Black/White or go for the sequels in Black/White 2. The second choice is choosing between Black and White themselves. The choice is actually much more important than you'd realise. If you noticed earlier I said sequel. That's right, BW2 is a full on sequel to BW and not just "the next round of games that puts together the first two in a bigger package the way Platinum or Emerald did". The Black/White games are actually fairly dark when you think about it rather than just superficially playing through and you really let yourself immerse in the story rather than just ignoring it. It revolves around the idea of "Wait, isn't capturing Pokemon and forcing them to battle cruel?" which is championed by Team Plasma, who obviously have their own hidden agenda. I won't go further because I don't want to spoil the story. In BW2, you pick off 2 years after the first set of games where Team Plasma is making a come back and the hero from the first games has since disappeared. Strictly from a game perspective, BW2 is superior because there are more areas to explore, expanded Pokedex and Pokemon to catch and also a LOT more post-game content. Like, there's an insane amount of post-game content. However, it also makes sense to go into BW2 after having at least played or knowing BW. BW is also a very good stand alone game in and of itself, and it's really enjoyable to go through BW2 having played BW and noticing all the similarities and differences as you retrace routes but also explore the same routes differently. Plus, there are some bonuses to having cleared BW when playing BW2 and you can treat playing BW2 as playing an expansion that's practically its own standalone game. Honestly, if you have the choice, get one from both. If not, then go for BW2 just to have the full post-game content and new locations and extra goodies, but try to get a chance to play through the original game as well through some means. Now, as for choosing between Black and White (for both the original and BW2). Normally the choice between the two games is fairly superficial, only changing the legendary you catch and maybe some minor character difference. Not here buddy. Choosing between Black and White can actually significantly alter the actual layouts and designs of several cities and Routes you travel, the music in those locations, as well as one of the major post-game content pieces (no spoilers) in addition to all the regular version-specific legendary stuff. (e.g. Opelucid City Black Mix and Opelucid City White Mix) Black goes for the more Modern approach, while White takes the more natural and heritage look. It doesn't affect the core gameplay massively, but it does mean a lot of aesthetic differences as well as layout changes of various locations (including Victory Road). The differences are rather minor in BW, but much more pronounced in BW2. These differences are actually semi-story and theme driven too and you learn more about it if you spend the time really taking the chance to explore and talk to random NPCs. Here, it's really a personal choice. It doesn't truly matter whether you pick Black or White, but it's important to note! As for the core game mechanics, one really cool thing to note is the new addition of Doctor and Nurse trainers. After beating them, they can be used as mini-Poke Centres to heal your Pokemon. You also get the Lucky Egg hold item (which gives 50% exp boost to the Pokemon holding it) about half way through the game too. There are also Audino Pokemon that can be found in shaking grass that are like exp buckets and also have a move that heals the Pokemon it targets (in wild battles, that means you) and you can get double battles in grass too. There are also sections where you partner with one of the named NPCs in tackling/exploring a cave where they heal all your Pokemon after every battle (whether it's a single or double battle and trainer or wild Pokemon battles). Grinding has literally never been easier. And that means getting to quickly blast through and get to all the fun bits instead of grinding wild Pokemon. Also, another thing is that once you beat BW2 once, you unlock the Easy (White 2) and Challenge (Black 2) Modes where you can replay the whole thing but with scaled easier and harder difficulties (trainers and gym leaders will have higher/lower levelled and more/same number of Pokemon). If you have someone who's already beaten BW2, you can also import those difficulty levels into your game with the Unova Link system. There you have it. Now go get something and have fun~ | ||
United States23745 Posts
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Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
There's a more extended version, but the only clip I can find that puts it all together is dubbed. | ||
Sweden1908 Posts
On August 18 2013 03:40 MoonBear wrote: Show nested quote + On August 18 2013 02:57 zodde wrote: Hey so I'm going to pick up Pokemon game, either gen 4 or 5 (maybe one of each). Which game(s) do I want? + Show Spoiler + Gen IV: For nostalgia reasons, Heart Gold or Soul Silver are excellent choices. They are very faithful remakes of the original Gen II games but with a massive amount of quality of life improvements and additional content to boot that really extends the story while also adding in a lot of post-game content such as the Battle Frontier. There's also gym leader rematches, daily and weekly events, revamped safari zone, a new Pokealthon sports competition you can play and more. The music remixes are all very faithful and super awesome, such as Violet/Olivine City and National Park. The only one I prefer from Gen II is Goldenrod because it doesn't feel as bouncy but the new one is still good. And have I mentioned the Eyecatch Splash Art when you enter special zones? The handpainted water colours are amazing. If you still remember the original Gen II games, then you'll remember there was somewhat of a levelling problem and while that still exists, it's not as severe as it once was. It's a very fun lively game. Btw, did I mention your Pokemon follow you around outside of their Pokeballs? Like, all the time? It's the only game that does so and it is amazingly sweet. Every Pokemon has its own sprite and you can talk to them at any time when wandering around too. There's even some mini-quest rewards for doing so too! The Diamond/Pearl/Platinum trio in Gen IV is okay but it didn't leave a very strong impression on me. DPP has its fun moments but it feels a lot more limited and contained compared to the vastness that is HGSS. They're still fun, but if you had to choose between HGSS and the DPP sets, I would recommend HGSS every time. Still, if you want to go for DPP then getting Platinum (the third one) is always the correct choice (the same way choosing Emerald over Ruby/Sapphire is always correct). Gen V: The Gen V universe is amazing and is definitely a great choice to make. There are two choices to make here though. The first is whether you want to play the first set of games Black/White or go for the sequels in Black/White 2. The second choice is choosing between Black and White themselves. The choice is actually much more important than you'd realise. If you noticed earlier I said sequel. That's right, BW2 is a full on sequel to BW and not just "the next round of games that puts together the first two in a bigger package the way Platinum or Emerald did". The Black/White games are actually fairly dark when you think about it rather than just superficially playing through and you really let yourself immerse in the story rather than just ignoring it. It revolves around the idea of "Wait, isn't capturing Pokemon and forcing them to battle cruel?" which is championed by Team Plasma, who obviously have their own hidden agenda. I won't go further because I don't want to spoil the story. In BW2, you pick off 2 years after the first set of games where Team Plasma is making a come back and the hero from the first games has since disappeared. Strictly from a game perspective, BW2 is superior because there are more areas to explore, expanded Pokedex and Pokemon to catch and also a LOT more post-game content. Like, there's an insane amount of post-game content. However, it also makes sense to go into BW2 after having at least played or knowing BW. BW is also a very good stand alone game in and of itself, and it's really enjoyable to go through BW2 having played BW and noticing all the similarities and differences as you retrace routes but also explore the same routes differently. Plus, there are some bonuses to having cleared BW when playing BW2 and you can treat playing BW2 as playing an expansion that's practically its own standalone game. Honestly, if you have the choice, get one from both. If not, then go for BW2 just to have the full post-game content and new locations and extra goodies, but try to get a chance to play through the original game as well through some means. Now, as for choosing between Black and White (for both the original and BW2). Normally the choice between the two games is fairly superficial, only changing the legendary you catch and maybe some minor character difference. Not here buddy. Choosing between Black and White can actually significantly alter the actual layouts and designs of several cities and Routes you travel, the music in those locations, as well as one of the major post-game content pieces (no spoilers) in addition to all the regular version-specific legendary stuff. (e.g. Opelucid City Black Mix and Opelucid City White Mix) Black goes for the more Modern approach, while White takes the more natural and heritage look. It doesn't affect the core gameplay massively, but it does mean a lot of aesthetic differences as well as layout changes of various locations (including Victory Road). The differences are rather minor in BW, but much more pronounced in BW2. These differences are actually semi-story and theme driven too and you learn more about it if you spend the time really taking the chance to explore and talk to random NPCs. Here, it's really a personal choice. It doesn't truly matter whether you pick Black or White, but it's important to note! As for the core game mechanics, one really cool thing to note is the new addition of Doctor and Nurse trainers. After beating them, they can be used as mini-Poke Centres to heal your Pokemon. You also get the Lucky Egg hold item (which gives 50% exp boost to the Pokemon holding it) about half way through the game too. There are also Audino Pokemon that can be found in shaking grass that are like exp buckets and also have a move that heals the Pokemon it targets (in wild battles, that means you) and you can get double battles in grass too. There are also sections where you partner with one of the named NPCs in tackling/exploring a cave where they heal all your Pokemon after every battle (whether it's a single or double battle and trainer or wild Pokemon battles). Grinding has literally never been easier. And that means getting to quickly blast through and get to all the fun bits instead of grinding wild Pokemon. Also, another thing is that once you beat BW2 once, you unlock the Easy (White 2) and Challenge (Black 2) Modes where you can replay the whole thing but with scaled easier and harder difficulties (trainers and gym leaders will have higher/lower levelled and more/same number of Pokemon). If you have someone who's already beaten BW2, you can also import those difficulty levels into your game with the Unova Link system. There you have it. Now go get something and have fun~ Wow, didn't expect anyone to go that in depth :D Thanks man! I have spent a big portion of my youth playing Gen I and II (I still have a Pokemon Gold with a complete pokedex lying in some box at my parents house), so Heart Gold sounds awesome, will probably start with that and then move on to BW -> BW2. I've been reading up on Gen IV and V games, but I had no idea that Black and White had such big differences, thanks for pointing that out. Thanks again, great post. Edit: How stoked are you for X/Y btw? They are actually the games that got me thinking of pokemon again, but i realized they're not coming out for another 2 months or so, so I decided to play some Gen IV / V first ![]() | ||
United States15536 Posts
Let me put this in perspective for you regarding my Pokemon love. I'm currently coding a piece of software to be used in the homebrew Pokemon tabletop RPG my friends and I have been playing for nearly a year now. I'm GM'ing the next campaign and want to make it easier with an app that saves custom Pokemon, levels them for use in battle, and automatically does fighting calculations. This will absorb most of my weekend because I'm also submitting it as a coding sample for a job I'm applying for. On top of this I'm trying to write the story for the third arc of our four-part campaigns for our characters. This consists for the plot line for the main campaign as well as character-specific interlude stories for character development between the second and third main arcs of the campaign. All of this means deciding on the enemies and enemy Pokemon to use and why, etc. PLUS I'm reading my friend's Nuzlocke story as he replays B/W2. It's awesome and I'm jealous of him because he's unexpectedly talented with this shit. And then there's Pokemon Showdown which... yeah. That. FUCKING POKEMON IS THE SHIT. | ||
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