On August 02 2013 23:13 qanik wrote: Not every champ has a 5 man 1:1 ad nuke with 165 base that can crit and has almost no CD.
It's at most 4 man (and usually not), there are aoe spells in the game, it does not have almost no CD (which is irrelevant to the "burst" discussion even if it were true), 165 base is very low.
Pretty sure most AD carries can do that or better, Ashe even has a big slow attached to hers. Obviously not comparible but I'm just pointing out how irrelevent the numbers you're quoting are.
Does anyone think that they need to do something about huge amounts of IP?
I own every champ now, I have all the runes I want, and my IP is still stacking up. Sure I can buy new champs as they come out, but I play enough to buy the new champ and still have plenty of IP left over (Especially since they stopped releasing champs so frequently).
I was thinking if they made something like 100k IP = 1k RP, I doubt they'd do it though. What do you guys think?
Lackluster, disappointing passive. Lackluster, disappointing Alpha Strike with worse damage type(And Yi doesn't seem like a LW early-champion). Disappointing Meditate which still isn't great in lane. His E is very very VERY disappointing in regard to the passive effect. It's so incredibly much weaker in lane than his old passive. It won't really kick in until like the late late game, which goes well with Yi's theme of course. The active is amazing, of course, but everything about his E makes Yi scale inefficiently with crit(so wtf should Yi do? Mass armor pen and AD? Apen doesn't scale so well with E active. Straight mass AD? What reason do you have to not pick Riven instead?). Ult is basically the same with worse reset.
The direct comparison is Fiora, of course. Fiora has much higher burst damage, and can also deal significant sustained damage if she keeps her E resets going. Her ult also allows her to pseudo-initiate in certain cases where it's necessary.
Master Yi should have higher sustained teamfighting with resets because his gapclosing after the first target is much better. However, Yi has weaker burst and her disengage is far far worse than Fiora's. Yi also will be slightly weaker against ranged ADCs as Fiora is specifically tailored for assassinating them but Yi still has the tools to kill them.
Hard to say for sure, but I think that basically Fiora is better at killing a single target if that's all her team needs, while Yi is better at having full presence of his abilities and damage throughout more extended teamfights. Fiora can cleanup pretty well especially if she gets to ult clumped enemies, but Yi will clearly still be the cleanup master.
The main thing I am worried about is that I do not believe that Yi can possibly have even nearly as good of an early game as Fiora does, and Fiora still has lots of trouble with numerous champions. Need to test him more to say for sure if his Meditate(that you can now max first without issues) is good enough, but looking at how it seems I really am not sure how he's going to lane. He should be able to jungle decently though but off a jungler I expect utility, I think that a solo lane is where you would want your 0 CC damage dealer if you intend to get one.
On August 02 2013 23:19 schmutttt wrote: Does anyone think that they need to do something about huge amounts of IP?
I own every champ now, I have all the runes I want, and my IP is still stacking up. Sure I can buy new champs as they come out, but I play enough to buy the new champ and still have plenty of IP left over (Especially since they stopped releasing champs so frequently).
I was thinking if they made something like 100k IP = 1k RP, I doubt they'd do it though. What do you guys think?
I am extremely far from having that problem, having only started playing LoL about 9 months ago. You don't seem to realize how incredibly hard it is to catch up on Runes & Champs when you missed 3 years of the game. Thank god I make decent money and I can buy champs with RP when they are on sale, but for runes, i'm still incredibly limited.
I do realise people with like 80k IP who never really stopped playing can be mad about this though
Fiora is just better overall except for facerolling in silver and below, it which case Yi might be slightly better. Fiora has always held a decent win rate (right at 50%) and is viable at all levels, never understood the hate.
I mean, Yi + Akali + Twitch? I picked Vi because I felt like giving callers their solo lanes and I never pick Naut before their jungler, plus she's pretty good at screwing Twitch. I felt miserable in champ select against such a line-up.
I know she's got godlike mobility, and Vi's Q easily gets screwed so I never tried to invade her or anything. However, thanks to her shield she's also excellent at not fighting you if she doesn't want to, and she's got cheap poke (esp. with blue buff) so she's actually super annoying to face 2v2, especially if you rely on burst. She provides so much safety to her lanes. And since she can spam her E (esp. with blue, but this game was a bit of a special case since Akali mid allowed her to keep very blue) she moves incredibly fast across the map, we got caught several times when a gank lasted a little bit too long because I'd underestimate how fast she can go from wolves to bot lane on blue side. Since she's ranged and fast she can just show herself in the edge of vision, go farm a camp, and it's hard to take risks because of how fast she can react (wether she farms or camps) if she's nearby. Her map presence was huge, even if she didn't get many kills (some bot in clean-up). (Also if she wants you and you don't have a tower nearby she'll get you. Vi Q+flash+Q? Still get caught by her mantra E letting Twitch BotRK me.)
They made the game possible for us because we wouldn't have to straight-up 5v5 (cf. 1. and my confidence in initiating). Plus they were both pretty good, at some point when we wanted an objective, with everyone but Graves warding we had up to 3-4 green wards and 2 pinks in a side of their jungle, waiting for a pick. Also oracles (Kass got one, I got another one). A team understanding the power of vision and being on top of it felt like playing a totally different game.
4. Speaking about Oracle's, the new range indicator is nice, and really important since with the nerfed range you need to for example walk besides nashor to actually see the back of the pit.
5. Tank Yi sucks. Not enough offensive steroids for it to work. + Show Spoiler +
He was against Ryze and received a fair share of help from Karma, but despite getting pushed Ryze farmed under tower and did a bunch of damage to him in fights. He went warmogs -> wit's + mercs and had randuin's+vamp+pickaxe by the time the game ended. He was able to do decent dps if left unchecked or if we were pressed by time and wanted to burst him, but nothing really frightening. It allowed us to more or less ignore him once fights broke out, although the picking strategy almost always gave us an edge that drastically reduced the amount of time he had to do his thing before we'd turn on him. Despite the lack of reliable hard cc, we had a bunch of silences and short cd ways to deal with him (Blitz's E for Meditate, Rune Prison for Highlander). Had he gone more damage oriented he still wouldn't have been able to kill me quickly, but would have outdueled anyone and not been so ignorable.
6. I got 3 of my kills with my ult. I had forgotten how badass dunking feels.
On August 02 2013 23:19 schmutttt wrote: Does anyone think that they need to do something about huge amounts of IP?
I own every champ now, I have all the runes I want, and my IP is still stacking up. Sure I can buy new champs as they come out, but I play enough to buy the new champ and still have plenty of IP left over (Especially since they stopped releasing champs so frequently).
I was thinking if they made something like 100k IP = 1k RP, I doubt they'd do it though. What do you guys think?
One guy sitting on 500k IP posted on the NA forums and said "I give it all away for a custom with Rioters" and apparently a bunch of them were motivated (can't remember if it was "my team vs 5 Rioters" or "me and 9 Rioters").
On August 02 2013 23:25 Feartheguru wrote: Fiora is just better overall except for facerolling in silver and below, it which case Yi might be slightly better. Fiora has always held a decent win rate (right at 50%) and is viable at all levels, never understood the hate.
fiora is definition of snowball. item dependent. to the point where if you're behind you look extra bad because you sniwball into obscurity if you're not smowballing ahead
Well, jungle Yi feels better to me as far as early clearing/gank potential goes. The one really big strike is there's a lot fewer situations I can go into because meditate's % damage reduction is absolutely terrible compared to the flat resists. I don't know how on earth you can call double strike a disappointing passive, its pretty much his old passive but it procs almost twice as often, so its better with on-hits and the consistency is a lot better once you're trained on a target.
Way I see it is AD jungle Yi is borderline viable due to how strong his ganks are, whereas previously, if you went AD jungle Yi without any tanky crap you were pretty much useless because your alpha didn't come back up on a ridiculously short cooldown. Ie, he probably won't ever be jungled in competitive play, but he's a monster at homing in on targets and cutting them to pieces. His ganks before his remake were already pretty scary, so if you were already good at snowballing as him in the previous jungle, shouldn't be that much of a problem now.
You do have to start building tanky stuff eventually, but the window for that feels much larger than it used to be.
from my experience fioras ult on squishy targets makes her actually pretty strong even if you arent uber fed it depends on teamcomps and how the teamfights are working uot because if you cant get in range of a decent target to ult before getting exhausted or something you're in trouble even if your items are fine
On August 02 2013 23:48 Slayer91 wrote: from my experience fioras ult on squishy targets makes her actually pretty strong even if you arent uber fed it depends on teamcomps and how the teamfights are working uot because if you cant get in range of a decent target to ult before getting exhausted or something you're in trouble even if your items are fine
yes. she excels when teamcomp is teamfight oriented.
yeah prone to getting cced all the time. also zhonya meta made her weaker these days
don't underestimate her outside her ulti E+W+passive and good amount of lifesteal makes her deceptively beefy she needs to be autoattacking though lol
On August 02 2013 15:40 Amui wrote: IIRC I picked charmander my first time playing pokemon, then totodile because I saw my friends feralygatr and I was like holy shit I want. Can't remember what I picked in the later generations.
I love you dude! FFX is my favourite Game OST of all time, Zanarkland my most frqeuently played "classic" but nooo way anyone beats the original suteki Da Ne singer, Rikki
that being said when the HD remake is released later this year I'm mia for a few days haha.
On August 02 2013 15:40 Amui wrote: IIRC I picked charmander my first time playing pokemon, then totodile because I saw my friends feralygatr and I was like holy shit I want. Can't remember what I picked in the later generations.
I love you dude! FFX is my favourite Game OST of all time, Zanarkland my most frqeuently played "classic" but nooo way anyone beats the original suteki Da Ne singer, Rikki
i played ff10 the most since it was the first i played personally but ff7 or maybe 8 had the best music you just have to fiora ult adcs after aps get zhonyas but it will still often splash to the ap (especially with tiamat passive huehueheu)
I played final fantasy 1-6 and I don't really consider any of these very good games. The combat system is utterly boring in all of these, there is very little varying strategy or thought involved. Final Fantasy 1 and 3 had no plots or story whatsoever, 2 and 4-6 were better in that respect, but only 6 really had good characters imo. Still not a very enjoyable game imo, just too boring. :/
I played FFX the most too! Cheesed the game by saving all my sphere-moves on Yuna until the first Teleport Sphere in Bikanel Desert or something, then teleported her to Auron's position and got a buttload of STR, which made Aeons gods really early on l0l
On August 02 2013 15:40 Amui wrote: IIRC I picked charmander my first time playing pokemon, then totodile because I saw my friends feralygatr and I was like holy shit I want. Can't remember what I picked in the later generations.
I love you dude! FFX is my favourite Game OST of all time, Zanarkland my most frqeuently played "classic" but nooo way anyone beats the original suteki Da Ne singer, Rikki
Classic FFs need to be enjoyed with the knowledge that they were basically the prototypes for most modern RPG. That means minimal stories and character development, basic combat, etc. I don't find them in any of my top lists (well, I liked the class system in 3), but they're good in their own rights and time.
I also don't really like Chrono Trigger for the same reason. Sure the time traveling thing is cool and some of the characters were neat, but the only really interesting thing about it was the style they did for the combat system. Modern RPGs have really learned how to weave together a good story.