[Patch 3.07: Nerf Everything Not Nami] General Discussion…
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Looks like we're back to status quo. Hope more of you lurkers unburrow and talk with us. :3 If you have any issues or comments about the new design, feel free to PM Neo. | ||
United States4054 Posts
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South Africa35471 Posts
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120 Posts
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United Kingdom50293 Posts
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United States20754 Posts
On May 31 2013 08:11 Numy wrote: To be fair it sounds like Link is doing work when it comes to coordinating everything. Is he the only good TF in NA? Regi utilizes the power of voodoo to win as TF every time. But actually he's pretty good at TF ('Cept for that one game LOL) Also I've noticed it's been awhile since I blindly fanboyed. So TSM TSM TSM | ||
United States9006 Posts
On May 31 2013 09:09 g3no wrote: Idk if chauster is trolling, but hes playing like trash, most of the shotcalling is being done by link also, so l0l. LiNk was really underrated in Spring Split. I think it was mostly due to CLG doing poorly as a whole and people noticing that Aphro was steadily getting better. LiNk's a really quiet dude and doesn't have the outspoken nature that players like Double, Chauster, or Aphromoo do nor does he have the long time fanbases that jiji or Hotshot do. And now with Nien and jiji on the team he's likely to continue to be over shadowed. | ||
479 Posts
Shaco, Lee, Xin - lane control and ganking Amumu, Fiddle - if team lacks magic damage Shyv - farming the jungle Trundle - tanky guy? I think I might need some kind of control jungler, any ideas? | ||
10417 Posts
On May 31 2013 09:15 GhandiEAGLE wrote: Regi utilizes the power of voodoo to win as TF every time. But actually he's pretty good at TF ('Cept for that one game LOL) Also I've noticed it's been awhile since I blindly fanboyed. So TSM TSM TSM He's really good on TF because he knows when to engage and TSM trusts him to pick good spots. His mechanical skill needs work but if he was a mechanical god he'd be international level. | ||
United States10536 Posts
I side with him/Link on that one mucked up Dragon during the Nocturne game. Chauster and DL were too far away; double globals doesn't mean you auto-win when your allies aren't going to arrive before you've been brutalized. | ||
10417 Posts
On May 31 2013 09:19 craaaaack wrote: I want to improve my jungler diversity. So far I play: Shaco, Lee, Xin - lane control and ganking Amumu, Fiddle - if team lacks magic damage Shyv - farming the jungle Trundle - tanky guy? I think I might need some kind of control jungler, any ideas? Nocturne, Nautilus, Vi, Diana, and Hec are all strong right now but Spirit of the Elder Lizard is getting nerfed soon so who knows. | ||
United States10536 Posts
On May 31 2013 09:19 craaaaack wrote: I want to improve my jungler diversity. So far I play: Shaco, Lee, Xin - lane control and ganking Amumu, Fiddle - if team lacks magic damage Shyv - farming the jungle Trundle - tanky guy? I think I might need some kind of control jungler, any ideas? You're missing Nasus, Jarvan, Sejuani, and Volibear for starters. Hecarim is also really good, but landing decent ultimates with him is a talent/skill most players (including myself) lack. | ||
Spain1114 Posts
Were they really the best bot lane in the world? Why did he stop playing support? Does he have to potencial to be a great support again? His mechanics look really bad -_-, at least Aphro was good at that. I may be wrong (don't know much about Chauster/Dlift bot in the past) but to me it seems like they will be decent in NA like Aphro/Dlift was and they will get destroyed in Worlds. | ||
United States19573 Posts
On May 31 2013 09:23 Seuss wrote: You're missing Nasus, Jarvan, Sejuani, and Volibear for starters. Hecarim is also really good, but landing decent ultimates with him is a talent/skill most players (including myself) lack. Nunu is fairly good as a "control" jungler, might actually be the only one. I would say though, that you don't need to play all the popular junglers. A lot of them dont really carry that hard. Except the pig and the horse. | ||
United States9006 Posts
On May 31 2013 09:38 Spaiku wrote: I got into LoL at the end of season 2 so i'm not familiar with Chauster as a support. I've only seen him as a jungler with 50 cs by 40 minutes into the game sitting on top of Doublelift. Were they really the best bot lane in the world? Why did he stop playing support? Does he have to potencial to be a great support again? His mechanics look really bad -_-, at least Aphro was good at that. I may be wrong (don't know much about Chauster/Dlift bot in the past) but to me it seems like they will be decent in NA like Aphro/Dlift was and they will get destroyed in Worlds. They were probably top 5 bot lane in the world. Definitely the best in NA. Chauster wasn't as good as Madlife back then and he certainly isn't as good as Madlife now though. This is their first day of scrims I believe. Give him some time and a few weeks of LCS before judging him. But yeah, he looked bad, I don't think NA supports of today are the much better than Chauster was in his prime personally (although patoy Zyra and Daydreamin Blitz are both sick as hell). | ||
United Kingdom7236 Posts
On May 31 2013 09:23 Seuss wrote: You're missing Nasus, Jarvan, Sejuani, and Volibear for starters. Hecarim is also really good, but landing decent ultimates with him is a talent/skill most players (including myself) lack. Xin for soloQ, carries hard. Nunu. Udyr ^_^ Heca is just fucking OP right now, his ultimates are easy enough to hit i find, but then i fail janna ults at a 100% ratio so i guess things like that are hit n miss On a side note, is there any pro support out there which is god-mode leona? I always pick leona if i can as support because of her play potential, she can do some miracle shit. | ||
France45622 Posts
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14521 Posts
On May 31 2013 10:07 overt wrote: They were probably top 5 bot lane in the world. Definitely the best in NA. Chauster wasn't as good as Madlife back then and he certainly isn't as good as Madlife now though. This is their first day of scrims I believe. Give him some time and a few weeks of LCS before judging him. But yeah, he looked bad, I don't think NA supports of today are the much better than Chauster was in his prime personally (although patoy Zyra and Daydreamin Blitz are both sick as hell). They also played in Korea shortly, and from what I recall of interviews from that time, they were beating Korean bot lanes(at that time). So, they definitely were on the right track to be a top bot lane, then they switched stuff around because they don't know what future means. | ||
United States60033 Posts
On May 31 2013 09:38 Spaiku wrote: I got into LoL at the end of season 2 so i'm not familiar with Chauster as a support. I've only seen him as a jungler with 50 cs by 40 minutes into the game sitting on top of Doublelift. Were they really the best bot lane in the world? Why did he stop playing support? Does he have to potencial to be a great support again? His mechanics look really bad -_-, at least Aphro was good at that. I may be wrong (don't know much about Chauster/Dlift bot in the past) but to me it seems like they will be decent in NA like Aphro/Dlift was and they will get destroyed in Worlds. Probably top 2-3 support/botlane combo imo. When they were in OGN, Korean teams had to change their strategy to deal with Doublelift and Chauster. Supposedly 2v1 lane popularity evolved because of this. | ||
United States9006 Posts
On May 31 2013 10:20 ketchup wrote: They also played in Korea shortly, and from what I recall of interviews from that time, they were beating Korean bot lanes(at that time). So, they definitely were on the right track to be a top bot lane, then they switched stuff around because they don't know what future means. Yeah, they usually won bot lane but every other lane lost and they'd get camped every game so it wasn't like Double would get any real advantage over the enemy ADC. Also Madlife for example had to play with locodoco and then Woong who were both fairly average (I'm sorry I love you loco) and the #1 ADC in Korea at the time was CptJack who is not all that great to be honest. They were definitely up there. Maybe even top 3 bot lane instead of top 5. But that's all irrelevant now. It'd be like if CLG got Hotshot back to top lane, saintvicious back to jungle, and jiji back in mid lane then boasted that they were once #1 in the world with that team. I'm sure people would get pumped to see that again but that doesn't mean it'd be good. edit: I'm not trying to sound like such a downer. I'm hopeful about chauster as a support. I just think it's dumb that Double keeps bringing up how good they used to be. I will say that if Chauster never left support for jungle I think CLG would've looked completely different over the course of the past eight months. I don't think they would've gone to relegations for example. | ||
Canada12016 Posts
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