On May 31 2013 03:03 TheYango wrote: No, I'd rather just play normals and not hear everyone bitch about solo queue day in and day out.
Can't you be happy playing soloQ and not caring at all about your league? I can't see how getting a normal game with everybody arguing about who called mid first could be any fun
On May 31 2013 03:03 TheYango wrote: No, I'd rather just play normals and not hear everyone bitch about solo queue day in and day out.
Can't you be happy playing soloQ and not caring at all about your league? I can see how getting a normal game with everybody arguing about who called mid first could be any fun
Haha, I always thought that was way worse in Solo-queue.
On May 31 2013 02:51 Numy wrote: The promotion system completely screws the system up. That and not going down tiers. Otherwise I think there would be nothing wrong with this since it's basically viewing MMR brackets instead of just the number where people confuse insignificant change as something significant
I concluded that having no visible rating/leagues of any kind and just a top 100 list or similar would make everyone happier.
Either: - You don't care about the competitive environment of ranked, and would rather not have it be the e-penis ruler that's on everyone's minds (and I guarantee you there are plenty of people who just play ranked because they feel pressured to get X or Y rating/league). - You do care about playing competitively, and are good enough to measure your own improvement. Visible rating isn't a big deal for you because you have a good enough sense of your own ability to track your improvement regardless. - You do care about playing competitively, but aren't good enough to measure your own improvement. In this case, no visible rating is still better because even if you are not improving, you are happier deluding yourself into thinking you're improving than knowing that you aren't.
You just described normals though didn't you? The whole point of ranked is to have a visual standing of where you are in terms of "skill" (obviously an arbitrary term but I can't think of another word for it, ladder rank, I guess).
If people's enjoyment is hindered based on ladder points, just play Normals ^^ but honestly I think Ranked is doing what it's supposed to do.
The problem is that the very existence of a ranked queue MAKES normals into a second-class queue. A lot of high Elo players just play ranked the way you'd expect normals to be played (pick random heroes, troll around, dont give a fuck). But they do it in ranked just because that's the way it's done.
On May 31 2013 03:17 Nobu wrote: Dunno in US, but in EU, people respect pick order 95% of the games at any elo.
Same. Although you get the odd guy that you just kind of let have his way because you got this gut feeling if he doesn't the game is going to be rubbish.
Damn, Machinima needs to keep making these player vids; they're really good.
Yeah, I didn't know much about Regi and always just thought he was an immature dick. I have a lot more respect for him after seeing this video, though.
On May 31 2013 03:53 Mensol wrote: Riot's apology system:
Skina for KR RP for NA 4 IP boost for EUW
EUW is like the children Riot never wanted -_-
Considering all the QQ; can you blame them?
"At this point in time there's just a difference in communication philosophy here, but at no point was there the intention to make you feel like second-class citizens" - Quote RIOT Pwyff
Yeah, good way to make the mob even angrier. I couldn't care less about whatever we get as a compensation, but saying that we shouldn't feel like second-class citizens and then award with 4 IP boost isn't exactly smart in my eyes.
I was searching for something on TL and came across this thread earlier today.
For me personally: We cover ALL games on Live On Three and GameSpot eSports. Not just StarCraft 2. Not just FGC. CounterStrike. And definitely not just Dota 2 or League of Legends. It's all games - including LoL. I have had several LoL pros on the show (Alex Ich twice, Dyrus, HotShotGG, SoaZ, and Riot Games themselves). The only reason we didn't cover LoL AllStars yesterday was because of what happened during our FGC segment, kind of got out of hand.
As for Travis, he's been brought on to do content with me at GameSpot eSports because of his hard work, dedication, and contacts. He's had my full support in creating content, and I think he's done a damn good job at doing it thus far. Expect only more to come.
I really REALLY hope C9 develop a pseudo Frost/Blaze thing. It's such a good idea that so many teams (not just NA) should implement.
So much more excited for the summer split. I really think (not just blindly fanboying) that TSM will secure a spot at worlds, but the other seeds - literally no idea. So many good teams!!