On December 21 2012 09:12 Amarok wrote:New Lore + Show Spoiler +Mordekaiser is a being of pure, living agony on a mysterious dread quest. It is said that he was the first of the undead, existing before the Shadow Isles were a whispered threat. His true name and past lost to history, Mordekaiser is feared for his grim manipulation of pain –both his own, and that of others. Anguish fuels and sustains him, serving as his last connection to life, as well as his most effective weapon. In his enigmatic hunt, he's proven no one is safe, for even the most courageous souls have surrendered their secrets in his grasp.
One girl witnessed and survived an encounter with pain's paladin. Late one night, the young mage-in-training was awoken by the sound of her master's tortured screams. Overcoming her fear, she charged into the library to find it a shattered ruin. There, she saw a hulking figure clad in a suit of armor that seemed fused to his body. It was clear the grim intruder was looking for something, and was displeased with the results. At the center of the once-majestic chamber, the armored fiend clutched her teacher's broken form. She overheard her master's final words – that he would die before he would give up his secrets. Mordekaiser laughed and said that even death was no escape, then snapped the master's neck with a sharp crack. Moments later, the horrified girl witnessed her master's spirit torn from his body. As if under some dark compulsion, the shade began to reveal all to his torturer and executioner. The girl fled, living to tell her story – should Mordekaiser come for you, even death itself will not keep you from his iron reach.
"Fear is confusion, pain is clarity." ―Mordekaiser Old Lore + Show Spoiler +During the winter solstice, on the darkest day of the year, a being like no other emerged from the forgotten alleyways of Noxus. Standing eight feet tall, and concealed within a razor-sharp armored shell, he came to be known only as Mordekaiser. The nature of what lies beneath his carbonized carapace is a popular subject of speculation. Many allege that he is a mortal man with a heart that has hardened to iron. Others insist that he is a dark specimen of the undead. But there are some who whisper warnings that he is merely a foreshadowing of something terrible and unprecedented yet to come. Despite the public conjecture and curiosity, none have discovered what lies beneath his alloyed exterior. What is known is this: Mordekaiser arrived unannounced at the Institute one day and, with a rasp that crept ice up the spines of all within earshot, requested to join the League of Legends.
Upon glimpsing his fearful visage, most keep their distance, fortunately unaware that his touch bears a sinister scourge. Those who stumble within his grasp fall victim to incurable maladies. In fact, Mordekaiser seems mystically attuned to sickness, as if it feeds and comprises part of his chilling essence. He now stalks the slums of Noxus, drawn to the plague-ridden and diseased. However, there is something in his clever tactics, something in his noble stance, something in the tone of his unearthly commands that has led many to believe that Mordekaiser is more than just a foot soldier. Some see the distinguishing characteristics of a general. While many have learned to accept the evidence of this unsettling possibility, a lingering question keeps them wary at the witching hour: If Mordekaiser is a general, what nightmarish legion lurks at his command?
"The common perception is that the encompassing armor protects him, I fear that -- for the fragile time being -- it actually protects us."
Aww. Morde's saying should be "Not even death can save you from me" said in the same voice as you hear after popping the 5th seal in the Chaos Sanctuary.
On December 21 2012 09:39 cLutZ wrote:Show nested quote +On December 21 2012 09:12 Amarok wrote:New Lore + Show Spoiler +Mordekaiser is a being of pure, living agony on a mysterious dread quest. It is said that he was the first of the undead, existing before the Shadow Isles were a whispered threat. His true name and past lost to history, Mordekaiser is feared for his grim manipulation of pain –both his own, and that of others. Anguish fuels and sustains him, serving as his last connection to life, as well as his most effective weapon. In his enigmatic hunt, he's proven no one is safe, for even the most courageous souls have surrendered their secrets in his grasp.
One girl witnessed and survived an encounter with pain's paladin. Late one night, the young mage-in-training was awoken by the sound of her master's tortured screams. Overcoming her fear, she charged into the library to find it a shattered ruin. There, she saw a hulking figure clad in a suit of armor that seemed fused to his body. It was clear the grim intruder was looking for something, and was displeased with the results. At the center of the once-majestic chamber, the armored fiend clutched her teacher's broken form. She overheard her master's final words – that he would die before he would give up his secrets. Mordekaiser laughed and said that even death was no escape, then snapped the master's neck with a sharp crack. Moments later, the horrified girl witnessed her master's spirit torn from his body. As if under some dark compulsion, the shade began to reveal all to his torturer and executioner. The girl fled, living to tell her story – should Mordekaiser come for you, even death itself will not keep you from his iron reach.
"Fear is confusion, pain is clarity." ―Mordekaiser Old Lore + Show Spoiler +During the winter solstice, on the darkest day of the year, a being like no other emerged from the forgotten alleyways of Noxus. Standing eight feet tall, and concealed within a razor-sharp armored shell, he came to be known only as Mordekaiser. The nature of what lies beneath his carbonized carapace is a popular subject of speculation. Many allege that he is a mortal man with a heart that has hardened to iron. Others insist that he is a dark specimen of the undead. But there are some who whisper warnings that he is merely a foreshadowing of something terrible and unprecedented yet to come. Despite the public conjecture and curiosity, none have discovered what lies beneath his alloyed exterior. What is known is this: Mordekaiser arrived unannounced at the Institute one day and, with a rasp that crept ice up the spines of all within earshot, requested to join the League of Legends.
Upon glimpsing his fearful visage, most keep their distance, fortunately unaware that his touch bears a sinister scourge. Those who stumble within his grasp fall victim to incurable maladies. In fact, Mordekaiser seems mystically attuned to sickness, as if it feeds and comprises part of his chilling essence. He now stalks the slums of Noxus, drawn to the plague-ridden and diseased. However, there is something in his clever tactics, something in his noble stance, something in the tone of his unearthly commands that has led many to believe that Mordekaiser is more than just a foot soldier. Some see the distinguishing characteristics of a general. While many have learned to accept the evidence of this unsettling possibility, a lingering question keeps them wary at the witching hour: If Mordekaiser is a general, what nightmarish legion lurks at his command?
"The common perception is that the encompassing armor protects him, I fear that -- for the fragile time being -- it actually protects us." Aww. Morde's saying should be "Not even death can save you from me" said in the same voice as you hear after popping the 5th seal in the Chaos Sanctuary.
That's one of the most memorable lines in DII. Still remember almost shitting my pants as a 7 year old getting there for the first time.
I usually play in full a premade (90%+ of the time) and main ad carry which got somewhat boring the last few days, though. Recently I had had the chance to play something else and chose to do a bit of jungling. And what can I say? Holy shit, I feel so useless almost every game.
I have the feeling that I'm starving on gold almost always and my impact feels so low compared to my main role. Is this because I prefer to play classic junglers like Xin, WW, Olaf instead of the supportish slave junglers (Mao / Naut)? I don't think I'm doing bad every single game so this is probably not the (only) reason, but even if I manage to have some nice mix of farming and ganking I either lack survivability or damage (assuming I don't get all the kills when ganking) which makes me feel 'useless'.
Tried razor -> BC as Vi. It took me way too long to complete defensive stuff after that, while I was getting shat on by both their Cait and their TF (lichbane is so strong in this patch for everything except tower-killing, I feel way more miserable against a lichbane user than any champ stacking BC in the previous patch), and even with randuin's + negatron I couldn't initiate into their team without getting punished by death. That was acceptable as long as we killed the squishy for it, but I've found that Vi doesn't have enough damage for this. One cc and you're dead if you're squishy so you can't build only this anyway.
Oh, and she's trash top if you're behind. No tools to farm at all, no harass, slow escape that'll let you take tons of damage, so zoning utterly destroys her. Fall behind? The game's over for you if the opposing top is smart.
^ you always lack one of the two coming out of the jungle, unless you're getting ridiculously fed early game that you can get something like a BT then tanky stuff (and those games are won by the time you're fed enough for a BT anyway), which is why utility junglers were so prevalent in the s2 jungle, and why champs with ridiculous steroids like Noc build even less damage than top lane bruisers.
clg playing NESL with 3 subs rofl Link, Aphro and Nhat.
Just browsing the LoL forums, found this
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Vrmiu.jpg) Some people have a ton of time on their hands. Maybe some alcohol too.
On December 21 2012 10:00 Alaric wrote: Tried razor -> BC as Vi. It took me way too long to complete defensive stuff after that, while I was getting shat on by both their Cait and their TF (lichbane is so strong in this patch for everything except tower-killing, I feel way more miserable against a lichbane user than any champ stacking BC in the previous patch), and even with randuin's + negatron I couldn't initiate into their team without getting punished by death. That was acceptable as long as we killed the squishy for it, but I've found that Vi doesn't have enough damage for this. One cc and you're dead if you're squishy so you can't build only this anyway.
^ you always lack one of the two coming out of the jungle, unless you're getting ridiculously fed early game that you can get something like a BT then tanky stuff (and those games are won by the time you're fed enough for a BT anyway), which is why utility junglers were so prevalent in the s2 jungle, and why champs with ridiculous steroids like Noc build even less damage than top lane bruisers.
While in the jungle, I've found it best to leave the machete as is and build into other things. I would also suggest not straight out rushing BC unless you are getting fed, since her kit doesn't quite lend itself to assassinations the way Talon and Pantheon do. I would probably get brut then go defensive for a next item, either randuin's or maybe SV.
IMO her kit is sub-optimal for jungling. She can gank decently well, but almost all of her abilities scale off of bonus AD, so she relies heavily on items to scale into mid- and late-game, which is very hard to do out of the jungle, even the supposedly "improved" S3 jungle (I don't think it's noticeably better). In this sense she's similar bonus AD champs like riven & kha'zix; she can jungle decently, but not nearly as good as any good junglers.
On December 21 2012 09:58 little fancy wrote: I usually play in full a premade (90%+ of the time) and main ad carry which got somewhat boring the last few days, though. Recently I had had the chance to play something else and chose to do a bit of jungling. And what can I say? Holy shit, I feel so useless almost every game.
I have the feeling that I'm starving on gold almost always and my impact feels so low compared to my main role. Is this because I prefer to play classic junglers like Xin, WW, Olaf instead of the supportish slave junglers (Mao / Naut)? I don't think I'm doing bad every single game so this is probably not the (only) reason, but even if I manage to have some nice mix of farming and ganking I either lack survivability or damage (assuming I don't get all the kills when ganking) which makes me feel 'useless'. Those junglers tend to fill the more niche anti-carry roles where you're in a race to kill / zone their carry (usually the AD) enough to sway the fight in your favor. If you're behind, it's pretty difficult to fill that role. You end up needing to come in at odd times/angles to compensate. Even if you're "even," you're still the second weakest player on your team, so you can't just zerg mindlessly and hope it all works out. You have to pick your moments. If you're way ahead, you just superman that oh.*
I personally find the "standard" tanky junglers easier for new junglers [players] to acclimate to, such as Amumu.
+ Show Spoiler +
Valhalla18444 Posts
On December 21 2012 09:58 little fancy wrote: I usually play in full a premade (90%+ of the time) and main ad carry which got somewhat boring the last few days, though. Recently I had had the chance to play something else and chose to do a bit of jungling. And what can I say? Holy shit, I feel so useless almost every game.
I have the feeling that I'm starving on gold almost always and my impact feels so low compared to my main role. Is this because I prefer to play classic junglers like Xin, WW, Olaf instead of the supportish slave junglers (Mao / Naut)? I don't think I'm doing bad every single game so this is probably not the (only) reason, but even if I manage to have some nice mix of farming and ganking I either lack survivability or damage (assuming I don't get all the kills when ganking) which makes me feel 'useless'.
I recommend maining support for a while so you can get used to being effective & having a real impact on the game without ANY survivability or damage. beyond doing that, maybe it's just your ability to draft yourself the appropriate jungler that's making you feel weak? for instance, if your team picks Ori and Cho as solo laners, and Trist as AD, you know that your team will have massive utility lategame but will lack for midgame teamfight damage, so you should pick a jungler like Shyvana who can fulfill that purpose. if your solo laners are Karthus and Irelia, with a Cait AD, your jungle will benefit more from strong ganking presence in early game and high utility (peeling, cc, damage reduction) later on, making Maokai a solid choice.
When I jungle, the only time I really feel weak or useless is when, on reflection, I realize I made an error at champion select. Since the jungler is typically the 4 position for farm, you absolutely must prioritize synergy with the rest of your team. then you'll feel like a boss! you can carry with any champion in the game as long as your team is properly set up for you to do so, regardless of what role you do it from. I mean, I've won games pretty much by myself as Janna simply by denying kills to the enemy team.
Some people have a ton of time on their hands. Maybe some alcohol too.
I think he must have been drinking tincture of genius or something XD. So good.
United States6657 Posts
wait why are there 3 subs for CLG? Holidays?
Can you still call a team CLG if less than half of the players are actually from CLG?
On December 21 2012 10:19 BlasiuS wrote: In this sense she's similar bonus AD champs like riven & kha'zix; she can jungle decently, but not nearly as good as any good junglers. because of the jungle changes, riven can farm pretty fast with decent sustain now, it's actually quite scary... and she's a great dueler so she's good at counterjungling. and because boots are nerfed and no one's starting them it's a bit easier to gank with her as well.
i've been going machete+5pots into bruta, then BC into BT/BotRK. once you get bruta/BC you have really good midgame strength out of the jungle. i've played games where i don't even get boots until after BC, lol.
So, how is vi's Release alternate skin NOT Boxer Vi?
United States23745 Posts
On December 21 2012 10:32 Live2Win wrote: wait why are there 3 subs for CLG? Holidays?
Can you still call a team CLG if less than half of the players are actually from CLG? Well in their defense Aphro or Nhat will probably become an official member some time in the near future lol.
On December 21 2012 10:34 cLutZ wrote: So, how is vi's Release alternate skin NOT Boxer Vi? I like Neon Racer Vi a lot, just looks cool and her backing animation dance is smooth.
Tried razor -> BC as Vi. It took me way too long to complete defensive stuff after that, while I was getting shat on by both their Cait and their TF (lichbane is so strong in this patch for everything except tower-killing, I feel way more miserable against a lichbane user than any champ stacking BC in the previous patch), and even with randuin's + negatron I couldn't initiate into their team without getting punished by death. That was acceptable as long as we killed the squishy for it, but I've found that Vi doesn't have enough damage for this. One cc and you're dead if you're squishy so you can't build only this anyway.
Oh, and she's trash top if you're behind. No tools to farm at all, no harass, slow escape that'll let you take tons of damage, so zoning utterly destroys her. Fall behind? The game's over for you if the opposing top is smart.
I've played like four games on her so far and imo her clear is second only to olaf for bruisers. Q through a wave, then E it from behind, instant 6 kills, starting around level 7-8, with very little AD needed. max your E if you're going damage early, Q if you're going tanky early (Q's base damage is high enough to give you great clear speed, but E scales better in a combo). in the jungle max W and go wriggles. Every game I've played (including the two jungle games) I've been top on farm on our team, close to top overall. Dunno why you say she has no farming tools.
In the jungle I built her mercs+ Wriggles>randuins>maw. As top I built her BC>iceborn>SV, though I'll change the SV I think. Need some way of getting CDR capped (very important on her) and MR. Don't underestimate how much the ability power does for her E too, it's a large .7 scaling AOE that you can fire off doubles of in a couple of seconds. It's not an ideal stat, but everything else on the gauntlet fits her perfectly. I'm probably going to try BC>iceborn>bulwark in my next few games, that seems to be a decent stat distribution for her.
On December 21 2012 10:38 onlywonderboy wrote:Show nested quote +On December 21 2012 10:32 Live2Win wrote: wait why are there 3 subs for CLG? Holidays?
Can you still call a team CLG if less than half of the players are actually from CLG? Well in their defense Aphro or Nhat will probably become an official member some time in the near future lol. Show nested quote +On December 21 2012 10:34 cLutZ wrote: So, how is vi's Release alternate skin NOT Boxer Vi? I like Neon Racer Vi a lot, just looks cool and her backing animation dance is smooth.
Its a good skin, but boxer Vi is so obvious it should have been a 2nd optional release.
They could have charged like double RP for the 3 skin bundle and people will pay it.
On December 21 2012 10:32 Live2Win wrote: wait why are there 3 subs for CLG? Holidays?
Can you still call a team CLG if less than half of the players are actually from CLG? All i know is that Double is in Korea doing something, and HSGG is... I have no idea
Lol dunno why, but watching State of the League and watching Marn take shows every 5 minutes and his face after the shot. hahahahah
This Vi song is crazy.
Have you ever really wanted to be a total rebel flipping tables on the enemy? Did you ever try to further improve how fast you punch people through the roof?