On October 26 2012 15:07 ticklishmusic wrote: nunu is just a really fucking good support in general. tanky, high sustain, ridiculous atk/mvspd buff you can keep up forever with just a faerie, and a really strong, semi-spammable harass that is a atk/mvspd debuff. oh, and his ulti does tons and tons of damage.
i dont understand why people say he's weak.
i mean yeah, nunu top is still really good, but nunu support is pretty viable and ezmode. i rarely end up more than -1 with him.
because they're compairing him to sona and sona can just poke him out.
On October 26 2012 15:07 ticklishmusic wrote: nunu is just a really fucking good support in general. tanky, high sustain, ridiculous atk/mvspd buff you can keep up forever with just a faerie, and a really strong, semi-spammable harass that is a atk/mvspd debuff. oh, and his ulti does tons and tons of damage.
i dont understand why people say he's weak.
i mean yeah, nunu top is still really good, but nunu support is pretty viable and ezmode. i rarely end up more than -1 with him.
i like him too but i always seem to end up playing him against draven or mf lanes which never works out for me, they just murder my ad and before 6 i can't really peel other than the iceball (which is cancelled out by their exhaust on my ad)
i mean, it's not like he's the only support i can play, but he's the most fun by far
next to lee sin. support lee op
yeah, that draven has ridiculous damage output. i was blitz one game, we invaded and got 2-0. draven was almost lvl 2 by the time we got to lane and i pulled him into almost-tower-range, and got it right when a minion died. fucking murdered my mf. but that's a different story. :/
he's arguably the funnest and easiest support in the game. he's the only tanky support with a good ranged harass and a heal. so funny when you fight, your ADC dies and theirs is almost dead and you just run around smacking and iceballing (and eating a minion) until they die.
On October 26 2012 14:47 RuskiPanda wrote: The new twisted treeline is the dumbest thing ever holy shit. Towers do 0 damage so its back to the old 3 bruiser comps where they just tower dive you all game.
to be fair she needed a nerf but this doesn't change much people get so butthurt on nerfs but if you just don't take as much free damage its not that big of a deal.
Elise worries me. How will they ever balance out her kit without making her damageless? Her kit is so strong, if she can trade decently or do decent gank damage I don't see how she won't be OP.
Btw, she shouldn't be able to rappel away from AoE-damage/stuns that come from above, like GP or Leona ult or starcall or...uh, that Veigar-spell.
On October 26 2012 15:25 Cuddle wrote: Elise worries me. How will they ever balance out her kit without making her damageless? Her kit is so strong, if she can trade decently or do decent gank damage I don't see how she won't be OP.
Btw, she shouldn't be able to rappel away from AoE-damage/stuns that come from above, like GP or Leona ult or starcall or...uh, that Veigar-spell.
It should either just dodge ALL or NONE. Instead of making it above or below specific AOE @__@ realistically where does she rappel to? LMAO its on nothing shoots spider web up onto ??????????????? its silly.
Locodoco: We should get a couch and a TV I want to catch up on shows. It's a team-bonding experience, Double: Wtf teambuilding you just want to do that so you can get in my pants. Loco: If I wanted to get in your pants I would be in there already. You're not that hard to get.
Does anyone know if that Locodoco fomos article has been translated yet? My interest in locodoco has been piqued after hearing about his thought process.
Jesus fucking christ liftlift micro. 1v1ing Sivir, then 1v1ing Ahri with ult, then 1v1ing 1/4th hp Singed (wasn't as spectacular) , then running from lee sin.
OMG Loco is sooo back. Ever since I saw the video of DL and Loco wandering the Korean streets getting food together I knew they would make the perfect couple. :D
On October 26 2012 15:59 Kouda wrote: Jesus fucking christ liftlift micro. 1v1ing Sivir, then 1v1ing Ahri with ult, then 1v1ing 1/4th hp Singed (wasn't as spectacular) , then running from lee sin.
But that wasn't the best part about the Ahri 1v1. Ahri was full health, and Dlift was at like, 30%, I don't know how the fuck he lived.
On October 26 2012 15:59 Kouda wrote: Jesus fucking christ liftlift micro. 1v1ing Sivir, then 1v1ing Ahri with ult, then 1v1ing 1/4th hp Singed (wasn't as spectacular) , then running from lee sin.
Yeah I saw that...the Ahri fight was especially amazing. 1/4 hp ezreal with almost no mana vs full hp Ahri.