is there any lane that vayne actually wins? assuming normal level, not doublelift or anything... it seems like it's just hopeless unless the enemy screws up reaaaally bad hindsight, vayne free week isn't helping i suppose
is there any lane that vayne actually wins? assuming normal level, not doublelift or anything... it seems like it's just hopeless unless the enemy screws up reaaaally bad hindsight, vayne free week isn't helping i suppose
is there any lane that vayne actually wins? assuming normal level, not doublelift or anything... it seems like it's just hopeless unless the enemy screws up reaaaally bad hindsight, vayne free week isn't helping i suppose
What is "normal level"?
~1400 i suppose, although i don't know what my unranked elo is
i'm just asking because all of the vayne lanes i play with recently just get stomped, but i'm playing at a low level so i'm wondering if she has favorable lanes at higher levels or if it's always a pray you dont die thing
is there any lane that vayne actually wins? assuming normal level, not doublelift or anything... it seems like it's just hopeless unless the enemy screws up reaaaally bad hindsight, vayne free week isn't helping i suppose
What is "normal level"?
~1400 i suppose, although i don't know what my unranked elo is
i'm just asking because all of the vayne lanes i play with recently just get stomped, but i'm playing at a low level so i'm wondering if she has favorable lanes at higher levels or if it's always a pray you dont die thing
It depends heavily on the support. I find the only viable supports with Vayne are Sona, Nunu, and Alistar.
I really like picking Vayne into a Sivir lane. Also Vayne is amongst my favorites for 2v1. Vayne/Sona and Vayne/Ali can do well against Graves if played correctly. It is key to position well for condemn, as well as avoiding buckshot and trading well with your higher 25 range.
is there any lane that vayne actually wins? assuming normal level, not doublelift or anything... it seems like it's just hopeless unless the enemy screws up reaaaally bad hindsight, vayne free week isn't helping i suppose
What is "normal level"?
~1400 i suppose, although i don't know what my unranked elo is
i'm just asking because all of the vayne lanes i play with recently just get stomped, but i'm playing at a low level so i'm wondering if she has favorable lanes at higher levels or if it's always a pray you dont die thing
The thing a lot of players don't understand about bot lane is that its often the support that has more presence in lane. You're going to have to give a 2v2 matchup, not a 1v1.
That being said vayne does pair extremely well with someone like ali, while she may not function as well with, say leona.
The new twisted treeline is the dumbest thing ever holy shit. Towers do 0 damage so its back to the old 3 bruiser comps where they just tower dive you all game.
And did anyone see this amazing play on our stream rather than NESL? Man Skarnold, tried so hard to empathize with you on that one...can't leave fellow TLers feelin' low on dem bad plays.
ewwww. I wanted Ferus to win so I had to analyze whose fault it was, you know.
I dunno man, MandatoryCloud should change his name to MandatoryThatIGetCaught.
I'm usually on my phone when I post here nowadays. Rarely am I actually online except night, so I often miss your casts it seems (explains why like 90% of my posts often have a typo i'm too lazy to correct) Do you have any VODs of you + soniv casting? I'd like to watch if so when I have the time.
On October 26 2012 14:46 tissue wrote: Elise looks pretty fun to play, too bad I'm fucking terrified of spiders Surely some segment of the audience is too?
I wonder if custom skins can be applied on other players' champions...
I'm pretty sure custom skins completely replace the default champion skin. As in for everyone.
People using death blossom might not get replaced tho
And did anyone see this amazing play on our stream rather than NESL? Man Skarnold, tried so hard to empathize with you on that one...can't leave fellow TLers feelin' low on dem bad plays.
ewwww. I wanted Ferus to win so I had to analyze whose fault it was, you know.
I dunno man, MandatoryCloud should change his name to MandatoryThatIGetCaught.
I'm usually on my phone when I post here nowadays. Rarely am I actually online except night, so I often miss your casts it seems (explains why like 90% of my posts often have a typo i'm too lazy to correct) Do you have any VODs of you + soniv casting? I'd like to watch if so when I have the time.
nunu is just a really fucking good support in general. tanky, high sustain, ridiculous atk/mvspd buff you can keep up forever with just a faerie, and a really strong, semi-spammable harass that is a atk/mvspd debuff. oh, and his ulti does tons and tons of damage.
i dont understand why people say he's weak.
i mean yeah, nunu top is still really good, but nunu support is pretty viable and ezmode. i rarely end up more than -1 with him.
On October 26 2012 15:07 ticklishmusic wrote: nunu is just a really fucking good support in general. tanky, high sustain, ridiculous atk/mvspd buff you can keep up forever with just a faerie, and a really strong, semi-spammable harass that is a atk/mvspd debuff. oh, and his ulti does tons and tons of damage.
i dont understand why people say he's weak.
i mean yeah, nunu top is still really good, but nunu support is pretty viable and ezmode. i rarely end up more than -1 with him.
because they're compairing him to sona and sona can just poke him out.
On October 26 2012 15:07 ticklishmusic wrote: nunu is just a really fucking good support in general. tanky, high sustain, ridiculous atk/mvspd buff you can keep up forever with just a faerie, and a really strong, semi-spammable harass that is a atk/mvspd debuff. oh, and his ulti does tons and tons of damage.
i dont understand why people say he's weak.
i mean yeah, nunu top is still really good, but nunu support is pretty viable and ezmode. i rarely end up more than -1 with him.
i like him too but i always seem to end up playing him against draven or mf lanes which never works out for me, they just murder my ad and before 6 i can't really peel other than the iceball (which is cancelled out by their exhaust on my ad)
i mean, it's not like he's the only support i can play, but he's the most fun by far
If you have a jungler who can play Nunu, first/second picking Nunu is extremely powerful because he is both top tier jungler and a top tier support. So you can't really directly compare him to Sona because Sona (nor any other support) have this kind of versatility. Yeah, Alistar can jungle, but it's baddd.