On November 09 2012 13:41 thenexusp wrote: Man this whole "reveal 1 new item per day" thing really reminds me of that thing they do at MTG before the release of new sets... lolsalvation.com pls
The Riven main inside me is stoked as hell for BC and BotRK. RIVU RIVU RIVU!
On November 09 2012 14:19 Simberto wrote:Show nested quote +On November 09 2012 14:13 Requizen wrote:On November 09 2012 14:09 nosliw wrote: But if the opponent is running kat, kass, etc mid who is melee or weak in early levels, how can I punish them effectively? I guess I have to tell the support to ward jungle instead of just bot lane?
Not necessarily. You can roughly judge where the jungler is going to be based on their start. Take Amumu. He'll generally (as in probably always during solo queue) start blue, and not gank until he finishes red. He'll go Wolves-Blue-Wraiths-Wolves-Red-Wraiths (at least that was what it was when I used to play him), so you can guesstimate what side of the jungle he'll be on for most of the first ~4 minutes or so. Then, by watching where he ganks, you can tell where is safest for you to be. At the moment, by far the most popular start is wolves-smiteless blue-red-gank on most junglers. On the blue side they sometimes go wraiths-red-blue, but that is pretty rare. I don't know why, really, because it is pretty good as it allows you to reach top in time for that level 3 brawl. Thus, the danger time starts earlier. since people rarely farm until level 4 at the moment. I see. Oddly, I've only jungled once or twice lately, it used to be my main role. I actually get forced into ADC sometimes, it's strange.
But for mid, you kind of can just play a bit safe in that situation to see where the jungler goes. If they go top (as a lot seem to be doing earlier now), you have more or less free reign to do whatever you want in mid (push, harass, free farm, etc). But I'd play a wait and see game until you're sure they're not chilling out nearby.
DURRHURRDERP (12:25): lol DURRHURRDERP (12:25): playing on silsols team DURRHURRDERP (12:25): and playing vs silsol DURRHURRDERP (12:25): is like 2 completely different games
What is there with Silsol? Apart from his love for Summoner Heal, I mean. Never caught too much of him so I only heard tidbits.
Also my junglers are Maokai/Mundo/Udyr/a bit of Amumu, mostly. I feel like I should learn a more damage-oriented jungler, even in the lategame, as Mao won't cut if if we have a Cho and we don't win midgame, and Mundo is very snowbally in both directions and suffers from the lacks of gapcloser later (same with Udyr for the gap closing ability). Nocturne seems rather weak/falling off, Lee Sin woudl be a good pick-up for a "damage jungler" but he falls off too, and Xin... I dunno, I didn't manage to do damage with him, I'm probably in need of trying him differently. Any good jungler that would fit the "good damage to compliment a Malph/Cho/Singed/etc. top and doesn't fall off too hard lategame"? Shyvana? Skarner?
He's ragey and not very good, but somehow stays high Elo. He's a paradox. On the list of people you don't want to have on your solo queue team, he's among the top (up there with Hashinshin and others whose names I've forgotten).
There are also nice guys you still don't want 'cause they usually do badly (e.g. Kobe24 and Dan Dinh).
Will there be a lonestar clash thread for LoL? I'm too lazy to look up the info elsewhere. I rely on JB too much x.x
silsol has never raged in any game i've played with or against him. he's not a bad player at all, and makes plays with his at times mindless aggression (he definitely has the skill and awareness to avoid some of the riskier situations he gets into, but i think he plays for fun). he's a top level solo q player, to the people who say that he doesn't deserve his elo most of them would have trouble getting two accounts into the same elo range that he has, and stubbornly refuse to see that he can make good plays and often does.
but yes, he does feed like crazy sometimes and sometimes gets fed like crazy. its a playstyle, not too different from regi's old "aggressive playstyle" back in the day
I agree with Navi, though I have seen him rage and AFK quite often. He's been chiller nowadays it seems. He's definitely really good though.
he plays solo q champs. you can feed like crazy but champs like nid/tf/riven/ahri are naturally good in solo q since they have so much mobility and pressure.
To anyone that streams or want to stream please mute your mic when you eat or drink you'd think popular streamers would have learned that by now but NOPE srsly, it's really disgusting to listen to
Should I max w-->r or w-->q on top lane udyr. Is the insane pushing potential from pheonix worth it against the burst damage from tiger?
On November 09 2012 13:52 scarper65 wrote: Is jayce supposed to stomp yorick top?
In my experience, if the Jayce is on your team he will suck and get destroyed by Yorick. If Jayce is on the enemy team, he will destroy your Yorick and make your entire team cry.
Real answer: Jayce can deal with Yorick okay, and it usually devolves into a farm fest.
I always thought Silsol feeds because he does not run Flash and the jungler on the other side likes to camp him.
i never lost with silsol on my team
On November 09 2012 15:08 Bwaaaa wrote: Should I max w-->r or w-->q on top lane udyr. Is the insane pushing potential from pheonix worth it against the burst damage from tiger? Completely situational.
Koreasilver I love your signature. I didn't spend too much time in the election thread but when I did I sure had a good time reading xDaunt's posts.
another thing about mid is against a lot of junglers if you have flash you should be able to survive. so you can push to punish the kat/kass/ect as long as you keep in mind that you have to flash at the right time. IE: cho'gath or lee sin. flash the rupture or lee Q and they have no way to get on you. don't try to save your flash and end up dying.. if you are extended and they come just flash early to make sure you live
also pay attention to where your jungler is. if hes at wraith area, stay on that side of the lane and run to him during gank. if your jungler is ganking bot or something then play more passive
Obama brings a whole new meaning to once you go black, you can't go back.
Why do the politics keep leaking in here, twice in two days...!