curse has such bad teamwork problems. i used to like saint but it seems like he hasn't gotten any better in a long time. also elementz is a nice guy but hes really just not very good at league of legends.
i feel bad for nyjacky. he does well most games and never really tilts or anything but he still has to deal with saint blaming him all the time.
doublelift played well obviously but really it was that awful engage by curse mid that won CLG the game. until he got a triple kill in that fight he was pretty even with cop because of all the succesful ganks bot
On November 09 2012 10:06 Simberto wrote:Show nested quote +On November 09 2012 09:59 GreenManalishi wrote:On November 09 2012 09:55 koreasilver wrote: Not entirely sure why Nyjacky has always done these ROA or Grail first builds on Zyra either. Zyra really doesn't have heavy mana issues and she has tons of range and peel. Yeah, surprised Zyra players aren't abusing the great innate scaling on her plants by using mPen builds like Kat and Eve players. Sorc boots + Haunting Guise + Abyssal into Hourglass or Deathcap would be pretty strong as long as your team can protect your blue buff. With the 20% CDR from W, I don't understand why Zyra would want to build Athene's, seems like CDR overkill. Athenes is at the moment the only AP CdR item. So if you want CDR cap, even as zyra, its either athenes or cdr boots. Unless you get bluebuff, of course, in which case you don't need either. So maybe he thought he would not get a lot of blues, and built one instead?
Morello's Tome always forgotten. 
I feel like any Mpen builds really need someone on your team to build Abyssal Scepter. Flat penetration really needs to keep combo'ing off each other to get as close to true as possible. I also don't mind Rylai's on Zyra.
That new Eleisa's really weirds me out. I mean, the mechanic is cool, but it seems like a mechanic designed for characters or roles that need to be really concerned with the slot-efficiency of their items, which is pretty much never a concern for supports at the moment.
Zed looks pretty strong in vids, but that might just be new champ syndrome. Energy champ with long poke, quick clear, and two mobility thingies is a decent recipe.
On November 09 2012 10:06 Simberto wrote:Show nested quote +On November 09 2012 09:59 GreenManalishi wrote:On November 09 2012 09:55 koreasilver wrote: Not entirely sure why Nyjacky has always done these ROA or Grail first builds on Zyra either. Zyra really doesn't have heavy mana issues and she has tons of range and peel. Yeah, surprised Zyra players aren't abusing the great innate scaling on her plants by using mPen builds like Kat and Eve players. Sorc boots + Haunting Guise + Abyssal into Hourglass or Deathcap would be pretty strong as long as your team can protect your blue buff. With the 20% CDR from W, I don't understand why Zyra would want to build Athene's, seems like CDR overkill. Athenes is at the moment the only AP CdR item. So if you want CDR cap, even as zyra, its either athenes or cdr boots. Unless you get bluebuff, of course, in which case you don't need either. So maybe he thought he would not get a lot of blues, and built one instead? If you get CDR for free in your kit, the way to maximize your efficiency is not to spend more gold into CDR. You're ignoring the main issue anyway: Zyra isn't a champion that is so mana hungry or one that has to get some defensive stats early. If you're not both, or at least one of them, then building ROA or Grail as your first item isn't really that great. You're a burst mage without great mana issues.
Morello's needs a better active. Currently it is way too niche.
lol, is voyboy playing nasus in a real game? That is pretty awesome.
EDIT: nope, wasn't a real game. Just vs some random team. Fed nasus so hilarious though.
On November 09 2012 10:52 koreasilver wrote:Show nested quote +On November 09 2012 10:06 Simberto wrote:On November 09 2012 09:59 GreenManalishi wrote:On November 09 2012 09:55 koreasilver wrote: Not entirely sure why Nyjacky has always done these ROA or Grail first builds on Zyra either. Zyra really doesn't have heavy mana issues and she has tons of range and peel. Yeah, surprised Zyra players aren't abusing the great innate scaling on her plants by using mPen builds like Kat and Eve players. Sorc boots + Haunting Guise + Abyssal into Hourglass or Deathcap would be pretty strong as long as your team can protect your blue buff. With the 20% CDR from W, I don't understand why Zyra would want to build Athene's, seems like CDR overkill. Athenes is at the moment the only AP CdR item. So if you want CDR cap, even as zyra, its either athenes or cdr boots. Unless you get bluebuff, of course, in which case you don't need either. So maybe he thought he would not get a lot of blues, and built one instead? If you get CDR for free in your kit, the way to maximize your efficiency is not to spend more gold into CDR. You're ignoring the main issue anyway: Zyra isn't a champion that is so mana hungry or one that has to get some defensive stats early. If you're not both, or at least one of them, then building ROA or Grail as your first item isn't really that great. You're a burst mage without great mana issues.
While I agree that Grail isn't a great item on Zyra, you've got it wrong about CDR. The more CDR you get, the better it gets.
Example: 10 second CD spell.
0 cdr -> 20% cdr will result in 20% shorter CD, 2 seconds off a 10 seconds spell, easy math.
However, 20% cdr -> 40% cdr means that your spell with a base CD of 10 seconds goes from 8 second CD to a 6 second CD. That's a 25% reduction of the spells cooldown.
You could also see it this way:
A 1 second root with a base CD of 10 seconds:
0% cdr = 10% uptime (1/10 = 0.1)
20% cdr = 12.5% uptime (1/8 = 1.25)
40% cdr = 16.7% uptime (1/6 = 1.67)
TL;DR: CDR scales exponentionally.
Edit: Again, this post isn't saying "Buy grail on zyra", it's saying that CDR is a even better stat if you already have CDR in your kit. Blue buff does make CDR superfluous at times, but you can't really depend on always having blue buff, can you?
It's also interesting to note that you can hit CDR cap on zyra with masteries/runes, a soul shroud in the team and W passive.
On November 09 2012 11:03 petered wrote: lol, is voyboy playing nasus in a real game? That is pretty awesome.
His Nasus was like a bulldozer just ran through everything. LOL.
On November 09 2012 11:03 petered wrote: lol, is voyboy playing nasus in a real game? That is pretty awesome.
raidboss op
20% in-built though means that either blue buff or blue pot max your CDR so you don't really need an item for it.
And voyboy looks happier than I've seen in a long time. On CLG he'd just sit there listening to Doublelift and Chauster shout at each other, he's actually smiling and talking to Curse.
On November 09 2012 09:42 Ketara wrote: So, since I've realized that I really enjoy playing Lux mid, I'm trying to figure out what other mids I might like. Any opinions?
I'm thinking Zyra, her kit feels similar aside from the ult. I tried Orianna, not sure if I have the hang of her yet. The ball is unforgiving.
I feel like Ziggs can play somewhat like Lux, ranged aoe slow, incetive to AA after spells, he doesn't have a shied, but does have some utility on his w, and then there's his long range ult, not the pewpew lazerbeams, but it's still pretty fun to use.
Not sure how starved for IP you are, 6300 is a lot to dish out, but he's pretty versatile and generally fun imho
Edit: spelling
So, TL, I need you. Yorick is, by design and for the flaws that were already pointed out, one of, if not the, champion that would make me truly rage about the game and that I wish most was removed. I could harp on about what his power, extremeley low skill ceiling in lane, snowbally nature and all kinds of stuff, but that wouldn't change anything ('cept make people viw me as a whiner and not be as willing to help), so I'll instead focus on what can be done.
+ Show Spoiler [Longer stuff.] +Considering that I mainly play Jax and Irelia when I run into him, what kind of runes/masteries should I run against him? I've mostly ran AS/AD reds, armor yellows, MR (scaling/flat mix) blues and MS quints, with some kind of 17-12-1 masteries, taking the MR, damage reduction and additional HP in the defense tree. Also, how should the match-up play out in lane? I generally play rather defensively, trying to let him push so I can freeze the lane between the river and my tower, accepting that I'll miss cs early on and trying my best to farm till 6-7. I'll answer to his harass if he commits, and just try to run to the bush if he only uses W or E on me. Problem is, he snowballs off of the tiniest things since a tear alone is worth more to him than vamp+boots+several health pots to me, and even when I hit my soft spot, I have to play very aggressive if I want to outsustain his E (I outtrade him, but I need to fight again soon or he'll simply E back to full for a mana cost extremely marginal when compared to what a trade costs me). Considering that with those champs it will push the lane quite hard, and Yorick has both the tools to farm from afar or simply freeze the lane and zone me (once the lane is near his tower I can't trade anymore as he'll just retreat, and I can't make him fear a bait to get some cs without getting harassed). I can't dive him either without being hugely ahead because of his ult (even if we trade kills it'll only be worse for me because he'll get to farm whatever cs is at his tower while I'll lose a wave or two).
When he doesn't snowball, I seem to do somewhat 0K getting early NMM(s) (and a vamp scepter on Jax) (and tons, tons of pots just to match his E) but when we enter longer trades his Q, passive and ghouls autos add a lot of physical damage to it too. I wouldn't feel comfortable going tabi+chainvest+NMM (even for later GA) or mercs+chainvest because of how little damage I'll have built at this point, when teamfights will soon start to occur and I likely won't be able to play my role and dive people. In this regard I consider it a "lost" lane if I build like this and go even with him in lane.
Whatever I do, I can't manage to beat Yorick. Even when the opponent's game sense or mechanics are even worse than mine (which seems to happen more often on Yorick that on other tops, on average, which is all the more frustrating) it seems I can't deal with his sustain, ranged poke/slow, and later mixed damage unless the skill differential is actually huge or I can snowball a mistake of his. TL;DR So, for Irelia/Jax: - what runes/masteries? - which items would you build/recommend, in which order? - how would you play out the lane? Please no "run to the bushes", I already know the basic drill (and a Yorick with a brain will E you then W the bush, for example) but I need more precise stuff, maybe I'm missing out on something about the way to trade or skill usage.
Thanks in advance.
On November 09 2012 11:14 Alaric wrote:So, TL, I need you. Yorick is, by design and for the flaws that were already pointed out, one of, if not the, champion that would make me truly rage about the game and that I wish most was removed. I could harp on about what his power, extremeley low skill ceiling in lane, snowbally nature and all kinds of stuff, but that wouldn't change anything ('cept make people viw me as a whiner and not be as willing to help), so I'll instead focus on what can be done. + Show Spoiler [Longer stuff.] +Considering that I mainly play Jax and Irelia when I run into him, what kind of runes/masteries should I run against him? I've mostly ran AS/AD reds, armor yellows, MR (scaling/flat mix) blues and MS quints, with some kind of 17-12-1 masteries, taking the MR, damage reduction and additional HP in the defense tree. Also, how should the match-up play out in lane? I generally play rather defensively, trying to let him push so I can freeze the lane between the river and my tower, accepting that I'll miss cs early on and trying my best to farm till 6-7. I'll answer to his harass if he commits, and just try to run to the bush if he only uses W or E on me. Problem is, he snowballs off of the tiniest things since a tear alone is worth more to him than vamp+boots+several health pots to me, and even when I hit my soft spot, I have to play very aggressive if I want to outsustain his E (I outtrade him, but I need to fight again soon or he'll simply E back to full for a mana cost extremely marginal when compared to what a trade costs me). Considering that with those champs it will push the lane quite hard, and Yorick has both the tools to farm from afar or simply freeze the lane and zone me (once the lane is near his tower I can't trade anymore as he'll just retreat, and I can't make him fear a bait to get some cs without getting harassed). I can't dive him either without being hugely ahead because of his ult (even if we trade kills it'll only be worse for me because he'll get to farm whatever cs is at his tower while I'll lose a wave or two).
When he doesn't snowball, I seem to do somewhat 0K getting early NMM(s) (and a vamp scepter on Jax) (and tons, tons of pots just to match his E) but when we enter longer trades his Q, passive and ghouls autos add a lot of physical damage to it too. I wouldn't feel comfortable going tabi+chainvest+NMM (even for later GA) or mercs+chainvest because of how little damage I'll have built at this point, when teamfights will soon start to occur and I likely won't be able to play my role and dive people. In this regard I consider it a "lost" lane if I build like this and go even with him in lane. Whatever I do, I can't manage to beat Yorick. Even when the opponent's game sense or mechanics are even worse than mine (which seems to happen more often on Yorick that on other tops, on average, which is all the more frustrating) it seems I can't deal with his sustain, ranged poke/slow, and later mixed damage unless the skill differential is actually huge or I can snowball a mistake of his. TL;DRSo, for Irelia/Jax: - what runes/masteries? - which items would you build/recommend, in which order? - how would you play out the lane? Please no "run to the bushes", I already know the basic drill (and a Yorick with a brain will E you then W the bush, for example) but I need more precise stuff, maybe I'm missing out on something about the way to trade or skill usage. Thanks in advance. I don't think Jax is a good choice because he has no sustain. As for Irelia, spec defensively and prioritize W for healing. Auto attack his stupid ghosts. I used to open vamp scepter and do just fine, but I haven't played the match up for a while.
I haven't play a lot of Jax vs Yorick, but it's mostly about surviving until lvl 6. AS/AD reds, MS/AD/HP5/AR quints. Boots 3 -> Dorans Shield (2x if he is really pressuring you but 1 is usually enough). CS at tower and be sad.
At lvl 6, if he went for Tear, you can just Q him whenever your ult proc is ready and he will get chunked hard. You will pretty much never win a full 1v1 duel because damage reduction passive is OP, but you can force him to blow a ton of mana on ghouls which will push the wave.
If he didn't go Tear, then you have to just bait out ghouls, hit him with W if he comes into range to cs (since he can't rely solely on spells to CS) and slowly lower his mana, forcing him to base.
I'm not the best Jax player though, and I probably didn't play against the best Yorick either so I could be totally deluded :S
Personally I pick Riven against all top except maybe the new godtier (Jayce, I feel she is okay against Darius). If you have sustain problem just max shield. But maybe I'm just a noob, I like rabbit riven.
So they're bringing Wicked Hatchet and Blade of the Ruined King to SR in season 3. Source.
I wonder if they're just gonna get rid of Executioner's Calling since Wicked Hatchet does what Exec's active is but just does it on auto attacks. Only difference is you get 20 AD instead of 18% life steal so I hope they re-work Exec's as having cheap reliable life steal is actually really helpful on some top laners. Blade of the Ruined King is solid I guess but it's kind of a "meh" item imo.
Why don't you just pick up one of the numerous champs that beat yorick? Udyr (tiger udyr wins, phoenix udyr crushes yorick silly), stanley's nid build from the s2 match vs m5, trynd...
tri force is the key to plat
npnp + Show Spoiler +
Anyways, I'm starting to build trinity on every AD I play. It doesn't matter if I don't do as much damage, 1 phage proc and it's gg sometimes lol. Although I am having some doubts, I'm not gonna stop doing it until I start getting dunked because of it
On November 09 2012 11:36 tobi9999 wrote:tri force is the key to plat npnp + Show Spoiler +Anyways, I'm starting to build trinity on every AD I play. It doesn't matter if I don't do as much damage, 1 phage proc and it's gg sometimes lol. Although I am having some doubts, I'm not gonna stop doing it until I start getting dunked because of it And you play Lulu as a jungler do you.
Congrats on plat !