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United States20754 Posts
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France45622 Posts
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D u o
Canada381 Posts
On November 08 2012 14:05 jadoth wrote: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_language A very very long time ago. "The Chinese language (汉语/漢語 Hànyǔ; 华语/華語 Huáyǔ; 中文 Zhōngwén) is a language or language family consisting of varieties which are mutually intelligible to varying degrees" "Chinese" doesn't exist as a language, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_China in which your page directly linked me. Standard Mandarin is the official Chinese language but it isn't called "Chinese." | ||
France45622 Posts
![]() Aphro already lost any cs advantage over DL. | ||
Canada1783 Posts
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France45622 Posts
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694 Posts
On November 08 2012 14:09 D u o wrote: "The Chinese language (汉语/漢語 Hànyǔ; 华语/華語 Huáyǔ; 中文 Zhōngwén) is a language or language family consisting of varieties which are mutually intelligible to varying degrees" "Chinese" doesn't exist as a language, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_China in which your page directly linked me. Standard Mandarin is the official Chinese language but it isn't called "Chinese." "The languages most studied and supported by the state include Chinese, Mongolian, Tibetan, Uyghur and Zhuang." | ||
France45622 Posts
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Canada7032 Posts
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United States9109 Posts
i don't really think xypherous really understands the changes too well based on this post: question asker Quote: How to win as wukong? Just rune and mastery for as much flat armor penetration as you possibly can, and get Black cleaver after picking up an armor pen item. 140 armor bruiser giving your team problems? NOPE. SUFFER ALL TEH DAMAGES xypherous Well - Yeah. But then you run up into a 3k HP Mundo/Singed with 80~ armor and massive regeneration and you're like 'Wait a second, you didn't build any armor! ABORT. ABORT. I REGRET EVERYTHING.' bruiser champions already have *insane* values on their skills AND usually extra benefit on them. wukong Q and ult scale incredibly and his ult especially does unbelievably high amounts of base damage (after level 6... at 16 for example, 800 + 4.8 AD). riven's skills all have huge scaling *and* high base values. garen's E? 360 + 3.3 AD. xypherous, be real with me. you think that a wukong doing true damage to a singed with 3k HP and "massive regeneration" is going to abort mission running into a singed that he can probably kill with 1 round of abilities? let's find out just bullshitting some numbers, let's call wukong level 16 with 111.2 base AD from levels/masteries, 45 AD from BC, and 16 AD from 2 d-blades. this is assuming he makes it to level 16 with virtually no farm, and only 1 item. his build is gonna cost about 4200g with boots1. 41 arpen from runes, masteries, and BC. 10% arpen from items and up to 30% ArmRed from BC for a total of 37% reduction(? part reduction, part penetration, should not bring singed to -armor) at the peak. singed at 16 is gonna have 1717 base health, 233 bonus health from passive, 74 base armor (so he's got only 6 additional armor based on xyph's example, let's say from masteries, no armor runes whatsoever). we can deduce that this singed probably has warmog's maxed out at 1270 HP, to give him 3220 flat HP and 40hp5 (on top of his base 16hp5 for a total of 56hp5). and i guess no other items? boots, deathcap maybe? 3000 for warmog's and 3600 for deathcap and 350 for boots 1 for about 7000g. he's reasonably more farmed than wukong. SO wukong will W to get close to singed without letting him get away, and start his combo with 1 auto attack for 172.2 base damage which will apply 131.5 damage with singed's armor having 49 reduced on hit 1 (and reduce his armor another 5% for BC) he'll immediately apply his Q over the course of 0.1 seconds. his Q will do 150 (+189.4 bonus) or 339.42 base damage, and apply 30% reduction on the same hit (as well as 5% reduction from BC). singed's armor is already at only 4.36 so the Q deals 325.2 damage he'll now immediatly hit his R and for the sake of calculations we're just going to call singed's armor 0 for the rest of the calculation because it's essentially 0 until the last second of the combo where it bounces back up slightly. wukong gets 800 damage (+826.46 from bonus AD) flat damage from ult. he does 1626.46 damage over his ult (4s). he tosses his ignite onto singed for 370 damage during the ult. over this time, singed's "massive regeneration" has healed him 28 + 28(0.5) or 42hp if the ignite was thrown on after 2s. wukong throws another auto attack (157.5 damage, singed's armor is back up to 9 after Q wears off) and then his E for 240 (+ 89 from bonus AD) or a total of 329 and one last auto for another 157.5. his Q's cooldown is actually up by now, but i said 1 round of spells. total damage dealt by wukong is 131.5 + 325.2 + 1626.46 + 157.5 + 329 + 157.5 + 370 - 42 = 3055.16 damage singed had 3220 HP, so after a 5.5s combo (one round of spells and 3 auto attacks, with another spell queued up and ready to go) singed is left with 164.84 HP wukong's next Q will kill singed OR wukong's next auto attack will leave singed with 9 hp. wukong's clone will kill singed a minion will kill singed lol it's clear that RIOT just doesn't understand the scope of the changes. building HP to counter their armor pen? you kidding me xyph? bruisers have insane base damages and all their skills can apply %armor reduction now (and cc, bonus AS boosts, position changes, shields, etc etc etc). "massive regeneration" when every champ since season 1 ended has had gigantic burst damage? name a champ that has come out since skarner that doesn't do 90% of their damage in the first 3s of their combo. (jk don't cause i don't want to invalidate my point with something so small) "massive regeneration" hasn't been a real thing outside of laning since like 3 warmog nerfs ago. these changes are really going to change the game. again, for bad or for good i'm not sure. i'm excited to see an "everything is OP" version of LoL rather than "nerf everything" version that we have now but i am not convinced that this is the way to do it inb4someoneprovesmymathcompletelywrongh4h4h4 | ||
United States10467 Posts
On November 08 2012 14:20 gtrsrs wrote: actually to snowball on what i was saying i don't really think xypherous really understands the changes too well based on this post: question asker xypherous That's actually pretty funny ![]() I have nothing against the math itself but monkey king's ult has too good of a max scaling to use as a baseline of all bruisers. I haven't checked the math though. Last time I talked about GA, a few days later there was an announcement of it getting nerfed. It probably wasn't me that caused it but now I'm paranoid about sharing. Also you mention 16 damage on dorans blade. Is dblade getting a nerf? | ||
Australia2725 Posts
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D u o
Canada381 Posts
On November 08 2012 14:17 jadoth wrote: "The languages most studied and supported by the state include Chinese, Mongolian, Tibetan, Uyghur and Zhuang." Click on the link that says "Chinese" in that sentence and it'll take you to the languages of China. Lmao Chinese isn't a language it is a family of languages. =___= | ||
Canada7032 Posts
Real smart decision making :/ | ||
Ghana1743 Posts
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France45622 Posts
On November 08 2012 14:27 Amethyst21 wrote: Okay... enemy team got baron and killed our jungler, better start a 4v5! Real smart decision making :/ Isn't it? I blame Zuna for... diving DL of all things. Edit: Zuna, grab a vamp scepter dammit. :[ | ||
6318 Posts
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United States20754 Posts
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France45622 Posts
I want to scream. That's so bad. It's not even like Chauster was a goddamn fucking threat to their team, but they just stayed right there on him, wasting even Ori's ult on him and giving DL a field day. Forget what I said, they're just playing simply, plainly, mindboggingly bad. Fuck! | ||
Canada7032 Posts
On November 08 2012 14:32 GhandiEAGLE wrote: They just keep throwing holy shit WHY FIGHT WITHOUT EZREAL WTF. Holy crap this is like a Solo Que team. | ||
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