While this thread is labeled "DotA2", this is in fact a community thread first. Many of the users in the TL LoL subforum have been playing as friends for over a year now, so it makes logical sense that they would want to play other games together.
Do not compare DotA2 to LoL, you will get banned.
TL LoL veterans know what is expected. Newcomers be warned.
gl hf |
On September 16 2012 20:00 Qbek wrote: I don't think TA should be 5, otherwise I mostly agree. TA is pretty specific but is hard only against skilled opponents that know what's your potential. Thou I haven't played against a good TA in ages so I am not sure, she seems very easy to me(10 times easier than, say, chen)
If you're knocking two points off lycan for easy stomp you need to do the same for TA. As long as you know what refraction does you win the middle lane 99% of the time. Maybe make her a 3 since you kinda need to know how to control runes, but it is far too easy to get rolling with TA for her to be a 5.
On September 16 2012 19:53 Haasts wrote: Thanks for that list, Yango.
Been playing a bit of Sand King to try to get a feel for an initiating support in an Alistar/Leona sense, though I'm still having problems figuring out when to use his ultimate pre-Blink Dagger.
Things which catch me out a lot: micro, randomly deselecting my hero, courier management when teammates seemingly divert it every time it tries to make it's way to my lane, and the fact that, unlike LoL, item actives (& TP scrolls) have a mana cost.
SK shouldn't be a support at all. He can take over a lane and the game very easily with farm. Get some levels of Caustic Finale during lvling to push out the opposing enemies while raking in the gold. Farm up Arcane Boots first unless you're doing really well get blink and bottle.
If you're in a planned gank where there is time, hide in some trees and press ult then press press Shift+q and click where you need to stun the enemy. This will let you get the most out of your ult.
You can use your ult after you stun as long there are no enemies around that can readily stun/silence you.
Get Veil of Discord > Aghanim's Scepter > Shiva's Guard Veil makes getting your skills off a bit tricker but it provides way more damage and assists your team.
BKB if you have trouble getting stuff off.
I find it easy to manage my hero and courier by assigning them to 3 and 2 respectively. Double tap 3/2 to center. You can set it to Spacebar if you're used to LoL. I'm used to HoN so I have it set up as Q(Speed Boost), E(Deliver), R(Return) Pressing Shift+(Q>E>R) Will send the courier to you and automatically tell it to return right after it's done delivering.
ok so i really suck at this game.
yesterday i got tired of playing support so i thought i'd be clever and pick a carry.
i had radiant, solo suicide, shadow fiend against DK and Rubick.
since i have zero game sense, whenever Rubick ran at me I had no idea what to do so I played super conservatively and DK was practically free farming.
was that the right choice? could I have harassed him back or at least gotten last hits? I was scared of double stun and sure enough, sometime at around level 7ish i hung out too close and i got double stunned and died.
after that the game was all downhill.
i was also unsure what to do in teamfights, i felt like if i leapt in i would be instakilled.
@courier miro: I don't recommend getting used to the courier on standard unit hotkeys (1-6) because it might bite you in the ass when you try to learn heroes which desperately need those keys. I just revamped my hotkeys cause of Meepo and they even feel much more comfortable now. (Using xctgv+space for items, y for leveling stats. F1 hero, F2 courier, F3 courier quick delivery, b quickbuy, n stickybuy.)
@above: Who are you on steam? Don't recall your name at all. :o
Basically the short answer would be... to not lane SF solo hardlane. He should be mid or in some cases safe lane with support. For hardlane you basically want a mix between an escape, a way to farm/sneak levels and to not be deadweight if you can't get lots of farm quickly. That severly limits the choices for strong solo hardlane heroes.
Dark Seer, Nature's Prophet (farm? I just tp and kill your buddies. Oh you want to deny me? I'll pull creeps around that shit np.), Windrunner, Beastmaster (oh look I just got lvl 4 to 8 by killing ancients!) are probably among your best choices.
On September 21 2012 09:06 kainzero wrote: ok so i really suck at this game.
yesterday i got tired of playing support so i thought i'd be clever and pick a carry.
i had radiant, solo suicide, shadow fiend against DK and Rubick.
since i have zero game sense, whenever Rubick ran at me I had no idea what to do so I played super conservatively and DK was practically free farming.
was that the right choice? could I have harassed him back or at least gotten last hits? I was scared of double stun and sure enough, sometime at around level 7ish i hung out too close and i got double stunned and died.
after that the game was all downhill.
i was also unsure what to do in teamfights, i felt like if i leapt in i would be instakilled.
I agree with r.evo. I believe suicide lane is where your main goal is to not die and get levels. I like windrunner in suicide lane because you can push back waves and you have pretty solid range to avoid getting double stunned.
You had the right idea when you identified that they had a kill lane. You probably wanted to sneak in as much CS from level 1-3 as possible before playing passive. Also a conservative starting item build help. (I've seen 2x Gauntlets of strength, 2 gg branches, pot, tangos)
On September 21 2012 13:48 r.Evo wrote: @above: Who are you on steam? Don't recall your name at all. :o oh i just started playing dota2 last week, will add to group later, steam id: joooooooooe
it's weird because i can enjoy LoL playing solo so i never played in any liquidpractice IH, but in DotA2 it's a nightmare to pub.
just got the game, ill play vs bots for a while and learn the heroes i guess.
and the items are totally confusing
On September 23 2012 14:24 LaNague wrote:just got the game, ill play vs bots for a while and learn the heroes i guess. and the items are totally confusing  tl;dr for items: Most items have both an offensive and a defensive component. That really confused me in the beginning, but the basics are rather straight forward. I think it's important to keep in mind what your primary attribute is, while e.g. Heart of Tarrasque gives Str+HP (it's kinda like an OP version of warmogs) and is a great tanking item on a STR hero it also adds damage.
AGI items add damage on AGI heroes (durrobv) but they also give defensive stats because they increase armor. Check out Yangos item guide in the OP, it's a bit outdated but you can probably make most connections.
when i play coop bot games it gives me levels, does this screw up my matchmaking for when i decide to play against humans?
i just want to play each hero once at least against bots, but if coop games make it so that the matchmaking thinks im experienced, ill not play coop.
On September 24 2012 10:35 LaNague wrote: when i play coop bot games it gives me levels, does this screw up my matchmaking for when i decide to play against humans?
i just want to play each hero once at least against bots, but if coop games make it so that the matchmaking thinks im experienced, ill not play coop. Fuck coop, just play with bots vs bots if you wanna do it just to get a hang of things. Bots gank, call misses, ward and respond to your pings.
That's like 90% more more awesome than your first pubgames will be like.
Should just jump in and play with people. You might get a few bad games to start with but it should place you into the proper region relatively quickly. I don't think playing with bots teaches you anything though except what the UI looks like.
it teaches me the skills.
some heroes have like 5 seconds or more disables, i just personally think i learn better if i just play each hero at least once before playing against people. Because i would just die against humans and wonder wtf happened.
On September 24 2012 14:46 LaNague wrote: it teaches me the skills.
some heroes have like 5 seconds or more disables, i just personally think i learn better if i just play each hero at least once before playing against people. Because i would just die against humans and wonder wtf happened. That's what I and probably most others here did. It pretty much results in dieing to every stupid thing at least once. It's more fun with other people in the game who can laugh at you though.
PS: Fuck Bloodseeker ult.
On September 24 2012 19:31 r.Evo wrote:Show nested quote +On September 24 2012 14:46 LaNague wrote: it teaches me the skills.
some heroes have like 5 seconds or more disables, i just personally think i learn better if i just play each hero at least once before playing against people. Because i would just die against humans and wonder wtf happened. That's what I and probably most others here did. It pretty much results in dieing to every stupid thing at least once. It's more fun with other people in the game who can laugh at you though. PS: Fuck Bloodseeker ult.
Owning people without a hold position key or a tp since forever!
On September 24 2012 14:46 LaNague wrote: it teaches me the skills.
some heroes have like 5 seconds or more disables, i just personally think i learn better if i just play each hero at least once before playing against people. Because i would just die against humans and wonder wtf happened.
This isn't good logic. You're going to die against bots to the same skill and wonder wtf happened too. If you can figure out why bots killed you then you can figure out why people killed you. In fact, you might even be able to ask the people on your team or the enemy how you could improve if you're actually playing with humans.
The only reason to not play versus humans is if you can't handle them spewing bullshit at you about how bad you are. Note that people do this crap at all levels of play so you're going to have to deal with it eventually and just learn to accept it. Maybe I'm just an AI hater though ^_^
MOD EDIT: deleted by request
where the fuck are you kids i wanted to crush some bads at dota with op hero picks
actually i realized i only know how to play really strong heroes lol
United States47024 Posts
On September 26 2012 14:26 dnastyx wrote: where the fuck are you kids i wanted to crush some bads at dota with op hero picks
actually i realized i only know how to play really strong heroes lol its ok icefrog will nerf all your op heroes in 6.75 and then you will only know shitty heroes
alchemist gonna be first pick material again
iirc he got picked a bunch in one patch?