On October 19 2011 14:56 ArC_man wrote: Anyone else get selected to go to some roundtable discussion about LoL?
Greetings *snip*,
Riot Games is inviting League of Legends players in the Los Angeles area to participate* in an on-site round table discussion about League of Legends. Qualified individuals will receive $100 for their participation in a 90-minute interview at an easy-to-reach Santa Monica meeting space on the evening of October 20th.
If you would like to be considered for this discussion, please click on the following link and fill out the short questionnaire. If you meet the criteria for selection, we will contact you with further details, so be sure to include your cell phone number and email address. Only those who have supplied a cell phone number and email address will be considered.
The League thanks you for your time and interest, summoner! We look forward to your response!
Since Riot seems to hate sustain-bruisers, I wonder if some of the other melee AD's that can't really survive top lane become more popular, i.e. Wukong.
On October 19 2011 09:28 gtrsrs wrote: People are looking a the gunblade nerf the wrong way - it's definitely not hurting jax as much as it's hurting akali
Akali gets more use out of the AD because of her passive which grants more spellvamp aka more sustain from more ad. Bugger ad nerf really kills her sustain without crushing her damage
In the other hand jax makes way more use of the ap which was hit much less. The high ratios on q and w make it so ap is desireable on him. So the ad nerf is far less significant - but the overall subtraction of both WILL hurt his tankiness
Totally wrong. Jax's AP ratios are bullshit and he needed the AD to do damage.
On October 19 2011 15:14 BlackPaladin wrote: I got raped by a solo top wukong earlier. I cried a bit inside.
Most annoying skill? W or E? Personally W.
OMG He hit me with his E, Better counter attack him with my skill!!! (Turns out the wukong is a W clone) FARR!
E all day for free harass. You want to hit back? nope, w clone. Oh, it's not a clone? eat another e with a q added onto that. Oh shit son, you think you almost got me? Nope, w clone. Hey look, i'm oom. No worries, you have no health and maokai camping my bush like my butt buddy. Sup, you got a problem? Really wish my jungler was here.....wait, he's at the bottom of the map...for 15 minutes......trying to gank a corki who is pushed to his tower.
On October 19 2011 16:09 Caller wrote: and he hits like a truck early game
A lot of people say this and it makes me feel quite inadequate. t.t From my experience you just can't beat any top lane with sustain/talon until you get ulti, vamp scepter and 1/2 dblades. What is your setup/laning strategy?
ive never seen a champ spotlight that made me think "this guy is just too good" before. but dash and smokescreen are too good to both have on one character. if you exhaust, stun or strong slow (singed w is perfect) someone and then drop a smokescreen on them they might as well be in a mothership vortex. except when you kill their support you can kill them too. it could work as an ult but its fuckin op as a basic skill you level once.
Maybe it's just me but I'm really not that impressed by Graves. The only skill of his that looks good is his smokescreen. All the other stuff seems kinda meh
dunno, his Q looks crazy versatile. minion clearing, point blank burst, poke, team fight AOE. Not sure about his E or his ult. From the preview his ult does a lot of damage, but it's a skillshot and not the easiest to place. His E is one of those situational steroids. Compared to impure shots or silver bolts it doesn't seem that great. All depends on how big and long that ASP boost is a max rank
On October 19 2011 17:12 Thereisnosaurus wrote: dunno, his Q looks crazy versatile. minion clearing, point blank burst, poke, team fight AOE. Not sure about his E or his ult. From the preview his ult does a lot of damage, but it's a skillshot and not the easiest to place. His E is one of those situational steroids. Compared to impure shots or silver bolts it doesn't seem that great. All depends on how big and long that ASP boost is a max rank
I think his ult could be pretty devastating when people get clumped up
Anyone else noticing the "True Grit" passive on Graves is very similiar to the "true grit" of space wolves in 40k lore? Space wolves can hold 2 bolters/weapons in their hands to fire simultaneously just as Graves holds 2 massive guns in his hands.
On October 19 2011 17:15 GhoSt[shield] wrote: Anyone else noticing the "True Grit" passive on Graves is very similiar to the "true grit" of space wolves in 40k lore? Space wolves can hold 2 bolters/weapons in their hands to fire simultaneously just as Graves holds 2 massive guns in his hands.
Wouldnt surprise me, theres a few WH40k references in the game i think ive read(one of garens skins for example)
true grit is not a 40k specific reference, I believe it in itself is a reference to something else, possibly wild west gunslingers or the like. Also graves only has one gun, it just has two barrels ^^
Any predictions to what extent my beloved Katarina will suffer from the Gunblade nerf? The way I see it, the sustain nerfs don't hurt her as much as she's supposed to be played (quoting scarra here) as a major clean-up champ. The 20 AD, on the other side, take out a good chunk of Q and R damage. Not so worried about the R to be honest, it's at a place right now where you'll primarily use it to tag assists for Voracity or if you are 100% sure your sequence is going to be able to catch someone off guard, in which case I think it should still be good enough. But that Q is, obviously especially in combination with Voracity, so so vital for her to be strong right now... IDK.