On September 17 2011 02:23 Mogwai wrote: minion aggro triggers as an on-hit. In other words, Mystic Shot, Parrrrley, and Double up all draw minion aggro because they all trigger on-hit effects. Spear shot on the other hand does not because it does not apply on-hit effects. The rules on minion aggro are stupid and should be looked at IMHO, no reason spells shouldn't draw aggro.
if spells draw aggro then ad carries (who have incredible sustained damage, even early game) will never lose an exchange with anyone. right now AD carries are somewhat balanced early by the fact that if you try to harass an enemy, you'll at least draw some creep aggro as retaliation. mages on the other hand are free to pop in, harass, and pop out, because if they got creep aggro, they'd be encouraged to stand and fight past their initial burst harass, and they'd lose every fight
that's at least how i see it. champs like pantheon and annie who have low-cooldown harass spells just wouldn't be viable if everything drew creep aggro and it's a part of the game i really like
On September 17 2011 02:54 Southlight wrote: Well I mean if the game were to read each arrow as like an attack arrow and proc an on-hit on each one (similar to how MF's Q looks) then it'd proc minion aggro unless, as you said, you go out of the way to code that Volley's on-hit proc of frost does NOT draw aggro.
no you're looking at it wrong again. if it looks at each individual arrow, think about what was desired as an effect and how it works out. they don't crit, they can't be dodged, they don't apply red, they don't apply tiamat, they don't apply sheen. the only on-hit effect they would use would be frost shot. in that case, you wouldn't code it as "proc on hit effect except crit, dodge, tiamat, red, etc etc etc", but rather as, "only proc frost shot." In which case they're had to go out of their way to code in drawing minion aggro, as the other exception to the rule of "volley doesn't apply on-hits except for frost shot AND DRAWING MINION AGGRO".
The MF comparison is flawed because MF's procs the majority of on-hit effects. It's literally, "proc on hit effects that aren't crit, dodge, or blind." Everything else is fair game, thus you'd code it to look for them all and just ignore crit, dodge and blind, rather than just looking for the set of on-hits that it does proc.
On September 17 2011 02:54 Southlight wrote:It just didn't occur to me until after the post that that's a complicated way to code what ends up just looking like a 8 (now 6) pronged hit-box spell that happens to have an ice effect, similar to Anivia FF, lol.
but in all likelyhood, this is how it's coded anyway, so yea, w/e, the hypothetical argument is pointless even if I'm still right.
On September 17 2011 02:23 Mogwai wrote: minion aggro triggers as an on-hit. In other words, Mystic Shot, Parrrrley, and Double up all draw minion aggro because they all trigger on-hit effects. Spear shot on the other hand does not because it does not apply on-hit effects. The rules on minion aggro are stupid and should be looked at IMHO, no reason spells shouldn't draw aggro.
if spells draw aggro then ad carries (who have incredible sustained damage, even early game) will never lose an exchange with anyone. right now AD carries are somewhat balanced early by the fact that if you try to harass an enemy, you'll at least draw some creep aggro as retaliation. mages on the other hand are free to pop in, harass, and pop out, because if they got creep aggro, they'd be encouraged to stand and fight past their initial burst harass, and they'd lose every fight
that's at least how i see it. champs like pantheon and annie who have low-cooldown harass spells just wouldn't be viable if everything drew creep aggro and it's a part of the game i really like
But a ton of melee champions get royally screwed over and are almost exclusively jungle fodder.
Do an auto-atack, receive 500 minion damage in return.
Im not sure on how they should fix it but it does feel like something that should be looked at.
On September 17 2011 02:23 Mogwai wrote: minion aggro triggers as an on-hit. In other words, Mystic Shot, Parrrrley, and Double up all draw minion aggro because they all trigger on-hit effects. Spear shot on the other hand does not because it does not apply on-hit effects. The rules on minion aggro are stupid and should be looked at IMHO, no reason spells shouldn't draw aggro.
if spells draw aggro then ad carries (who have incredible sustained damage, even early game) will never lose an exchange with anyone. right now AD carries are somewhat balanced early by the fact that if you try to harass an enemy, you'll at least draw some creep aggro as retaliation. mages on the other hand are free to pop in, harass, and pop out, because if they got creep aggro, they'd be encouraged to stand and fight past their initial burst harass, and they'd lose every fight
that's at least how i see it. champs like pantheon and annie who have low-cooldown harass spells just wouldn't be viable if everything drew creep aggro and it's a part of the game i really like
I just have a problem with mages being able to fully commit to fights at a huge creep disadvantage without being punished for it. Besides, the nature of harass is get-in, get-out, so you typically take minimal damage from creeps while harassing with auto-attacks, as basically any teemo player can tell you.
Really? I always thought it's click skill on opposing hero and then bash them until they get into tower range, then sadly plod all the way back to resume last hitting until they come back out to play :O
On September 14 2011 10:57 NeoIllusions wrote: You can now use multiple Health or Mana Potions while you have one active which will queue them up to be used after the previous completes (maximum 5 stacks)
As a jungler, kinda happy about this one, hurr hurr.
Wow, I didn't notice this part, when I first started jungling i would chug too many like a noob when I panicked. Glad they are pandering to baddies like me.
On September 17 2011 02:23 Mogwai wrote: minion aggro triggers as an on-hit. In other words, Mystic Shot, Parrrrley, and Double up all draw minion aggro because they all trigger on-hit effects. Spear shot on the other hand does not because it does not apply on-hit effects. The rules on minion aggro are stupid and should be looked at IMHO, no reason spells shouldn't draw aggro.
if spells draw aggro then ad carries (who have incredible sustained damage, even early game) will never lose an exchange with anyone. right now AD carries are somewhat balanced early by the fact that if you try to harass an enemy, you'll at least draw some creep aggro as retaliation. mages on the other hand are free to pop in, harass, and pop out, because if they got creep aggro, they'd be encouraged to stand and fight past their initial burst harass, and they'd lose every fight
that's at least how i see it. champs like pantheon and annie who have low-cooldown harass spells just wouldn't be viable if everything drew creep aggro and it's a part of the game i really like
I just have a problem with mages being able to fully commit to fights at a huge creep disadvantage without being punished for it. Besides, the nature of harass is get-in, get-out, so you typically take minimal damage from creeps while harassing with auto-attacks, as basically any teemo player can tell you.
well that's just the thing, i don't think mages CAN fully commit. because past the initial burst of their harass, AD carries will start to outdamage them, and if mages return with auto attacks (i.e. fully commit) then they'll lose the fight
i don't think it's inherently bad it's just a quirk you have to know/learn about the laning phase
I know stonewall has a video out there but his routes usually rely on teammates that actually know how to leash/super secret jungle tricks that i can never replicate.
On September 17 2011 04:00 Hakker wrote: Is Riven any good as a jungler?
I know stonewall has a video out there but his routes usually rely on teammates that actually know how to leash/super secret jungle tricks that i can never replicate.
I've seen a double handful of jungle Riven videos, none of them use leashing. Then again, none of them started at Red or Blue either, so there's that. She does alright, not as good as Noc, Udyr, Lee Sin or WW; but she can clear to level five in just over 5 minutes I believe? That's not terrible. Once you push to 6 you can actually gank pretty well, thanks to how dominating her R is.
On September 17 2011 04:00 Hakker wrote: Is Riven any good as a jungler?
I know stonewall has a video out there but his routes usually rely on teammates that actually know how to leash/super secret jungle tricks that i can never replicate.
That Riven shield is so retarded... just fought one, atmogs, ionan boots, and FoN basically. 150 armour/120 res, and a 300 hp shield every 4-5 seconds. She would just be able to 1v4 us (perhaps not 1v5) and have her team clean us up before she'd be at less than 25% hp. Even Garen+Malphite couldn't fight her.
I JUST GOT MY COPY OF PCGAMER! The article on dominion was really good btw, and I think the game mode has a lot of potential. Dead Island looks really good, I might actually buy it.
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