On August 24 2011 15:13 NeoIllusions wrote: Alistar Unbreakable Will Duration adjusted to 7 seconds at all ranks from 6/7/8 seconds Physical and Magical Damage reduction reduced to 50/60/70% from 75% at all ranks
Ouch! That is a bit much and more than it looks. If you switch the numbers around towards the ammount of damage taken, you see it is quite a nerf, especially on lvl 1 and 2.
Yeah my immediate reaction on seeing the Soraka changes is that solo mid AP Soraka might actually be really strong. Max level Starcall is like a 180 damage AOE nuke with a 0.4 AP ratio that only costs 55 mana. Plus it's on a ludicrously short cooldown, they increased the range, and it shreds MR.
in the champion spotlight alistar gets "caught," uses his ult, and immediately dies.
alistar is already so niche. i have no idea why they are doing this but it completely kills the character.
Well players were building him full AP and still maintained a tank role in fights because of that cheater ult. With this patch (nerf), Alistar can still have an AP build and still be "tanky", but thankfully not so early in the game.
On August 24 2011 16:51 arnath wrote: Yeah my immediate reaction on seeing the Soraka changes is that solo mid AP Soraka might actually be really strong. Max level Starcall is like a 180 damage AOE nuke with a 0.4 AP ratio that only costs 55 mana. Plus it's on a ludicrously short cooldown, they increased the range, and it shreds MR.
why would you ever solo a champ that has 1 "nuke" that's really an AOE debuff just ask yourself that
and when you come up with a good answer remember that there are champs out there with 3 and 4 nukes that do damage
LOL real asshole-mode drunkasaurus but seriously
the "WOW SUPPORT SO GOOD AS SOLO" train needs to stop right fucking now
Poor Cow ,,, his ratios got molested into ground and now also his main trait R gets nerfed at lv6 where he could justify hes existance with R dive Q -> W into your team.
Some1 pls post Talons dmg and Ratios ( I'm at work with limited internet browser )
On August 24 2011 16:51 arnath wrote: Yeah my immediate reaction on seeing the Soraka changes is that solo mid AP Soraka might actually be really strong. Max level Starcall is like a 180 damage AOE nuke with a 0.4 AP ratio that only costs 55 mana. Plus it's on a ludicrously short cooldown, they increased the range, and it shreds MR.
Having 330 range on your main nuke is just asking to get blown up at the beginning of every fight.
On August 24 2011 17:31 NightWalks wrote: Some1 pls post Talons dmg and Ratios ( I'm at work with limited internet browser )
How would anyone know when the patch hasn't gone live yet?
On August 24 2011 15:13 NeoIllusions wrote: Alistar Unbreakable Will Duration adjusted to 7 seconds at all ranks from 6/7/8 seconds Physical and Magical Damage reduction reduced to 50/60/70% from 75% at all ranks
Ouch! That is a bit much and more than it looks. If you switch the numbers around towards the ammount of damage taken, you see it is quite a nerf, especially on lvl 1 and 2.
in the champion spotlight alistar gets "caught," uses his ult, and immediately dies.
alistar is already so niche. i have no idea why they are doing this but it completely kills the character.
He still has a strong role to fall back to: The role of an actual (peeling) tank. He's still going to be an awesome support bottom especially now that most other heals got nerfed. Mid/Lategame he can just keep babysitting his carries: Punt enemies away, knock them up, heal your allies a bit.
u stun first? also doesnt maxxing W first give u a stronger level 6 burst? im iffy about q max since lower cd means more casts and more casts means more mana drainage, i can barely keep up in mana when just harassing with W + E and farming with q occasionally,i would run oom so fast with q max for farm :<
You're not harassing with E-W in lane. If you do, you're not gonna have enough mana to do anything at all, and it's barely any damage since you're using two spells with high mana costs for a minimal amount of damage. It's much better to max Q, get some damage on it with levels/farm, and just wlak up and hit them with a Q every now and then for harass. Much more efficient than E->W.
E should be used defensively, orw hen you're sure you can get a kill with a full combo. Harassing with E tends not to work out to Veigar's favor. The mana costs are just so steep, and it leaves you defenseless for like 15 seconds cause of its huge cooldown.
Level 2 stun is theoretically enough to land W, but E is longer range than W, so if you stun at max range you still have to walk a little bit to drop W, and even more for R/Q. Also merc treads op. you want more ranks in stun. Besides, a 2.5s aoe stun is much better than 80 more damage on a meteor
Even maxing W before Q is not gonna be enough to kill someone at level 6 with no outside help, so it's really no better to get W over Q. You're also missing out on a LOT of AP from farm..I don't have hard numbers, but from gut feeling, maxing W over Q over the course of a game is like giving up 50+ free AP.
Also, it's interesting to note that it is borderline impossible to run oom for Q if you're doing nothing but Q farm with just some basic MP5 runes and meditation, thanks to passive. Even at rank 5 Q, you should always have enough to Q every time it's off cooldown, and farm basically every creep.
How would anyone know when the patch hasn't gone live yet?
My bad then ... thought since Neo made new GD patch had gone live .
He still has a strong role to fall back to: The role of an actual (peeling) tank. He's still going to be an awesome support bottom especially now that most other heals got nerfed. Mid/Lategame he can just keep babysitting his carries: Punt enemies away, knock them up, heal your allies a bit.
His CD's on Q E are to long, without lvl's and as bot support he woun't get those lvl's . W ratio got nerfed imensly so he can't sustain his team while pushing ( Thou with new support changes it's debatable ) also since Q E ratios are also meh there is not mutch reason to build him AP to begin with ....
I would rather prefere Leona bot as babysitter or mumu (If jungle is taken by Noc etc )
Amumu still wants a little bit of farm, and is overall a very weak laner and has no babysit abilities except bandage, which is still a pretty weak one. I don't think support Amumu is what you want on your team...
Leona is the same deal, but she wants even more farm to be viable imo. Not a great babysitter.
How about Rammus then . 1 point in Q rest in E -> W ultimate protection for your bot carrie . Rammus is a bad laner coz he farms bad , but in bot baysitt mode hes not supposed 2 farm at all . He also is great to assist ganks done by your jungler .
He still has a strong role to fall back to: The role of an actual (peeling) tank. He's still going to be an awesome support bottom especially now that most other heals got nerfed. Mid/Lategame he can just keep babysitting his carries: Punt enemies away, knock them up, heal your allies a bit.
His CD's on Q E are to long, without lvl's and as bot support he woun't get those lvl's . W ratio got nerfed imensly so he can't sustain his team while pushing ( Thou with new support changes it's debatable ) also since Q E ratios are also meh there is not mutch reason to build him AP to begin with ....
I would rather prefere Leona bot as babysitter or mumu (If jungle is taken by Noc etc )
I'm fairly sure that you are confusing W and E here. You don't need epicly low cooldowns on CC as strong as Q and W. As long as you don't mash QWER and instead use your skills wiseley, Alistar can provide roughly the same amount of protection for his carries as Janna. Build him AP? Unrelated much? As bot lane support Ali you obviously would go CDR Boots + Reverie + Wards.
Leona: Not as a babysitter, but as part in a strong burst/CC combo, sure. Amumu? As support? U kidding? Why the hell would you go bot lane tank/support Rammus over Alistar on the same role? No heal, only melee CC, weaker peeling abilities.
u stun first? also doesnt maxxing W first give u a stronger level 6 burst? im iffy about q max since lower cd means more casts and more casts means more mana drainage, i can barely keep up in mana when just harassing with W + E and farming with q occasionally,i would run oom so fast with q max for farm :<
You're not harassing with E-W in lane. If you do, you're not gonna have enough mana to do anything at all, and it's barely any damage since you're using two spells with high mana costs for a minimal amount of damage. It's much better to max Q, get some damage on it with levels/farm, and just wlak up and hit them with a Q every now and then for harass. Much more efficient than E->W.
E should be used defensively, orw hen you're sure you can get a kill with a full combo. Harassing with E tends not to work out to Veigar's favor. The mana costs are just so steep, and it leaves you defenseless for like 15 seconds cause of its huge cooldown.
Level 2 stun is theoretically enough to land W, but E is longer range than W, so if you stun at max range you still have to walk a little bit to drop W, and even more for R/Q. Also merc treads op. you want more ranks in stun. Besides, a 2.5s aoe stun is much better than 80 more damage on a meteor
Even maxing W before Q is not gonna be enough to kill someone at level 6 with no outside help, so it's really no better to get W over Q. You're also missing out on a LOT of AP from farm..I don't have hard numbers, but from gut feeling, maxing W over Q over the course of a game is like giving up 50+ free AP.
Also, it's interesting to note that it is borderline impossible to run oom for Q if you're doing nothing but Q farm with just some basic MP5 runes and meditation, thanks to passive. Even at rank 5 Q, you should always have enough to Q every time it's off cooldown, and farm basically every creep.
On August 24 2011 16:29 Ryuu314 wrote: why has kass become so damn popular lately?
I don't see how he hasn't become more popular sooner, he rapes pretty hard in mid or top lane.
"Fixed several issues where character animations would sometimes freeze" About fucking time seriously, with irelia's Q farm, she freezes every now and then among other characters too. So fucking annoying, we'll see how it works now, or am I even reading the change correctly?
On August 24 2011 17:58 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: Continuing Veigar discussion from old GD...
u stun first? also doesnt maxxing W first give u a stronger level 6 burst? im iffy about q max since lower cd means more casts and more casts means more mana drainage, i can barely keep up in mana when just harassing with W + E and farming with q occasionally,i would run oom so fast with q max for farm :<
You're not harassing with E-W in lane. If you do, you're not gonna have enough mana to do anything at all, and it's barely any damage since you're using two spells with high mana costs for a minimal amount of damage. It's much better to max Q, get some damage on it with levels/farm, and just wlak up and hit them with a Q every now and then for harass. Much more efficient than E->W.
E should be used defensively, orw hen you're sure you can get a kill with a full combo. Harassing with E tends not to work out to Veigar's favor. The mana costs are just so steep, and it leaves you defenseless for like 15 seconds cause of its huge cooldown.
Level 2 stun is theoretically enough to land W, but E is longer range than W, so if you stun at max range you still have to walk a little bit to drop W, and even more for R/Q. Also merc treads op. you want more ranks in stun. Besides, a 2.5s aoe stun is much better than 80 more damage on a meteor
Even maxing W before Q is not gonna be enough to kill someone at level 6 with no outside help, so it's really no better to get W over Q. You're also missing out on a LOT of AP from farm..I don't have hard numbers, but from gut feeling, maxing W over Q over the course of a game is like giving up 50+ free AP.
Also, it's interesting to note that it is borderline impossible to run oom for Q if you're doing nothing but Q farm with just some basic MP5 runes and meditation, thanks to passive. Even at rank 5 Q, you should always have enough to Q every time it's off cooldown, and farm basically every creep.
Hell yes leveling Q is farm more effective, even just harassing with Q is so mana costly, when you want to build up his Q farm. I usually get 1 point in W and get at least 3 levels in stun before I start to level W, that stun is really key for Veigar to be that much more effective. Is Veigar even good at higher ELO's? I'd imagine sometimes it being hard for him since his stun is such a long CD but damn he can nuke any character so well.
@locodoco trust me yo, when you farm his Q even slightly and harass with it, you'll LOVE it.