Heroes By the Role
A Metagame Survey
Following a brief intermission in the wake of the Eastern and Western Clashes, the metagame has had time to sit, mature, and coalesce in the minds of pro players. We reached out to various players of different roles to pick their brains about the state of their roles and where the game might or should be headed.
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The state of the game can be difficult to pinpoint, especially in a shifting landscape full of frequent balance changes. However, the viewpoints of several different players can come together to form a clear picture of what is (and probably shouldn't be)—a snapshot of the metagame by role.
Unsurprisingly, tanks are the most valuable role in the game right now. The broad pool of viable tank heroes, from Anub'arak and Arthas to Stitches, Diablo, and ETC form the backbone of any composition and allow it to pivot to almost any direction. The prevalence of double tank compositions as commonly seen in HGC has also provided some leeway for tank players to occasionally play bruisers or dive tanks rather than the traditional CC machines in the tank role. Tricked eSport's AlexTheProG, for instance, has shown a particular fascination for D.Va in recent weeks; before him, Team Freedom ran D.Va as a solo tank too.
However, the rest of the game appears to be locked in a semi-permanent, ever-changing configuration of hyper carries supported by multiple healers. Valla, Lunara, Greymane, Genji, and Tracer continue to lead the charge as the carries of choice, but double support options are still being explored. The "undying" combo of Uther/Auriel made its debut not too long ago and quickly rose to prominence as the strongest duo in the game...at least, until Auriel started getting perma-banned. Newer configurations rely heavily on Tassadar coupled with either Uther, Rehgar, or Brightwing. Abathur has also seen a resurgence in Phase 2 as sort of a pseudo-support.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/HTYeqSk.jpg)
Garrosh has proven that there are still more interesting hero designs out there for tanks.
Support mains are required to learn a lot of heroes these days compared to the olden days when Uther and Rehgar were the only viable supports. Uther, Rehgar, Auriel, Stukov, Brightwing, and even the occasional Kharazim are seen with some regularity while Malfurion and Lucio have sunk under the waves of a burgeoning damage power creep. However, this wider pool has also come with repercussions. Finer mechanics such as Stukov's silence and Auriel's skillshot-based kit provide ample opportunities for supports to make plays, but the advent of double support has generally cheapened the unique skillsets of each hero. In other words, supports are valued more highly for their healing than their playmaking ability in double support compositions.
What did we learn? Tanks have it made, supports are in limbo, and the rest of the roles are dominated by double support/hyper carry combinations. It can be said that the metagame is in a decent place and that there are several high-skill heroes available to play at every role. However, at the same time, the double support meta has devalued some aspects of support characters and placed pressure on certain roles (primarily the flex and melee roles) to take a backseat most of the time. Is that a problem? Maybe, maybe not. We'll have to see what the future holds.
How do you feel about the state of your role?
Support - Bakery, Team Dignitas
I don’t think there’s a black and white answer for this. In some compositions, I feel like supports are in a fantastic position with a huge amount of impactful tools, a skilful playstyle, and a whole lot of opportunities to make the hype play. There are a lot of compositions where supports are very boring though, often with very tight skill floors and ceilings. There are also a lot of situations where there are two supports, which seems to greatly reduce to skill floor and ceiling of not just the two support players, but the whole game.
Melee - darkmok, Team Liquid
This meta seems like it does not favor just one thing but instead makes different playstyles viable at once, which means you can pick a melee assassins if you see fit. It's a good thing, because it makes me even more flexible!
Ranged - Cris, Playing Ducks
Currently, ranged assassins are dominated by either hyper carries or dive heroes. Mages are pretty much non-existent in the current Meta. Either you end up playing a double support team comp with one hyper carry like Valla or Lunara or you are playing for dive and burst with Genji and Greymane. I would really like to play more mages again, but the meta doesn't really allow it...but this doesn't mean that all the Mages are necessarily bad. The bigger problem is that Heroes like Valla, Greymane and Lunara provide a lot of Physical and Spell damage while mages rely only on Spell damage. Why pick a mage to burst when Cursed Bullet exists?
Flex - Snitch, Team Dignitas
The current state of the meta requires a lot of versatility for flex players. The meta right now rewards teams that can perform many different styles, especially variants of double support. Being able to play standard ranged heroes if required as well as heroes like Brightwing, Auriel, Kharazim, Tassadar, and Rehgar is key in the current state of the support meta. Additionally—in Europe, at least—the global meta still exists heavily, so being able to perform on heroes like Falstad and Abathur are important as well.
Tank - Breez, Fnatic
The current state of the tank meta is my favorite ever. The only super dominant tank is Anub'arak, but other than that...since we have been such a strong force in the HGC, the other teams have to kinda follow in our footsteps, so I'm able to create whatever meta I want. I just play the tanks that I’m the best at (ETC and Diablo mostly). But I think JayPL, for example, will just create his own meta, since he's really good on Muradin and Stitches instead of ETC and Diablo.
I think most tanks are pretty viable at the moment. You can pretty much just play what you feel comfortable on or what's good in specific drafts.
What do you think of the current heroes in your role? Any changes you'd make?
Support - Bakery, Team Dignitas
I would really like to see supports across the board get better at what they are bad at and worse at what they are best at. I feel this is the best way to promote a healthy Support meta, as it will be a severe deterrent to one of the most common situations to pick double support, and will most likely give us more supports concentrated on the same power levels as each other.
Melee - darkmok, Team Liquid
I would give Illidan a reworked Metamorphosis which makes him a ranged assassin for a short time like in Warcraft 3!
Ranged - Cris, Playing Ducks
I think most ranged assassins are in a fine state, it just comes down to how the meta evolves. A full Raynor rework would be great. I want him to have different abilities that make the hero more exciting.
Flex - Snitch, Team Dignitas
I think the current hero pool is a little too heavily weighted toward double support styles right now. I'd like to see the game in a state where double support is good in certain situations, but not overwhelmingly dominant as it is right now. I don't really know how to change it personally, though, as it seems like when the supports are too strong, stacking them is just too effective.
Tank - Breez, Fnatic
I think the tank heroes are in a very good spot. It just feels like if you're very good at a specific tank hero, you can make it viable. Chen/Diablo/Stitches are all good examples where specific players just decide to play a hero a lot and become good enough on it that it's better than other top meta picks.
I think we could've made ETC meta way sooner, but we just never got to picking him in scrims so we didn't know he could be powerful. But I think a lot of teams haven't realized when to pick him and how to play him just yet, so maybe we will have an edge at the start of league play if people can't figure it out.
What kind of abilities and mechanics would you like to see in future heroes?
Support - Bakery, Team Dignitas
I’m not sure if I’m allowed to say this, but I would really just love if Blizzard would implement every individual mechanic from Thresh. I love the hook, I love the lantern...even Flay is a really fun and skilful ability. Okay, maybe we don’t need The Box or his armor stacking mechanic, but I love those as well. In general, I would really like to see some more skillshots on supports, in terms of both utility abilities and also heals.
Melee - darkmok, Team Liquid
I would like to see a big orc with insane burst, good mobility, little to none CC...so something like Samuro, but a lot flashier and stronger!
Ranged - Cris, Playing Ducks
A mage that commands an object around similar to Orianna from League of Legends would excite me. Other than that, I would love some more playmaking Heroics on future ranged assassins. Also, I would like to see more straight up autoattack heroes with a bit more mobility.
Flex - Snitch, Team Dignitas
I don't know if for me personally there's anything I can think of that I'd be interested to see. Blizzard have actually been very creative and pushed the boundaries as far as the mechanics they've come up with in Heroes, so I think it's wiser if I leave the good ideas to them!
Tank - Breez, Fnatic
I don't have a lot of my own ideas in terms of new heroes or mechanics, but I really love how Garrosh turned out. You can use his kit in so many ways. He's great at making plays in how he can pick off people. He can also peel super well if played correctly, and he doesn't have monstrous damage, so you really have to play around your teammates to make the best use of him. Playing against him in the start, I didn't feel that he posed a big threat, but as soon I stopped respecting his throw, I just got punished super hard.
Do you have any advice or tips for the community on improving at these roles?
Support - Bakery, Team Dignitas
The most important part of a support is understanding how best to use your tools. I would highly recommend people going into their own replays, looking at teamfights and skirmishes, and trying to work out what the best use of their abilities was and seeing how well they actually used them. I feel people will improve really quickly with that, from Malfurion’s roots to Cleanse.
Melee - darkmok, Team Liquid
I think having good movement and paying attention to every auto attack is really important to be an effective melee assassin. Naturally it improves mechanics if you perfect auto attacking, stutter stepping and ability management.
Ranged - Cris, Playing Ducks
In general, playing ranged assassin all comes down to positioning. It is the most important thing. In teamfights, always hit the closest hero to you unless you are playing a dive hero. Other than that, your team often in the early game relies on the ranged assassin to waveclear, so make sure to not randomly throw out your AoE spells.
Flex - Snitch, Team Dignitas
I think the most important part about being a flex is just trying to understand how the game is played from the perspective of many roles. For example, knowing what you have to do on Auriel as a second support is very different compared to knowing what you have to do on Falstad. Grinding a lot of games on many different heroes and understanding how to win with each of them is very important. Being very versatile is the key factor in being a flex player, as it rewards your team with a lot of strength in the draft.
Tank - Breez, Fnatic
The best advice I can give is to just start one-tricking Diablo. Playing Diablo to his full potential requires everything you need to be a good tank player; you need to punish people for overstepping, you need to peel for your back line, you need to engage well...and Diablo is excellent at all these things.
I suppose Garrosh kind of has the same thing about him. I just have this feeling that the difference between a good Garrosh and an amazing Garrosh isn't that big, while the difference between a good Diablo and an amazing Diablo is huge.
What would be the dream character for your role?
Support - Bakery, Team Dignitas
That’s a tough one for me because the characters that I’m really looking forward to are definitely not support heroes. The one that I would be insanely hyped for if done how I envision would be Ysera—a true two-form hero that could have two wildly different kits in either Dragon or Human form.
Melee - darkmok, Team Liquid
Well... Illidan is already in the game, so I will go with Maiev from WC3. (I actually want more Berserker-like assassins though)
Ranged - Cris, Playing Ducks
I’m not sure. I never really got into other Blizz games too deeply...played a lot of Hearthstone, and that's it.
Flex - Snitch, Team Dignitas
Not sure if I have a great suggestion for a "flex" character...someone I've always wanted to see is Maiev. Maybe if they make her have a lot of utility, I'd be able to play her!
Tank - Breez, Fnatic
Winston should be cool, I think. His ultimate would be like a Chen barrel on crack.
A huge thanks to everyone who contributed and to the HGC teams who have given us so much exciting action over the past eight months! May there be many more years of action to come!