Splendour @naviSplendour
@SK_Bakery @Schamtoo @SolidJakeGG @BlizzHeroes No unstoppable (cant precleanse), cc reduction instead for 2s
So no more pre-cleansing for a 1second immunity to hook (lol) and all other CCs
It is interesting to me because support are becoming more reactive because of this and also is opening up other talent choices.
One thing that is important is whether or not the cleanse buff's 2second duration of CC reduction (rumored to be a 50% duration reduction) is something that is applied to the whole duration of a CC or if it actually increases the tickerate of the CC to 200% during the duration of the cleanse buff.
Mexico2170 Posts
This rework of cleanse is pretty interesting.
For one part, it removed the "pre-emptive" cleanse and make it reactionary. Which can be seen as both good or a bad thing. The ability is nerfed, that is clear, but maybe it needed to be nerfed and re-designed. Basically, it has become a must have for all the classes in the talent tier they can pick it, and I don't think that's good for the game. For the actual implementation of reducing the duration of the CC I think it is something cool, altough not as straight forward. I think a lot of people in the lower level of play won't be able to take as much advantage with it now as the stuns and that kind of stuff are usually of low duration and if you don't cast cleanse immediately it won't be as useful. I hope tomorrow we get the exact number.
There are also rumours of (another) Raynor rework and a rework from kerrigan, which should be interesting.
awww but Raynor i so awesome right now.
As long as I can save ppl from OctoGrab I'm still happy.
On August 06 2015 21:50 nunnner wrote: As long as I can save ppl from OctoGrab I'm still happy. You can't now, and that is the whole point. Level 7 talent single-handedly destroying ultimates was the worst crap ever. Octo-grab, Lamb to the Slaughter and some other ulties were almost useless(one of the reason Lamb to the Slaughter is never picked in competitive environment).
I really like this change to be honest.
I think 2 seconds is still significant enough to cancel out octograb/lamb to the slaughter, at least at low levels.
Though will cleanse work at all on mosh pit anymore?
so Uther will again be the only anti murky hero . Oh and Rhexxar ""Misha fresh fish fetch !"
On August 06 2015 15:01 [Phantom] wrote: This rework of cleanse is pretty interesting.
For one part, it removed the "pre-emptive" cleanse and make it reactionary. Which can be seen as both good or a bad thing. The ability is nerfed, that is clear, but maybe it needed to be nerfed and re-designed. Basically, it has become a must have for all the classes in the talent tier they can pick it, and I don't think that's good for the game. For the actual implementation of reducing the duration of the CC I think it is something cool, altough not as straight forward. I think a lot of people in the lower level of play won't be able to take as much advantage with it now as the stuns and that kind of stuff are usually of low duration and if you don't cast cleanse immediately it won't be as useful. I hope tomorrow we get the exact number.
There are also rumours of (another) Raynor rework and a rework from kerrigan, which should be interesting. Yeah, Cleanse is simply too good right now. Unless the enemy team has no CC, you're always going to take it if it's available.
I don't think Raynor needs another rework. Kerrigan could use one, though. So does Tyrael.
They should rework uthers shrink ray tier too as 3/4 seem utter turd.
Why would they rework a popular and non dominate hero like Raynor?
I think Thrall needs a tweak.
I'd like them to spend their time generating new heroes and giving some tweaks to downtrodden heroes.
I think Thrall is better than people give him credit for. I've played a couple games with him since he was buffed a bit, and he seems pretty solid once he's engaged. The trick is getting a good engagement, which requires good use of Sundering.
Raynor is doesn't feel right at all. His current trait should never ever been considered a trait. And he still has a passive ability for some reason.
Cleanse was a bit too good perhaps but changing it to a two second relentless would be awful and almost removes the ability from play. I would rather see it just have a longer cooldown duration then. Except on Uther the talent is not that dominant either I feel, if your opponent has just tiny stun, like an uther only for example, you'll typically see other talents on rehgar/malfurion. Changing it like this though is too harsh and makes diving comps too strong perhaps, cleanse has a nice role in the metagame I find and is a very skillful ability I think it should stay although in a slightly tuned down version. If it becomes a relentless of sort for example the talent won't do anything against pull/kick effects like Stitches hook, Kerrigan's grasp, DK kick etc. And against roots you would still be put in place for a short while which would make it quite the weak talent.
Of course this is conjecture about it being active for 2 seconds and the CC reduction being 50%, if it was say ~75% I could see it making more sense. It would be a good reduction but pull/kick effects wouldn't be countered too easily by cleanse and ultimates which depend on locking someone like Judgement wouldn't be countered as hard by it. Despite cleanse being everywhere though judgement still sees a ton of play now though..