Been tearing shit up with my friend as Raynor/Azmo. Played all day, won 21, lost 4. The pushing power in this combo is unreal. The new map is nice too. I'm glad Mines and Bay are gone, but I think having only 4 maps in the rotation is gonna get stale fast. I'd also love for there to be a "veto last map played" option so I don't have to play 3 30 minute+ games on Cursed Hollow in a row.
Butcher seems overly strong in some situations though. The fact you can't avoid his charge is brutal. He can kill pretty much anyone in 4/5 hits.
I'm also noticing more people playing tanks and even fewer people playing healers; I think I encountered LiLi twice and Rehgar once, and that's it. Only Tyrande seems common, and that's just rotation, and she's not even a proper healer. But more tanks is nice. Playing assassins when no one is tanking is a nightmare.
On July 06 2015 07:01 FeyFey wrote: freaking love the buff on Hydra. It just plows through a minion wave now. One reason less to use Banelings at all. Also Hydras are good at last hitting, can even leave a lane early now and not lose the full exp of a wave.
yeah zagara is even sweeter now especially with all the other dps'ers that outclassed her basically being nerfed a bit. Great pick on some maps.
On July 06 2015 13:48 Larkin wrote: Been tearing shit up with my friend as Raynor/Azmo. Played all day, won 21, lost 4. The pushing power in this combo is unreal. The new map is nice too. I'm glad Mines and Bay are gone, but I think having only 4 maps in the rotation is gonna get stale fast. I'd also love for there to be a "veto last map played" option so I don't have to play 3 30 minute+ games on Cursed Hollow in a row.
Butcher seems overly strong in some situations though. The fact you can't avoid his charge is brutal. He can kill pretty much anyone in 4/5 hits.
I'm also noticing more people playing tanks and even fewer people playing healers; I think I encountered LiLi twice and Rehgar once, and that's it. Only Tyrande seems common, and that's just rotation, and she's not even a proper healer. But more tanks is nice. Playing assassins when no one is tanking is a nightmare.
Today I played against Nazeebo/Azmodan/Sylvanas, and even though they didn't have healer on their team they won the game easily.
Yep I can see Butcher nerfed in the next patch.
I'm noticing similar trend in my picks, it's far better to change the outcome of a game by picking solid tank than it is by picking a healer. Anyone can pick Lili and afk/heal (I hate her though, anytime my teammate picks her I want to leave).
This patch I like Reghar more, but Malf is best healer by far this patch IMO. Brightwing was hit by the nerf hammer too hard ...
Alot of tanks have their own heal or do a wild amount of damage to a single target, while you can't kill em that easily. A good tank is an easy win in QM. Not that easy in Hero League though. And well you can be the best tank ever, but if the enemy has "more damage taken" debuffs or blood 4 blood or a giant slayer auto attacker, you can't jump in anymore and pick of their best player and let the rest of the team handle the rest.
B4B got even better against tanks on assassins, it just doesn't work for bursting down someone anymore with your team. Really sad about it. But Spell shield is the OP talent now.
I've played 2 or 3 games against 5 Specialists and lost all of them.
It was prepatch when Vikings were really good, and the games had Murky, Vikings, Nazeebo, Azmodan, Zagara and Abathur. It is really hard to deal with them, when you go to Mines for example to take skulls if they see that all of you went there they just keep pushing and destroy whole lane before you even get all of the skulls, and if some of you stay to defend, if it will slow their push significantly, they just get to the Mines and you have to back off.
Diablo map is like a nova's wet dream.
Nova is a stupid hero in general.
I honestly don't know why so many people on this forum have issues with Nova. She isn't a dumpster fire tier hero but she is so incredibly easy to counter she'll never be actually good unless they revert all her nerfs that let her Rewind rotate any hero 100-0.
Has anyone tooled around with the 25% leech Zeratul talent at 4? I went Regen, Vamparic, Follow Through then the usual stuff after that. It was just a QM but it felt pretty solid. Like I wasn't always nervous I was going to get blown up immediately. As Zeratul I constantly have a problem staying alive despite my best efforts and with this build I felt like I made a favorable trade for some burst in exchange for sustainability.
omg Tyrande, Muradin and Butcher, why did the other team let that one happen.
I think Nova would do well if they make her independent of gathering power. Zeratul is so much more scary because of this, even if he is more single target based now. Well Nova has no escape and only single target, so its super risky to play her. And if you know you die alot ... well the other option was envenom.
On July 07 2015 08:18 FeyFey wrote: omg Tyrande, Muradin and Butcher, why did the other team let that one happen.
I think Nova would do well if they make her independent of gathering power. Zeratul is so much more scary because of this, even if he is more single target based now. Well Nova has no escape and only single target, so its super risky to play her. And if you know you die alot ... well the other option was envenom. Zeratul is much scarier than Nova because he is bursting just as good while also have an utility and escape mechanics in his kit.
thats why it would make more sense to give him the you die you lose damage mechanic and not Nova. Or remove his you are a ranged assassins now talent hehe. Should not complain though Nova has a block single target skill shot button an body block option. Just salty Zera is not bound to Gathering Power anymore and a Nova can die to him if not at full health and full stacks.
Problem with nova typically is total lack of laning power. Waveclearing and soaking xp is highly underrated and you really want enough heroes that can waveclear well imo with nobs it just happens too often that because of her crappy pick another hero like Malf or rehgar is forced to solo lane. Nova can be okayish, though never great, but you really need to watch roles during draft more. It's highly frustrating to get these teams with 3 or 4 people that want to roam but not even having a good stun combo to actually get kills and just fall behind in xp massively. Zeratul at least can lane fairly well if he's alone or work well on a team rotation where you back and quickly clear. Also a reason i think heroes like Johanna and anub'arak do so well, if you play with weak players the best way to compensate for their lack of getting xp properly is to do it yourself i feel. Hence i think good laning/clear heroes do better in soloQ. Muradin is the best tank imo in high level play but in soloQ the fact you're randomly left alone to lane can just make it frustrating with him.
Why do people have a problem with Nova? Because they primarily play Quickmatch and you can't counter her and they aren't very good at dealing with high burst or know how to spot her.
Everyone whines about heroes they aren't good at dealing with, just look at invis heroes in Dota 2 (at the low bracket where nobody buys dust, wards, etc).
On July 07 2015 19:44 Corgi wrote: Why do people have a problem with Nova? Because they primarily play Quickmatch and you can't counter her and they aren't very good at dealing with high burst or know how to spot her.
Everyone whines about heroes they aren't good at dealing with, just look at invis heroes in Dota 2 (at the low bracket where nobody buys dust, wards, etc).
So tassadar isn't considered a counter to Nova? :p
Thats why I take reverb/battle momentum on Mura rather often in QM. Also it keeps the game fair, since you run out of Mana in a fight.
With Nova I am usually stuck on a lane every second game in QM and have to get One in the chamber. Its not pretty but a hero without escape shouldn't push a lane anway. In HL I take Nova everytime I am 5th pick and my team can work on their own. Everything else is really risky anyway, because there are many strong counter picks to cloaked heroes. And unlike Zera, Nova relies on being cloaked to do extra damage. Stupid Malf Meta btw.
What I like about Nova is her global ult though which doesn't work against an organized team, but for everything less one or 2 will dodge it and create enough time for the rest of my team to run or get a pick off.
I hope they will reset the HL alot, really dislike being in the high ranks. To much standard. But the Butcher breaks this up a bit atm.
Edit: He talked about Nova being only used in QM. If you pick Tassadar in QM you usually force 4 others into a healer vs non healer game .
I still think Brightwing is pretty decent. Usually I like going Z build 1-7 but I was in a game against Murky so I knew I had to take Cleanse at 7 so that would remove a bunch of oomph from the Z build. So I tried out a healing focused build. I actually really, really enjoyed it. It seemed to work out wonderfully and it allowed you to take Cleanse at 7 with no real impact to the build. It will probably be my go-to 1-7 build if I am required to take cleanse in the game.
On July 07 2015 23:28 Tenks wrote:I still think Brightwing is pretty decent. Usually I like going Z build 1-7 but I was in a game against Murky so I knew I had to take Cleanse at 7 so that would remove a bunch of oomph from the Z build. So I tried out a healing focused build. I actually really, really enjoyed it. It seemed to work out wonderfully and it allowed you to take Cleanse at 7 with no real impact to the build. It will probably be my go-to 1-7 build if I am required to take cleanse in the game. https://tempostorm.com/heroes-of-the-storm/talent-calculator/brightwing#8bwI I like the new BW. I'm not sure that you want her as a solo support. She's probably best combo'd with someone like Tassadar.
Funnily enough in the game I'm referring to we had a Tass on the team as well. He really helped me out when I'd get engaged upon and I needed some extra HP to escape.
What do you guys think about the new map? I've only had stupid stomps on them. I feel like the team that's ahead has so much advantage and really dislike the map
- It's very hard to take a good fight in the narrow corridors around the demonlords - higher level team does more damage, kills demonlord faster - even íf you manage to kill them when they are attacking your demonlord, you cant punish them by taking the objective because the animation pause at 50% health gives them time to respawn - javelin goats push lanes very hard giving you no choice but to defend instead of going for objective, getting you further behind
I actually quite like it. I feel some of the snowball aspect is addressed by the fact that you simply cannot fight around the enemy's Immortal. He just spams stun all the time making it so even if you are 2+ levels ahead you can easily get a full team wipe.
So basically I'd say if you're behind you need to do what is counter-intuative on this map and try and force a fight on your terms next to your Immortal