On April 06 2015 23:10 xDaunt wrote:On April 04 2015 03:52 Chairman Ray wrote:On April 02 2015 23:57 xDaunt wrote:
I played a whole bunch of hero league games with an Abathur yesterday, and we won them all. Before many of the games, some our teammates would bitch about the pick. The Abathur hate is irrational. He's really good, especially if he has someone good to symbiote ***cough*** Zeratul ***cough***.
So other than having someone like Zeratul or Illidan, what other heroes would be good in an Abathur comp?
As a general rule, melee heroes who are good at sticking to their targets are good with Abathur. The best are the ones with high burst for obvious reasons (Zeratul), but the autoattack-dependent heroes are also good (Illidan and Thrall). The other hero that is a beast with Abathur is Chen, just because that damned panda can drink ale for days while Symbiote does work. With Symbiote, Chen can 1v2 pretty much any combination and can even 1v3 some others.
Backdoor Abathur with all of the Locust talents is very very strong if the other team doesn't have globals, and it isn't really dependent on your team's comp. Having to almost 4v5 for the first 13/16 levels is kinda meh, but after that it's so hard for a pub to deal with.
I'm not even sure how you deal with it if you don't have a global to kill him when he goes in.