Heroes of the Storm: First Impressions - Page 3
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2390 Posts
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Germany2099 Posts
i dont think i will switch from LoL for this, but i do think i will play a few rounds given the chance. | ||
Poland446 Posts
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Germany9118 Posts
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Germany25649 Posts
On April 27 2014 22:09 LaNague wrote: Will they add more heroes? Those 20 sound good, but it might get boring having always the same ones in your games? I think they want to have 40? for release or something. Not quite sure about that number, but yes, there will definitely be more. | ||
United States983 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + Heroes follows the basic design of all modern MOBAs, it pits ten players in two teams of five against each other, where they compete for resources and attempt to kill each other. The comma after "MOBAs" should be a semicolon. improvement you take, Improvements Accidental comma instead of a period. Mercenaries are a defining and vital feature of Heroes. To anyone familiar with other MOBAs, the idea of a "jungle" and neutral creeps is very familiar, however Heroes' unique twist on a traditional mechanic makes the mercenaries ever more vital. The comma after familiar should be a period (or semicolon, maybe). they out range all buildings Outrange is one word (not sure why TL disagrees...) All maps have some common features however, forts are of course present in every map, and grant exp to the team that brings them down. Run-on sentences seem to be a theme :D. Towers and Forts have ammunition, which regenerates slowly over time, this means that it is possible to force a tower or fort to run out of ammunition firing on... Again. which can be used by players to restore some mana and hp (gradually), they are pretty fragile and usually the first thing to go when the fort is... ![]() but Kerrigan can still use it) In some Missing period. Its not unheard It's, not Its. There are two ways to get doubloons (coins), the first, and the one newer players often think is the only... Ya, I'm gonna stop pointing run-on-sentences out. Its also nice to It's, not Its. Anyhow, seriously, I really enjoyed the writeup. Thanks all! Edit: More discrete, mb ![]() | ||
Greece10806 Posts
On April 27 2014 23:26 soon.Cloak wrote: This is a hugely wonderful article. Just to nitpick grammar, though: The comma after "MOBAs" should be a semicolon. Accidental comma instead of a period. The comma after familiar should be a period (or semicolon, maybe). Outrange is one word (not sure why TL disagrees...) Run-on sentences seem to be a theme :D. Again. ![]() Missing period. It's, not Its. Ya, I'm gonna stop pointing run-on-sentences out. It's, not Its. Anyhow, seriously, I really enjoyed the writeup. Thanks all! Literally hitler. | ||
United States983 Posts
Lol, I didn't know how to both express "Wow, that is a ton of interesting stuff, this game looks cool, thanks for writing this" and "Good god that's a lot of run-on sentences". | ||
United States1874 Posts
On April 27 2014 23:26 soon.Cloak wrote: -snip- This should probably go in a PM next time. Nice article. I'm really enjoying heroes. And screw people complaining it's too casual. It's a damn fun game. Anybody complaining Heroes is too casual can get together with the people who think Dark Souls should be easier, Game of Thrones should have more happy moments, and Thomas the Tank Engine should have more swearing and tits. | ||
United States560 Posts
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1012 Posts
feels kinda like a game straight off some BG in wow (think 30min 5v5 AV game), set in moba style. heroes tech path is like how wow talent tree is atm. This or that choice per skill up. meh. i could use lil more variety than that. | ||
United States760 Posts
But like the other MOBA, ragers, leavers, etc spoil a game quick. At least the game is over in 7 minutes and not 10-20 minutes. With so few people the matchmaking can be hit or miss. Feels like Titanfall matchmaking at times. Witch Doctor and Gazlowe are my favorites so far. Zombie Wall is reminds me of Veigar, feels good to land a spell and take out he person. My biggest concern is the future of maps. Maps are what makes this the most interesting over the other moba. I look forward to a map editor and map rotations. | ||
United States19573 Posts
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United States1874 Posts
I've really been enjoying Kerrigan and Nova lately. Kerrigan is awesome because she's just an epic killer of minions and heroes alike. I run out of health a bit, so having a healer is nice to avoid trips home, but other than that, she is just wicked strong. She can solo pretty much anything in a straight fight, but has to watch out for Nova/Zeratul doing wicked burst damage if she's hurt. Still not sure why her skills are completely unrelated to her BW or SC2 skills, but hey. | ||
United States373 Posts
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Caldeum1976 Posts
On April 28 2014 14:56 StuBob wrote: Anyone have an extra invite? This looks really cool. There are no keys or invites for it yet. It's still in alpha so the only way to get in is to have it added to your account by Blizzard. The only thing you can do is to opt in to it on your beta profile settings and hope. | ||
4713 Posts
I also love the map and merc system and I think its the most unique and refreshing spinoff to the MoBA franchise in decades The one concern I had when going into this article, now partially dispelled, was that, with the lack of an item system in the game the game would not have enough depth and feel shallow. I wasn't concerned about the laning phase and lack of last hits, the map objectives actually add a significant enough new element that it more then compensates. Now, you said that there is a lot of surprising depth to the game, and I love the flexibility of taking the same hero and being able to use him on each map by tuning his talents. However I do have one important question, given that the game is still in alpha, and still not figured out, aren't you afraid that, at some point, the talent system, per hero and per map will be so well understood and figured out, that it will standardize and become the equivalent to how it is with items and runes now in LoL? And if the talents pick per hero becomes standardized, do you think it will detract from the experience of playing Heroes? Or are the map objectives and short games fun enough to carry the game and keep it fun for a long time? | ||
Charlie Sheens House51449 Posts
So it looks like it has potential and is different from LOL/DOTA enough for me to actually think about playing it if i ever get the chance to which is cool. | ||
Northern Ireland22207 Posts
On April 28 2014 15:03 Valiver wrote: There are no keys or invites for it yet. It's still in alpha so the only way to get in is to have it added to your account by Blizzard. The only thing you can do is to opt in to it on your beta profile settings and hope. Glad they're doing it this way, will avoid the stupid $200 hearthstone keys on ebay. At the same time though, there is significantly less hype for this game. | ||
Germany3668 Posts
On April 28 2014 15:03 Valiver wrote: There are no keys or invites for it yet. It's still in alpha so the only way to get in is to have it added to your account by Blizzard. The only thing you can do is to opt in to it on your beta profile settings and hope. And live in the United States. If you are not a streamer/progamer etc. pp. you won't get in if you live outside the States atm. If it'll go anything like Hearthstone, EU/the rest of the world will probably get in a few months after Beta has started. Not using Keys but doing it via flagging accounts does not really change much in terms of selling these things. Where hearthstone keys were sold for 200+ Dollars, you can now buy Heroes accounts for 250+ Dollars. Really nice writeup on Heroes, makes me wanna try it even more. Personally, as someone who comes from Arena fps where your average game is around 10 minutes I'm having a really hard time playing multiple games of dota/lol without getting tired/bored because of the long lanning phases and the huge amount of time you spent winning/loosing. I also really don't like the concept of awarding being ahead with exp AND better items and, again coming from FPS, it feels really strange to play on one map again and again and again. So Heroes has pretty much addressed all issues I have with traditional Mobas and I'm super excited to get my hands on it. | ||
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