I guess that's what i get for playing hunter... + Show Spoiler +
So i was playing Hunter in casual mode,farming gold and when i was about to kill that Rogue I guess i got disconnected. Rexxar's portrait stayed midair and i couldn't do anything or end the turn.I waited a couple of minutes and restarted the game.
I just needed like 3 seconds,Blizzard pls 
Edit:Looks like EU is down.
Got my first 12 win arena and followed it up with an 0-3 arena sigh.
I didn't even think that my deck and draws were horribly bad (Pally) but I ran into some weird stuff. 0-2 you usually expect something weak and of course the warrior coins out millhouse manastorm and my face just drains..... as I have no answer followed by a rampaged manastorm.
I play warrior control and i face 5 DIFFERENT shaman players in a row.
I switch to shaman and i face 3 DIFFERENT huntards in a row.
I switch to hunt i face a control warrior right away.
A gun and a bullet please !!
from 5-1 to 10-3 played versus 7 mages in a row i never want to touch a keyboard again in my life
Handlock is fucking retarded. I run bgh and naturalize and even when I draw them I still lose. Giants should cost 5 minimum. Whoever thought free molten giants was a good idea is insane. I've probably won like 2 games against handlocks in my entire life.
On April 14 2014 05:06 Olinimmm wrote: Handlock is fucking retarded. I run bgh and naturalize and even when I draw them I still lose. Giants should cost 5 minimum. Whoever thought free molten giants was a good idea is insane. I've probably won like 2 games against handlocks in my entire life.
I have to admit Handlock is tough as a Druid. It's not so much the Giants that are the problem; BGH, Black Kinght, smart use of spells and taunts is usually enough to deal with all four. It's the Jaraxxus that fucking kills me. Back to half HP? lolz sure. Spawn 6/6 for 2 mana? lolololol seems legit. And keep in mind by this point I've burned almost all of my good cards taking out 4 giants and 2 drakes with 8+ health. If I'm lucky I still have Ysera and get some seriously good RNG with dream card draw. But oh shit, he still has a fucking Faceless Manipulator.
do aggro hunters ever not get Huffer?
kindly fuck off from ranked already holy shit
United Kingdom31255 Posts
On April 14 2014 05:24 Stancel wrote: do aggro hunters ever not get Huffer?
kindly fuck off from ranked already holy shit
I've not had huffer in the last 20 Animal Companions
I killed the northshire cleric instead of the 3/3 lightspawn with my 3/2 and then play stampeding kodo. I'm such an idiot. Lost to clutch holy nova the next turn.
Playing against control warriors in constructed has to be the least fun thing in this game. Weapons kill every smaller minion and shield slam/execute kill every large minion for one fucking mana.
I do hate it when luck plays a huge part in the game. as Druid I have 11 spell cards, rest all creatures. In one game i literally got 7 spell cards in a row, an acid creep, 2 ironbarks, then the rest of my spell cards. Oh and a youthful brewmaster on the last draw before i die. WTF game
edit: make that 5 ironbarks in 3 games, all before turn 4 in each game.
Playing casually in ranked mode from 14 - 10 the last few days... like holy cow take your pick of either Hunter or Zoolock opponents (worst kept secret today), and definitely more so with the latter. I'm not even complaining that they're OP because they're not (although something needs to be done about soulfire and lifetap imo), but when you see them for the vast majority of the time for one and one reason only, it says more about the state of the game and the design of it being pretty lousy atm. It's quite embarrassing if you ask me...
I honestly want to make the druid ramp (Savjz) deck with maybe some variants just to hard counter the meta in this rank range, except it still sucks when you only have 1 AoL and AoW... and no I'm not going to waste dust to craft those cards.
I lost around 1k gold in Arena today after about 8 hours of play. Every single druid I faced had a decent amount of quality cards such as Swipe, Wrath, Druid of the Claw (ALWAYS on turn 5&6), Keeper of the Grove and Ironbark Protector (always on turn 8). After being sick of losing to druids, I figured I'd draft one.
The game trolls me hard and forces me to pick shit cards like Mark of the Wild and Mark of Nature since the other picks are even worse. Most of my opening hands were filled with the above garbage cards and I quickly lost. Add the terrible RNG favoring my opponent around 75% of the time and that makes up a bad gaming day. I'm done.
QQ1: Playing my Priest deck. Run into a Druid.
His turn 4 > Coin, Innervate, Innervate, Ysera.
My turn 5 > Menu, Concede.
Innervate so broken. -_-
QQ2: I'm playing as Warlock. Got lethal in hand/on board for 4 mana. I'm at 10 so I figure I'll burn some of my mana see if I can get a more spectacular finish move and/or because I was curious about what I'd draw. I lifetap.
I'd forgotten I was on 2HP. WORST DECISION MAKING EVER.
Thank the gods my opponent didn't know I had lethal and it looked like I'd just suicided to end. >_>
QQ3: Also people play way too slow sometimes. Its turn 2 mate, you don't have THAT many options that it takes until the wick has nearly run out on your turn before you play. Especially if all you're going to do is hero power.
@sacrilegious: That's a side effect of people lacking cards and being forced to build what they can afford. Is a lot easier to build a Zoo deck than to build a Control Warrior deck. *shrug*
QQ: It's annoying having to play with crappy decks because you NEED legendaries to do well with nearly any deck and a lot of the time it doesn't even matter what you do against that control Warrior when he spews Cairne after Geddon after Ragnaros after Ysera that all laugh and spit on the face of your yetis and sanjin shieldmasters. Legandaries should have special effects unique to them, yes, but they shouldn't be strictly better than equivalent basic cards. Heck, there aren't even any comparable basic cards to most legendaries. It also does take forever to get enough dust to craft those legendaries, especially if you don't want to grind arena all day long.
Due to this I'm stuck playing with a zoo Warlock deck because it's the only thing I can afford, even though I would consider myself more of a control type player and to be honest I haven't even had the chance to even try playing a control type deck in this game because it's completely unviable without the proper legendaries. I guess I did get rank 5 on a deck I hate playing with, yay?
I have 8 health and 2 minions on the board and avenging wrath hits my face 8/8 times. I'm done with this game. Uninstalled
On April 14 2014 05:12 Greendotz wrote:Show nested quote +On April 14 2014 05:06 Olinimmm wrote: Handlock is fucking retarded. I run bgh and naturalize and even when I draw them I still lose. Giants should cost 5 minimum. Whoever thought free molten giants was a good idea is insane. I've probably won like 2 games against handlocks in my entire life. I have to admit Handlock is tough as a Druid. It's not so much the Giants that are the problem; BGH, Black Kinght, smart use of spells and taunts is usually enough to deal with all four. It's the Jaraxxus that fucking kills me. Back to half HP? lolz sure. Spawn 6/6 for 2 mana? lolololol seems legit. And keep in mind by this point I've burned almost all of my good cards taking out 4 giants and 2 drakes with 8+ health. If I'm lucky I still have Ysera and get some seriously good RNG with dream card draw. But oh shit, he still has a fucking Faceless Manipulator. FML. Yeah I think we can agree that Jaraxxus is a fucking joke. Who in the world thought that card is balanced. Even without the weapon its insane
wow that is the dream
Shaman vs Hunter.... ye this game is fair -_-