Simple Questions and Answers - Page 143
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India1783 Posts
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United Kingdom0 Posts
On November 26 2015 22:03 anmolsinghmzn2009 wrote: What is the consensus on wilfred fizzlebang? Got him from a pack today and wondering if i should dust him. I opened him day one of TGT and have literally never played him, not even once. He may be playable in a RenoLock kind of deck, but not good enough for Handlock imo. I think the general consensus is that he's too slow. | ||
Australia14949 Posts
8/1 sea giant, got buffed to 9/2 with a stormwind champ. i kill the stormwind and the sea giant is now 8/2? wtf??? | ||
United States2378 Posts
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Australia14949 Posts
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0 Posts
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United States12704 Posts
On December 01 2015 20:51 johndean wrote: [/url]spam.. what do you think? I'm not sure if I'm taking the bait but no one here is going to be able to advise you. You should talk to a doctor. | ||
Canada71 Posts
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Bulgaria8 Posts
Each wing cost 700 gold>> 4x700>>>2800 gold. At the end of the day, what will i receive after i complete all 4(or how many wings there are) wings? 45 cards? Is that correct? Can someone clarify, please? | ||
Israel148 Posts
On December 03 2015 05:49 eScapegoat100 wrote: Does anyone know what happens when you draw a Burrowing Mine with Chromaggus on the board. I know it doesn't deal 20 damage but it appeared to copy... you get a 0 mana spell that does nothing (can still be used to trigger Antonidas, Mana Wyrm, Flamewaker, Questing Adventurer, Summoning Stone and combo cards) | ||
Austria2609 Posts
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United Kingdom1389 Posts
On December 08 2015 10:00 drzlobjul wrote: Fast question about League of Explorers: Each wing cost 700 gold>> 4x700>>>2800 gold. At the end of the day, what will i receive after i complete all 4(or how many wings there are) wings? 45 cards? Is that correct? Can someone clarify, please? There are 4 wings and you will get 45 new cards. There are 3 new cards for each class and another 18 neutral cards. You can see all the cards in various places. Hearthpwn has a list separated by class, and if you want to know what cards you get from each wing then you can check the card review articles here on liquidhearth. | ||
United Kingdom1389 Posts
On December 15 2015 04:56 Hryul wrote: what happens if you upgrade your hero power with Trueheart and the play Sir Finley Mrrgglton? does your hero power stay upgraded? Testing against the innkeeper says no. If you play Justicar Trueheart first and then Sir Finley Mrrgglton the new hero power is at the basic level and not the better version of it. I also checked what happens when you play Sir Finley Mrrgglton first because Justicar Trueheart says "Replace your starting hero power..." so I wondered what happens if you have changed to a different basic hero power before, and in this case it does upgrade the discovered hero power to its better version. | ||
Austria2609 Posts
![]() i figure they meant you can't replace heropowers like the one you get from Majordomo Executus. on the other hand: can you replace the shadowform heropower with Justicar Trueheart? | ||
1974 Posts
On December 15 2015 05:46 Hryul wrote: well i gues you discovered a wording bug then. ![]() i figure they meant you can't replace heropowers like the one you get from Majordomo Executus. on the other hand: can you replace the shadowform heropower with Justicar Trueheart? No, after TGT Brode tweeted out that Justicar Trueheart only replaces 'basic' hero powers. IE the starting 9 each class gets. | ||
Bulgaria8 Posts
On December 15 2015 05:06 Melliflue wrote: There are 4 wings and you will get 45 new cards. There are 3 new cards for each class and another 18 neutral cards. You can see all the cards in various places. Hearthpwn has a list separated by class, and if you want to know what cards you get from each wing then you can check the card review articles here on liquidhearth. Thank you man! Keep up the good job! | ||
France3195 Posts
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United States5938 Posts
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Hong Kong256 Posts
Thanks guys! | ||
United Kingdom0 Posts
On January 07 2016 15:35 Galaxy77 wrote: Why can't I heal a minion after it had incurred repentance? I played the minion, it got reduced to 1, I then used the priest skill but nothing happened. I'm quite sure I read the description of the secret correctly but it doesn't mention that it should prevent healing. Thanks guys! You haven't read the text correctly. Repentance reduces the minion's health to 1, it doesn't "deal damage to the minion to take it to 1 health". The health number is white, not red, meaning that 1 is its new max health. You would have to silence or buff the minion to increase its total health. | ||
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