On April 16 2009 09:54 EscPlan9 wrote: I first started really paying attention to the mice and mousepads I use when I joined a UT2K4 clan. I found I played the game SIGNIFICANTLY better with lower sensitivity and have kept my mice at low sensitivity for every game ever since.
As for mousepads, I've had an expensive large one, and now use a medium sized cheap Belkin one. I like the medium sized Belkin one better actually, and it was like $30 cheaper. It fits easily on my desk and I can play all the games I want without any problem.
Well mousepad size isn't going to do anything to your mouse control at all unless it's so small you go off the edges..
If you find you are better with the Belkin one it's certainly because of the texture.
Anyways yes, any competitive FPS player knows that you are faster and more accurate with low sensitivity. Pair that with the fact that you can also train yourself to also be very fast on larger mouse movements like minimap click as well and it becomes pretty obvious even without referencing the sensitivity of all korean progamers that low sensitivity is the way to go.
It's just not something the foreign RTS world or gaming mouse manufacturers have come to realize yet.
On April 16 2009 09:54 EscPlan9 wrote: I first started really paying attention to the mice and mousepads I use when I joined a UT2K4 clan. I found I played the game SIGNIFICANTLY better with lower sensitivity and have kept my mice at low sensitivity for every game ever since.
As for mousepads, I've had an expensive large one, and now use a medium sized cheap Belkin one. I like the medium sized Belkin one better actually, and it was like $30 cheaper. It fits easily on my desk and I can play all the games I want without any problem.
Well mousepad size isn't going to do anything to your mouse control at all unless it's so small you go off the edges..
If you find you are better with the Belkin one it's certainly because of the texture.
Anyways yes, any competitive FPS player knows that you are faster and more accurate with low sensitivity. Pair that with the fact that you can also train yourself to also be very fast on larger mouse movements like minimap click as well and it becomes pretty obvious even without referencing the sensitivity of all korean progamers that low sensitivity is the way to go.
It's just not something the foreign RTS world or gaming mouse manufacturers have come to realize yet.
I like it better partially because of the softer texture, but also because of the size (just the right size so I don't go off the edges or need to lift the mouse often) and the price. IIRC it was like $6.
Point, yes. Click.. there's no actual click to it. I like the lack of annoying click sounds, but it's kinda shitty for games since the weight of my finger is enough to make it click.
And yeah, I used to play CS, with low sens using a combination of arm and wrist/finger movements. Before that, I used high sens for everything, so either is fine with me. In Windows I use 1.5" = 1280px, so I guess it's be 0.75" across for SC. It's probably a little low for Popoint, but I was limited by how fast I mentally processed the numbers, not by how fast I could get to them. Probably needed to sit a little further back so there's less eye movement involved.
wtf... if i make it so that i need to move it 1.5 inches to get from left side of screen to right side in game, holy crap i cant even move my units rite, it takes forever just to tell my scouting scv to go to this spawn location and this overlord to move there and even takes a long time to do a split...
Uhm, what resolution did you test at? Because moving from one side of the screen to the other on a 1280x1024 resolution is going to be different than 1920x1200. I guess not ingame though.
On April 17 2009 07:44 SonuvBob wrote: Point, yes. Click.. there's no actual click to it. I like the lack of annoying click sounds, but it's kinda shitty for games since the weight of my finger is enough to make it click.
And yeah, I used to play CS, with low sens using a combination of arm and wrist/finger movements. Before that, I used high sens for everything, so either is fine with me. In Windows I use 1.5" = 1280px, so I guess it's be 0.75" across for SC. It's probably a little low for Popoint, but I was limited by how fast I mentally processed the numbers, not by how fast I could get to them. Probably needed to sit a little further back so there's less eye movement involved.
If your resolution is 1280x then your desktop sensitivity is perfect and I would use iccup launcher to achieve the same sensitivity in game.
Hmmm I forgot to take into account that you all still use mouse scroll to play RTS and I use the mouse3 button and thus don't have to go to the edge of the screen.
Gonna edit OP to say sens should be something between 1 and 1.5.
thanks for the awesome tip! my sensitivity was very high, but now that i've lowered it, i find splittling my workers, and other menial micro tasks a lot easier. (i used to misclick a lot)
On April 19 2009 04:10 da_head wrote: thanks for the awesome tip! my sensitivity was very high, but now that i've lowered it, i find splittling my workers, and other menial micro tasks a lot easier. (i used to misclick a lot)
Awesome dude I'm really glad to hear that. It will just get better and better for a while now.
I'm using a SteelSeries 4D Plastic Mouse Surface at the moment I really love it tho it isn't really durable as I start feeling allot of friction after 2weeks of use already. So I'm not sure if i should buy a other mousepad or just the same one again. I fear that I will start feeling friction with all of them because I paly pretty much 24/7.
On April 18 2009 14:42 Dead9 wrote: I gave up and increased my mouse sensitivity :[
On April 18 2009 11:08 ramen247 wrote: wtf... if i make it so that i need to move it 1.5 inches to get from left side of screen to right side in game, holy crap i cant even move my units rite, it takes forever just to tell my scouting scv to go to this spawn location and this overlord to move there and even takes a long time to do a split...