I'm invited to a live TV show about videogames tomorrow, there will be a psychologist talking about ludopathy and stuff, and people will be able to call and give their opinion.
My job is to give the "gamer perspective" of the subject, and I want to go as informed as I can about the good side of the videogames. I've done my homework and have some "sicence facts" about games and videogames, but I'm sure you can give me some ideas about the good things gaming has done for you, maybe your story or links and third party info about it.
Thanks in advance, and sorry for the grammar mistakes.
If they want to know your "gamer perspective" maybe you shouldn't look so much into scientific facts, since they'll already bring professionals as you said to cover this aspect (psychologists, etc.). I guess what they actually want to hear from you is your personal experience and the points of views of gaming as a gamer and not as a scientist.
Other than that, I'd say games have helped me develop a lot of latent abilities (awareness, quick/logical thinking, reflexes, etc.) depending of course on the types of games I play.
Give me something to do for the duration of my long, probably 80 year old life. I'm 15 years atm, so i've still got a long way to go. Hope SC2 lasts a while
On February 12 2009 07:41 SCC-AlwaysGG wrote:Give me something to do for the duration of my long, probably 80 year old life. I'm 15 years atm, so i've still got a long way to go. Hope SC2 lasts a while  How do 15 year olds start playing sc, this really confuses me, I mean at least here in the states what attracts them to it.
hand eye coordination, reflex.
and if you play ddr on the crazy modes, mad exercise :p
After playing video games, I now know how to survive a zombie attack or apocalyptic disaster, and hijack cars a la grand theft auto =P
But as for personal experience: RPG's improve math by a lot. Damage formulas, critical strike percentage, damage per second, magic resistance, hit/miss ratio, ect. Some games have really complicated formulas for everything, and its gotten to the point where I can easily calculate stuff without thinking a lot. Playing fighting games competitively also raises your reflexes and creates good timing, as well as improving decision making. My friend played Initial D for a while and he started to drive better. And Starcraft is just ridiculous. I can't even go into how much its done for me.
Anyways, hope I helped. Good luck on your show!
hmm.. overall, it defenitely helped my reading level when i was younger. Reading through all those RPGs and stuff... not to mention the basic hand eye coordination in other games...
although nowadays... its definitely helped create a social environment that me and my friends enjoy
Tell them that video games help you the same way LSD does. I eagerly await the results.
On February 12 2009 07:35 kemoryan wrote: If they want to know your "gamer perspective" maybe you shouldn't look so much into scientific facts, since they'll already bring professionals as you said to cover this aspect (psychologists, etc.). I guess what they actually want to hear from you is your personal experience and the points of views of gaming as a gamer and not as a scientist.
If I know my television, they won't bother looking for anyone credible, but rather they'll take the first clown with a phd they can find who'll give you the most pessimistic perspective possible.
games help improve your english easy
Games help at basic math skills and coordination as stated..
However, from my personal experience, if there's one MAJOR thing hours upon hours of playing Starcraft taught me, it's that with enough perseverance you can really do almost anything. What I mean to say, practicing insane amounts at a video game really infused the idea that you can obtain anything you wish if your really put your mind to it and if you work enough.
I think most gamers tend to procrastinate ALOT in real life, and I'm no exception. So starcraft really proved useful to me, providing a certain psychological mechanism that I will keep for the rest of my life
gaming has taught me language. I basically learnt english very quickly since games are almost never translated into finnish =P
Also i have been playing lots of videogames with my brother, so it has had an impact on our relationship :D
Also better hand eye coordination, probably reflexes and who knows if understanding strategy behind starcraft for example has helped our brains to improbe? :o
Oh and i understand computers better than i would without gaming =P
Also gaming is a new artform Though many people don't consider it as such. But really really good games are real art. They have so many things to them, music, artwork, graphics, story, innovative gameplay.
On February 12 2009 07:55 Retsukage wrote:Show nested quote +On February 12 2009 07:41 SCC-AlwaysGG wrote:Give me something to do for the duration of my long, probably 80 year old life. I'm 15 years atm, so i've still got a long way to go. Hope SC2 lasts a while  How do 15 year olds start playing sc, this really confuses me, I mean at least here in the states what attracts them to it.
I'm 13 and my dad used to play, I've known/screwed around in game since I was 4 (when my dad played.)
Starcraft makes my mind sharper- my multitasking better.
For me video games make life move at a boring pace. Studying is sooo easy for me now. Normally when playing a video game your thinking about 12457014389 variables, and your mind is racing at light speed. SSBM anyone? I liken playing games to school work, because i notice that i can read very very fast, comprehend well and generally i am "smart" i get the hang of things quickly and can apply my knowledge faster than most of my classmates. Perhaps this is form playing video games?
I know for a fact that during my long play time of PSO 1&2 and PSOBB that my mathematical and statistical reasoning skills have increased. Along with interpersonal relationships. Because hey lets face it- trading items and bartering in a game where money is useless, takes a bit of work.
My reaction time and strategy has increased during the time I have played SSBM, Halo, Halo2 competitively. The strategy that people have to evolve on the fly in seconds really is astounding. Also compound the fact that you are constantly shooting, aiming, communicating with team mates, and trying to think about weapon spawn times, and map control at the same time is astounding.
Then of course we have good ol SC
I can say with out a doubt that SC has helped me in many facets of life.
-Very fast decision making skills -The ability to multitask -The ability to gather, compose and comprehend multiple variables quickly and come to a difinative answer in seconds. -But most of all i think that Sc has helped me deal with people. You see i love playing people online because i can watch there playstle and come to fairly accurate conclusion about the following:
-Boy or Girl - Temperament - Age
It's cool watching a really really high risk aggressive loud mouth play a race, and then compare to my friend: The book smart, nerd quiet, intellectual type of guy. I find it fascinating that both players win the game, yet do so using such different methods.
IMO gaming has helped me to become a more intellectually sharper person.
I can think about many variables, and decide things very very quickly. Of course reaction time and hand eye coordination came along with that as well.
IMO gaming is better than real life because everything is so much more fast paced and exiting. I think that it has helped me in the real world but hey- just my oppinon.
On the other hand, scientists have shown a direct link to depression among gamers because of this exact problem.
Because we are so used to running our minds at 14598715 an hour, and having them constantly stimulated- real life, with it's slow and plodding pace can become extremely boring and will so find us dis interested. Thus we turn back to games, to get back our 'high' lol
On February 12 2009 08:21 Jaeden wrote:games help improve your english  easy
This is so true. Well, gaming and movies for me, English was always my best class in terms of grades.
I agree here with the language stuff. My english practice mainly came from videogames. It also helped me teach me that you can do anything should you put enough effort into your stuff. Im quite pleased with that.
Also is a healthy hobby and i've met lots of friends online that i wouldnt have met if i hadnt play videogames. I've got friends in USA, Canada, Bolivia, Australia to name a few, that im sure we could hang out and have fun. And im not saying about my friends here in Mexico; thanks to videogames i've met one of my best friends and a close friend. I have friends in another two or three states that i've visited so its quite good for social life really
Improved english and alot of friends are the major things I've got from gaming. Most likely improved social skills too.
Wow how could I forget about the foreign language. As a kid I had a good start with English, but I wouldn't have gotten anywhere without mass gaming and TV to help me capitalize on it and evolve.
I actually got pretty far in the National English School Olympics here, and I owe in in large proportion to playing exclusively English video games
And I also found TL through SC
That'll make me like an instant member of the secret society we will become when TL will take over the world in the next couple of years
Starcraft has helped me connect with other people I have never met in my entire life, on and offline. It also has given me the gift to spread this wonderful game to other people. I cannot say how many times my cousin and I have stayed up late into the night watching proleague VODs, or more specifically the epic bo5 of July vs Best... I loved watching my cousin get into it as much as I did.