This was a catholic school too, so a nun teacher rushed to the floor and huddled the mag to her chest looking like she was about to cry. There was another guy in the class that was known for making crude jokes so everyone started blaming him.
Weird/Embarrassing/Perverted Moments at School? - Page 52
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Canada540 Posts
This was a catholic school too, so a nun teacher rushed to the floor and huddled the mag to her chest looking like she was about to cry. There was another guy in the class that was known for making crude jokes so everyone started blaming him. | ||
United States1543 Posts
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United States280 Posts
I'd say above average, although my memories probably aren't reliable. But in high school, that was still one of the most sexual experiences I had at that point. | ||
Denmark384 Posts
On March 23 2013 10:23 jcroisdale wrote: This thread is the dumbest thing I have seen on TL, I expected better from Teamliquid. I second this. Although that diarrhea story with the girl from china or whatever that was pretty funny :D don't see how it is school related though.. or awkward for that matter... its just fucked up ^^ | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
Oh right, i made it a little more believable my bad. :3 | ||
United States1330 Posts
One day while getting ready to sleep through class, a random girl walked into the same room I was laying down in, shut the door behind her, and laid down on the other couch. She was above average in looks and definitely my usual type, slimmer and athletic, and she looked pretty tired. Our heads were literally less than three feet apart the whole time, it felt surprisingly intimate. Just one of those random things haha. | ||
Japan762 Posts
Not really weird but math-class was always a given for random moments. We had to hand in some stupid homework, that saw us kinda explaining all the stuff we had done throughout the year in one folder. Made sense cause this way we were forced to actually know (lololol) what we had done in the class. With the exception of obviously none of my friends nor me actually taking the time to do this. So we just randomly threw in some of the worksheets we had gotten and... BAM worked like a charm :D Of course the next year... we may or may not have handed in the exact same shit as last year... only with a different result ^^ Also, really nice when our math teacher checked our homework. "Who's without homework?" So me one of my friends raise our arms, while the other guy wasn't even listening to her and she went like. "What a pity, Dennis. What a pity, Kevin. And Philipp?". He just went "What a pity, Philipp." ![]() Speaking of math-class (yeah, inorite?)... So we took a test that was scheduled for 20 minutes. I finished after 5 (no, I was not super smart, I failed hard) and instead wrote a poem on the sheet. I don't exactly remember it word for word but it went a little something like "Dear misses teacher, I don't want to preach'er, (can't remember stuff in between) I ran out of ideas... so please just give me some points for free =)". And yes, I added the smiley. Turns out, she also added a little poem, very respectfully telling me that the day she would give me free points would be the day I'd ace a math test. Yes, we didn't care about math at all, no, we still graduated so don't try to preach how important it is, please ^.~ Years before that, there was this girl that I've had a crush on ever since... Well, fuck me, ever since I was like 7 or so and I have known her since I was (insert first year in elementary school). We then went on to go to the same school until... well, last year when we graduated. I guess I was pretty awkward - scratch that - I was ridiculously awkward and then a little bit later in school, our teacher figured it was a great idea to have us sit next to each other (mainly because she wanted to make our class less cliquey so she had almost everyone swap seats). I was pretty cool for the first like 45 minutes but holy shit, when I got home that day I was jumping with joy with the most retarded banana-faced grin ever. The situation also led to some rather weird boner moments when working together in pairs/groups but also showed me that not all cute and popular girls were condescending bitches (though still most actually were) <3 Disclaimer: Too tired to proof-read that post >.D | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On March 23 2013 10:57 Pursuit_ wrote: At the library in my old college there were a bunch of study rooms which were equipped with a couch or two, a pair of desks, some chairs ect. They weren't used very commonly so I almost always got my favorite one, which had a glass door (so people would look in, see me in there and not enter) and two relatively comfortable couches. I used it to sleep between classes (or through certain classes I felt confident I could skip) most of the time. The couches themselves were aligned in an "L" shape, and I would sleep with my head facing inwards towards the bend. One day while getting ready to sleep through class, a random girl walked into the same room I was laying down in, shut the door behind her, and laid down on the other couch. She was above average in looks and definitely my usual type, slimmer and athletic, and she looked pretty tired. Our heads were literally less than three feet apart the whole time, it felt surprisingly intimate. Just one of those random things haha. 1/10 was expecting her to walk in and just immediately bang you sadface | ||
United States1174 Posts
I was pitching and I was one of the hardest throwers in the league, but i was a little wild. Well, this kid comes up whos like a couple years older than me, and i hit him in his side and he starts tryin to cuss me out and shit. The umpire was his friend so he ignored this and just told him to take his base, but i was ready for this kid to come charging the mound (even though it was an accident) At first he lifted his shirt up and had like the gnarliest bruise ive ever seen. So the fight didn't happen, but the funny part of the story was, my dad was talking with one of the parents from the other team, and he told me he started talking with this kids dad about if we fought, and the kids own dad was like..."your boy would kick his ass, i hope he doesn't try to fight" | ||
United States77 Posts
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United States1738 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + On December 02 2008 10:32 SirTea wrote: All last year 4chan was unblocked at school. I had web design. I'm sitting on /b/ and this chick looks over at my screen and all she says is, "Why is she naked?" I replied with, "this is 4chan." + Show Spoiler + On September 29 2008 04:22 Warrior Madness wrote: Wow, not surprisingly, TL's the only place where I see my childhood posted over and over and over. I've raked up many embarrassing moments over the years but I'll share with you one of my favourite memories from grade 8. So there was this really cute girl Christine. She looked a lot like this girl on a local show called Popular Mechanics for Kids, so me along with the rest of the guys really wanted this girl, I'd do the ol' switcharoo whenever I jerked off; I'd masturbate to some nudie pics, or to the Red Shoe Diaries and at the last second I'd take out a picture of Christine from the yearbook. The thing was, she liked ME back. And I was always amazed at that. I'd often go to this neutral friend of ours who lived near the park, and I'd chat with her about Christine and girls in general. She had one nostril bigger than the other but she was a sweet girl. One day I was at her house with Christine and her best friend. Girls are ALWAYS scheming and the girls did me a favour that day. They decided to lock me and Christine outta the house until we kissed. I'd never kissed a girl to be honest. So I was terrified and excited at the same time. Christine would wear these TIGHT jeans and this blue thong. She had dark chocolate brown hair, round supple tits, her eyes were like big almonds, and her face was heart shaped. In short, she was a boner factory. So here we are, we're huddled together outside the house trying to peak through this tiny window for the other girls. Of course this was just a coy game we played so we could get closer to each other. So she leaned into the window. I leaned into her, cause I too was "looking for the girls" and oh man! She smelled amazing, I couldn't believe she was letting me in this close. I was wearing thin shorts and I pushed in pretty far... At this point I felt the pleasant sensation of my cock pressing through the thin fabric onto her ass and I just remember feeling elated, pressing myself against her tight ass, grabbing on her hips, smelling her neck. Well it was inevitable that I'd pop one, so I ejected immediately. No kiss though... But somehow that interaction led to our going to see a horror movie together. So the girls, Christine and I, including some guy went to see a horror movie. The girls sat up front so Christine and I could be alone, but since I was such a pussy I asked the guy to sit near us. The events of the other day were still fresh in my mind and I was more excited than ever. But at the same time, I simply didn't want to kiss her because I felt that I'd embarrass myself by not knowing how. So here we are, the floors are sticky, it's really dark, and Christine smelled amazing as usual. At some point in the movie she leans over and gives me a little playful push. I thought, "Oh shit, it's on." So I push her back and my hand accidentally lands on her leg. Her jeans feel really tight and her leg's really warm. She leans her head in closer looking for a kiss, but again I chicken out. I'm way too scared to kiss her. But I feel really really horny. I'm dying to touch her. I start ever so slowly sliding my hand up her leg. I feel extremely nervous, my stomach sinks waiting for her reaction, good or bad. With the dark room, and with her smelling so damn good I'm feeling exhilarated and I just HAVE to go further. So I move my hand all the way to her zipper.. She whispers, "No, don't". "Fuck" I thought to myself. But then she crosses her legs HARD, my hand gets squeezed down there. My heart starts to pound. I start slowly exploring with my fingers, then I begin to rub her, and for the first time in my life, I come into contact with real pussy! It feels so incredibly soft. I had a raging hard on at this moment, and I just kept on rubbing her. My hands start to feel really warm and wet. I thought, "She's so sweaty, that's so hot." She starts to tremble and I'm thinking "Holy shit, is this REALLY happening? Is she really letting me do this?". My heart's beating like crazy, I start breathing really hard. I continue to rub, the tempo becomes faster, harder, deeper, until I get SO excited that I cum in my pants and we end up cumming together...I'm feeling like a million bucks at this point. During the rest of the movie she leans her head on my shoulder and we lock eyes affectionately now and then. Still no kiss but I don't give a fuck. We both have that feeling you get after masturbating of complete satisfaction and relaxation. And anyways I was so scared to kiss her that I ended up fingering her! At the end of the movie, she runs to her friends in the front row, and the guy next to me is like, "What the fuck were you two doing there?". Presumbly she told the girls we made out. Before leaving the theatre I went to the washroom, and my hand felt like it was covered in sweat. I thought to myself "Why not?" So I took a sniff... I was immediately taken a back by how strong the smell was. It smelled like fish... and I was like "What the fuck?." - The end. + Show Spoiler + On April 03 2009 05:40 DreaM)XeRO wrote: This was during freshman year of high school. There is a tradition for all guys going to states in swimming to either a) shave all hair completly off the body (ALL) or b) dye hair blond, but still shave the whole body The states crew decided that we would chose the lesser of two evils we chose b. So the night before states comes around, and we have a pasta party (Pasta is high in carbs. It's a swimming tradition) Afterwords we all (boys and girls) decided it was time for the men to shave All of the dudes got naked one by one, as the girls would soap and shave their bodies So it comes to be my turn. The senior captain takes one look at me and says "omg Sean is MINE". The captain was pretty cute so i had no problem with it. So i strip down and get under the shower for a few minutes. I reach for the soap to start lathering myself and i find that it's gone. Kathryn (the captain's name) had the soap in her hand. She smiles and starts to rub the soap all over my chest and back. She reaches down near my crotch and ...naturally i have a boner. She giggles and winks. I don't know what to do. She whispers "you're really cute" smiles. Then i was DONE. I literally jizzed all over the place. Like...fucking mt.fucking.vesuvius. It was redic. Her eyes went huge, and her mouth formed into a little o of suprise. She wiped it off, and left. I had to shave myself. When i got out..Everyone started cracking up at me... + Show Spoiler + On September 26 2008 00:52 CaucasianAsian wrote: Oh high school boners... Back in like 10th grade, I used to joke around with this asian chick who rode my bus, she was a little cute, but she was innocent as fuck, she literally had no idea what the word "pussy" meant until halfway through 10th grade. Anyway, so I'm sitting in the back with some friends, and she gets on, and the bus is overcrowded as usual. So she says something along the lines of "where can i sit now?" So I point to my crotch and say, well you can sit here. She makes a tiny gesture and decides to do so. Well, for an obvious reason, there's a cute chick sitting on my crotch, and she moves a little to get a little more comfortable. That movement did it for me, instantly I can feel my cock slowly get harder and harder, and press against my pants more and more. After a couple of seconds, I have a raging hard on, and she turns her head, looks at me, and as I said she is innocent as fuck, so she leans to a side, and puts her hand on my pants, and feels my raging boner, and says "EWWW YOUR PENIS IS HARD" + Show Spoiler + On February 09 2011 06:30 Joementum wrote: Senior Year in High School: I'm in PE which is a class of about 200 students mixed with all Freshman through Seniors. We were playing volleyball at the time and it was a Monday so the teachers had the nets down to the floor for some reason. Now, normally, we go under the nets because it's the easiest way to go to the locker rooms, but we couldn't this time. We had to go over them. The nets weren't even that tall. I could step over them if I wanted, but that's not how I roll. I jog over to the nets and attempt to jump over the net. My right foot makes it over fine, but then my left foot gets caught in the net and face plant. My foot got caught in the net for a few seconds while a class of 200 students looks on and just laughed at me. My friend, who was right next to me actually dropped to the floor laughing. After about 45 minutes, P.E. is finished and we're heading out of the gym and we have to either walk around the nets or over them again since they put them down for whatever reason... again. You know what I did? That's right. I tried jumping over the damn net. Same god damn thing happened. My friend almost pissed himself laughing that time. Luckily, we were one of the few people left int he locker room and only a few of the guys saw me face plant a second time. One of the jocks that I spoke to occasionally actually felt bad for me the 2nd time and helped me out. Embarrassing... I never tried that again. In College about a week ago: I'm in my Macroeconomics class and our Professor told us we had to buy clickers so we could answer her daily quiz questions. Almost everyone came prepared that day except for a few students that decided to leave their clickers on that hard shell plastic packaging that is impossible to rip apart. Instead of opening it up at home, they decided to bring the clickers with them from home brand new. Really smart of them, huh? The professor notices a girl in the front with her clicker still in the package and asks out loud "Does anybody have a knife?" About 30 of the 35 students started muttering "Who the hell would have a knife in school?!" I raise my hand a little late and she doesn't notice, nor does any other student, so instead of just shouting, "I DO! I DO!" I just get up and walk over to the girl having trouble. As I'm walking up to her, I take out my pocket knife and it flings open with the assisted opening mechanism. The girl looked at me with wide eyes and was just terrified. I don't know what the hell she thought I was going to do to her. I was just trying to help, but apparently, the way I walked up to her and took out my knife scared her half to death. I tried handing her the knife so she could open up the packaging and she just stared at it for a few seconds and then back at me. She still had that "HOLY SHIT HE'S GONNA KILL ME WITH THAT 12" HUNTING KNIFE" look on her face. I take back my knife, open up the shit for her and walk away. Half the class looks at me while I walk to my seat and then someone asks if they can use my knife. Talk about being in an awkward situation. It was only a pocket knife that was 3" long and according to college regulations, we're allowed to carry a pocket knife 3" or less in length anywhere on campus. O_O I'm now the bad guy in the class that everyone thinks will hurt them. I don't think the girl will ever look at me like a regular person ever again. + Show Spoiler + On February 09 2011 13:20 Phrost wrote: My favorite history teacher was a big built black man that didnt act the way he sounded. He was probably 6'4'' and a solid 240lbs or so. My high school's student population was about 60-65% asian. He was telling a story in class about a fight that broke out in the room and he said how he was trying to break it up but he was afraid of one of the students. I very gracious blurted out that he should have been fine having the racial advantage. He very courtesy laughed it off and reminded me that there are black students in the school too. + Show Spoiler + On February 12 2011 18:21 Homework wrote: Alright, so, I was good friends in the 8th grade with a bunch of girls. One of the group of (Taylor) had a birthday party, and invited all the other girls, and me. I showed up, forty-one girls are there, including the girl (Alexis) that I had a crush on at the time. Anyway, I end up on a porch swing. Alexis comes and sits down on my lap. I spring the most massive, fucking-raging hard boner in the entire world. It pokes her right in the ass. Her reaction to this is to move her ass right on top of my boner, and then move back and forth. Repeatedly. This just makes my huge boner even more massive. I managed to get her off that side of my leg. I have no idea if she was sending me the best signals ever in the entire world, and I was stupid as fuck, or if she was just being weird. I moved six months afterward and never saw her again. ![]() I would include mine but I already have in some other thread and I'm too lazy to type it out again. | ||
Korea (South)425 Posts
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United States37 Posts
On March 23 2013 13:47 jaymik wrote: back in hs we had a fitness test for pe. we got seperated into pairs for sit ups. im just speeding through this shit, but midway i just blow this huge fucking fart right into the chick that was holding my legs. smh LMFAO | ||
United States12128 Posts
On March 23 2013 10:41 arb wrote: Oh right, i made it a little more believable my bad. :3 LOL A+ A+ A+ hahahahahaha This thread and the breakups thread.....some of the posts | ||
United States1193 Posts
On March 23 2013 10:31 MagnuMizer wrote: I second this. Although that diarrhea story with the girl from china or whatever that was pretty funny :D don't see how it is school related though.. or awkward for that matter... its just fucked up ^^ I think he is talking about the enormous number of posts where the poster talks about how he got close to a girl and it made him excited/embarrassed/nervous... hahaha I do expect better. | ||
United States280 Posts
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United States3710 Posts
Then the next day he had to do the embarrassing part- getting up in front of the entire class to make a vague apology without mentioning any specifics (and by class I mean the 6th grade class, so this included people who weren't there but already knew about it -- giggles were not suppressed) | ||
United States258 Posts
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United States258 Posts
Edit: typo | ||
England551 Posts
So here goes.. I'm in year 2 (British terms, I'm like 6-7), our class of 30 comes back from a PE lesson in the gymnastics hall. Everyone is getting changed in the classroom, like we're too young to bother separating genders, and I have this bag I keep clothes in. So being the carefree kid I was, (because everyone got changed in front of each other and no one really gave a fuck), I would strip to my delicate Y fronties, pack my PE clothes up, stroll round the corner to the cloakroom, dump my bag there, and THEN come back and get changed. That way I could get dressed and CHILLAX for a bit while everyone else tried to get into the cloakroom at the same time. It happened. For whatever reason, I didn't realise that upon removing my PE shorts, my pants came off too. I strolled round to the cloakroom NAKED without realising, dumped my bag and walked back round. Many pointing and laughing later, I looked down, ran back to the cloakroom and cried on the floor in a ball before my teacher went and got my clothes from my chair. Ohhhhh buddy. | ||
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