Just writing about John Stuart Mill. It's hard when you're 10,000% cooked. I came here to have a laugh.
Well, goodbye!
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Canada183 Posts
October 30 2012 02:08 GMT
Just writing about John Stuart Mill. It's hard when you're 10,000% cooked. I came here to have a laugh. Well, goodbye! | ||
United States151 Posts
October 30 2012 02:45 GMT
On October 29 2012 09:36 Bourneq wrote: Show nested quote + On October 29 2012 09:34 88)GuMMi wrote: On October 29 2012 09:13 Crescens wrote: I don't know, man. Maybe that hornet just wanted a hit... animals have been known to enjoy marijuana Hahaha that was awesome. whats awesome is how in the world does this guy have a pet crow?! | ||
United States6 Posts
October 30 2012 16:04 GMT
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50 Posts
October 30 2012 16:26 GMT
On October 31 2012 01:04 hal_ wrote: I wish weed didn't make Starcraft so much more difficult the thing about weed and sc2, is that it acts like a hyperbolic time chamber. when you play not high, you will be way better | ||
Netherlands2895 Posts
October 30 2012 16:31 GMT
On October 30 2012 11:45 TurnipThrowingPeach wrote: Show nested quote + On October 29 2012 09:36 Bourneq wrote: On October 29 2012 09:34 88)GuMMi wrote: On October 29 2012 09:13 Crescens wrote: I don't know, man. Maybe that hornet just wanted a hit... animals have been known to enjoy marijuana http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zK10aJcOfF0 Hahaha that was awesome. whats awesome is how in the world does this guy have a pet crow?! My friend had a pet crow for a few months exactly like this. They're not really pets, just birds that stick around because you feed them. | ||
Germany1118 Posts
October 31 2012 23:37 GMT
On October 31 2012 01:26 paper121 wrote: Show nested quote + On October 31 2012 01:04 hal_ wrote: I wish weed didn't make Starcraft so much more difficult the thing about weed and sc2, is that it acts like a hyperbolic time chamber. when you play not high, you will be way better This is so true. Especially if you only play 5% off all your games not high! :D | ||
Canada1109 Posts
November 01 2012 08:34 GMT
You've faded from my memory, I try so hard not to think about you, but sometimes, I fucking CRAVE you. Just watched Pineapple Express again... and after that cross-J scene, all the memories are rushing back like never before. I would fucking eat a pile of of my own shit to be with you for just one more session, it's that bad. FUCKKKKKKKKKKKK^$%*&(IJPOKI&R%(*&^*(^T*&(&(*(*(*Y(!!!!! The 1-year tweak is the worst. Shit. SHIT. SHITTTTTTTTTTTT!@!!!!!! Another year before I can be with you again my sweet Mary Jane, oh how I long for you. FUCKJFOIEHJWR@#$@(#*U%(#@U%(*#@%(#@%U(*#@U%(*#@HT(*G!!!!! Seriously, this is some serious fucking bullshit being dry like a pair of grandma tits. | ||
Netherlands101 Posts
November 01 2012 08:43 GMT
User was temp banned for this post. | ||
United States156 Posts
November 01 2012 09:11 GMT
On November 01 2012 17:43 Razac wrote: Ah this is a garbage bin for stoners? Great at least they wont infest the rest of the forums. Its funny how you decide to post some hate in here for shits and giggles. Well since you are trolling i know your going to come back and see if anyone read and responded to your message. Seeing as i am in a bad mood myself, I have decided to come here and make a post of my own. So here: + Show Spoiler + ![]() ![]() | ||
Australia4032 Posts
November 01 2012 09:46 GMT
![]() ![]() | ||
Germany1040 Posts
November 01 2012 14:27 GMT
On November 01 2012 18:46 Za7oX wrote: My new vaporizer ![]() ![]() Damn, the thing looks straight up like Star Trek. Just had a nice little Jolly. My goal for the day is to walk less than 50 steps. I can do it if I believe in myself. | ||
Australia17 Posts
November 01 2012 14:30 GMT
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Canada54 Posts
November 02 2012 00:36 GMT
Also grubby has a hookah in the video he just posted. | ||
Bhutan19 Posts
November 02 2012 06:35 GMT
On November 01 2012 23:27 AngryMag wrote: Damn, the thing looks straight up like Star Trek. Just had a nice little Jolly. My goal for the day is to walk less than 50 steps. I can do it if I believe in myself. Man, when, one day, I go back to smoking, this is how it'll be done! | ||
Vatican City State81 Posts
November 05 2012 20:04 GMT
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United States612 Posts
November 06 2012 07:44 GMT
Anyway, on to the MLG stuff. Basically what I'm thinking is that although this might not be possible for MLG, something that tournaments like GOM could look into is holding the show at "dark side sites," like Force Nexii in Star Wars. Of course if they chose a local site, like somewhere in Seoul, then there'd be a home field advantage to players who had time to acclimate to the environment. I guess what I'm thinking is a set like nick's old global cuts with the purple crystals and fog. The future of Esports is more than just booth girls guiding the player's hand, or lack of padding on doors that favors sound leaking through. A true Dark Side site could create interest above and beyond that of minor scandals attributed to asymmetric information. Of course players with a history of depression might find their tendencies aggravated by such a place, but, in my opinion, Starcraft, at its heart, is a clash of wills. This is true of any good strategy game. Playing a dark side nexus would encourage players to know what they were getting into before hand, and play accordingly. Just imagine MC and those perfect force fields, and how it could really rattle the player in the booth next door, and then exponentially multiply that with by a slick hair cut and maybe frosted tips (DBZ rec), and then, on top of the frosted tips, add the ominous and foreboding presence of a Sith lineage as not to be found since the middle ages. I don't know where they'd find booth girls to participate at this highly hypothetical venue, or if coaches would allow players near such a place, but what Starcraft doesn't see enough of any more is Nal_rA builds, builds for which there is practically no explanation. A Force Nexus to rattle players into stagnation or agitation, depending on their propensities, could really open the door for forced errors. In an ideal world for spectators (though arguably not ideal for players), some players could be apprised of the nature of the venue prior to the games, and create something of a home turf advantage; while other players, moving in unawares, could succumb on the spot (or on "stage") to the malevolent powers of the place. Of course, Suppy is probably familiar with Symphony, whose crusade against Korean Hell Witches is ongoing, even to this day. While all wisdom counsels us to find some peaceful resolution, it seems that Symphony is hell bent on the destruction of "Korean Hell Witches" by all possible means. What this unilateral crusade portends for gaming at large depends heavily on the veracity of his reports. Are there in fact "Hell Witches" who engage unsuspecting youth in a game of psychic tag, gradually corrupting the good nature of our citizens and gently goading them toward destruction; where once, engaged, the unfortunate soul finds himself succumbing to all manner of psychic assault; bewildered and confused, eventulyl falling from the precipice of righteousness to be battered by waves of sorrow, driving him to founder upon the jagged break of iniquity. And as the once salient cause of justice is chased from his brow, this unfortunate, troubled in spirit, finds himself the victim of persistent turmoil as can only manifest through the unholy illusions of a damned succubus. Of course there are some unions, like that of one University native to Atlanta where the well-being of such hell witches is a hot topic. Though he seldom speaks of it, there's no doubt that these self-interested entities plague Symphony with appeals to his sense of philosophy. Are these hell witches merely a figment of Symphony's imagination? The question remains poignant, and the answer, perhaps due to the twisted wiles of an unrepentant serpent, remains a mystery. To date, it is impossible to discern whether there is any truth to Symphony's fears. Perhaps, this is only the misguided quest of one ill-favored soul. Perhaps it is something more. If indeed these Hell Witches have manifested a presence on Earth, it is my sincere hope that an earnest attempt to relocate GOM studios to a Dark Side nexus, will not find our young heroes besot by the sadistic machinations of a creature heretofore attributed solely to Diablo Ladder. Alas, what would befall young Flash if he were alone in a booth with the beguiling Hell Witches who so plague Symphony. Indeed, the SiRen call is strong. Fear not young hero, it is a bit of an old tradition! Ah that I could only speak to Symphony and give him some encouraging words. I was riddled with sorrow to hear of his tragic fall from grace. IT is beyond me, what sort of cruelty or bond of separation could so warp the mind of one who so loved justice. To wit, the callousness that has so taken hold of one once so empathetic is a thing unbearable to behold. It is though he has been felled (or nearly so), by the icy tentacle of some hellish seductress. That such events could be avoided in the future is perhaps too much to hope, and yet a worthy goal. Ah that someone could discern the truth of Symphony's claims, as they are yet little bit more than a fantasy. Like the "gentleman" of thistle down fame has carried Symphony to the land of Lost-Hope and there he languishes wishing to convey his suffering -- or a warning, to some larger audience. | ||
United Kingdom846 Posts
November 06 2012 08:05 GMT
I have this one for almost 3 years. Everyone thinks its a radio, so i dont need to hide it ![]() | ||
United States612 Posts
November 06 2012 08:25 GMT
On October 29 2012 00:05 Ikidomari wrote: + Show Spoiler + So I'm with about 5 mates blazed as fuck when this niggering fucking hornet flies out of my buddys bush-plant in his back yard. and this asian guy with us, also extremely blazed sprints the fuck off and we're all like, what? Then he comes back with a fucking spray bottle quick as all hell and sprays the hornet and starts yelling at us. The hornet hits the ground and he hands me the bottle "KEEP SPRAYING IT" and runs off again he comes back with tweezers, grabs the thing and puts it in the ash tray. he proceeded to ash his cigarette on the hornett, then throw it on the ground and crush it with all of his might. I was so fucking shocked I had no idea what the heck just happened. lol the same thing happened to me up at the lake cabin kinda. i had a red mower, one of those DR trimmers, with the little green bands. and i'm mowing you know, because it's important. and so i mow and i mow and i mow, and i'm avoiding the pampus grass or whatever it's called, the sort of things with tall stalks that you put at the water's edge (decoration only, lol). i get the side yard done, and i'm on to the front, and i start thinking how foolish it is to mow in a place that only gets used twice a season. now i'm hitting the front yard, and boom, pain erupts. i spaz like any kid would do, and look around for the source of my pain. there are a bunch of gold glints flashing in the suns light and i think about the million and a half holes under the patio. i recognize my enemy. it's a herd of yellow jackets making mincemeat of my ankles. with a surge of adrenaline not so foreign to me in those days, i hurl the trimmer at what seems to be source of my woes. i take to my heels and within no time flat i'm up the steps and to the screened in porch. only then do i look behind me to see the mower smoking like no one's business and the bees in a frenzy. i had, i guess, 4 stingers in me, each one pumping their vile fluid. it was grotesque. what to do? address the question of the overheating dr or deal with the venom no doubt issuing from these pesky tubules. being young and foolish i thought to deal with the venom first while the yellow jackets flooded the mower. the consequence of my action is that in the grass i lost the mower (never repaired despite the best efforts of a knowledgeable mechanic) and had nothing to show except a sting without to accompany the searing pain of the lawn remaining untrimmed. | ||
United States612 Posts
November 06 2012 09:10 GMT
one excellent feature of marijuana is the connectivity obsolescing both memory and experience. it's as though i don't recall myself. i'm not pointlessly absorbed in minutiae, like i am normally. in my typical state, i feel like i'm nothing more than a cog in the wheel, if you will, banging away at someone else's puzzle. is there some way to convert my the complacency of my mind? from being addicted to the pointless repetition of unproductive tasks? how can i influence the larger picture directly, without appealing to the guidance of some nebulous force? am i destined to be nothing more than an agent uploading data to one of those submission programs where some select few actually know what's going on? when i smoke this stuff, i feel clean, focused, and not at all influenced by primal urges. i have no idea how "hungry, happy, horny" originated. i'm really figuring stuff out here. what good may be attributed to a life spent enshrouded in the veil of persistent illusion; trying to solve a puzzle despite the nagging doubt that the puzzle itself is an illusion? one revelation leads to the next, and i construct a meandering path toward an imagined higher meaning. somehow along the way i find myself discarding previous truths in favor of a path that purports to be ever upward. am i merely an opportunist, or am i a scientist? why is it that along this unforgiving path, i am constantly urged to look 'forward', and never to reconcile misgivings about the incongruous? the truth i hope to find, should it not be one? why am i worn threadbare by doubts, forced to overlook the jagged edges; to saw the pieces until they fit. this ultimate truth, if it exists, is it not one of sublime congruity? i find myself jumping gaps that can't be jumped, and later calling it fit when a semblance of an answer coalesces. one cannot hold two contradictory beliefs simultaneously, lest he be led into delusion. and yet, i open myself to the hope of some undefined variable that will salvage incoherence. weed helps me do that. i wouldn't state weed causes me to overlook error. weed just pushes me to move faster and limits my perspective to relevance. | ||
Sweden1840 Posts
November 06 2012 12:38 GMT
EDIT: oh wait there they go | ||
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