High Thread - Page 614
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New Zealand2765 Posts
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42381 Posts
On October 14 2011 00:18 SRopion wrote: mee.... I rolled me like 67 jays in a few hours, my hands have carpal tunnel and I'm seeing bugs landing on my mouse. Is it actually 'good' idea to pre-roll joints? I have always heard/thought that it's not. And not to mention that some say you should avoid to buy these from dispensaries etc. | ||
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New Zealand2765 Posts
On October 13 2011 17:22 GosuNinja wrote: This is a long, sad story i felt compelled to write down. This might not be the best place for it, but i really like this community and i dont know anyone irl i feel like i can share this with. + Show Spoiler + Sooo.... where to begin. So i went to visit a very good friend of mine named ami. She lives in a 2 bedroom apt with her twin sister ashley. I get there and ive brought 2 weed peanut butter cookies my friend made, so i of course offer the twins some. They both turn me down. So were talking and catching up and im like, "fuck it, if u guys dont want one, im ganna eat one". they reply "ok, have fun!". So i eat one and we continue talking. After about 2 hours i am BEYOND high. Im having a 10 second delay and my entire body feels extremely warm and fuzzy. it was great! XD Then ashley decides she wants to go to her moms house and see her 2 year old niece iris. I wasn't too keen on the idea but who was i to say no. Niether ami nor ashley have a drivers liscense so they make me drive, despite me telling them i am WAY too high to drive. This story goes horribly wrong from here on. So we get in my car and i start it up. We leave their apartment complex and get on the highway. BAD IDEA! I am so high when i go to change lanes i cant tell how close cars are to me or how far away they are! 70mph feels like were going 10mph! To add to that the 2 sisters start fighting over who is hotter. God its so horrible! The feeling of fear and panick go back and forth with being extremely high for the entire drive there! After driving for about 30 minutes (felt like 6 hours) we arrive at their moms house. Now, i live in a pretty ghetto area and ive seen some bad shit, but this house blew everything ive seen out of the water. I walk in and all the carpets are ripped out, shit all over the floor, food / trash, it was aweful. We walk into the kitchen, and baby iris comes running out by herself (no adult supervision whatsoever) wearing torn and dirty clothes not even knowing how horrible the envirement she lived in was. I then come to find out there is 10 people living in this 3 bedroom house, most of them are meth / heroin addicts!! wtf?!! Anyways, atleast iris seemed happy, never stopped smiling. After chilling in the house for about 15 minutes, some serious drama breaks out between ashley and iris's mom.I dont really want to go into the details but the point was it happend right as i was peaking and it was catastrophic. I have never had a more horrific feeling in my life. The weed like amplified my feelings of sorrow and sympathy for this baby girl and anger for the poeple fighting and putting her in this situation. I hated it so much, there are no words to describe how i felt. <<So one of the best highs ive ever had was completely destroyed by the horrible situation i put myself in>> So then i told ami and ashley i HAD to leave and there is no way i could stay any longer.They were confused to how i felt so i tried to explain it to them, but they didn't understand nor would they leave. I think it's because they were raised around that but im not sure. So i ended up leaving by myself and having to drive an hour back home. I decided i needed to write this down here because the experiance has really made me feel depressed and i needed to vent it somewhere. There is a lot more information about the situation but i dont really want to go into any more detail about it. I have decided that tomarrow, as soon as i wake up, i am going to call child protective services and see if i cant get that kid into a better situation. Shit man, that must have been a pretty harrowing experience. I think you're handling it pretty fucking well all things considered. | ||
United States247 Posts
This show..like.........damn | ||
689 Posts
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Canada147 Posts
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Canada1094 Posts
Time to celebrate with a big fat doobie and enjoying MLG! | ||
689 Posts
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Canada191 Posts
On October 15 2011 06:09 Xation wrote: We need some "MLG ORLANDO SMOKING GAMES~" Everytime something awesome happens, take a hit. Everytime you ask a friend if he wants to watch with you, take a hit. Just take a hit and enjoy! (I always feel like "smoking" games don't work as well as drinking lol) EDIT: everyone take a hit when Tyler vs. Huk starts. Come on Tyler!!! | ||
Canada32 Posts
Whenever a TvT goes passed the 25min mark, finish your bowl/J. Whenever a T builds a marine, take a hit ![]() | ||
United States193 Posts
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United States370 Posts
New quarter oz too ^.^ + Show Spoiler + | ||
Canada48 Posts
On October 13 2011 17:22 GosuNinja wrote: This is a long, sad story i felt compelled to write down. This might not be the best place for it, but i really like this community and i dont know anyone irl i feel like i can share this with. + Show Spoiler + Sooo.... where to begin. So i went to visit a very good friend of mine named ami. She lives in a 2 bedroom apt with her twin sister ashley. I get there and ive brought 2 weed peanut butter cookies my friend made, so i of course offer the twins some. They both turn me down. So were talking and catching up and im like, "fuck it, if u guys dont want one, im ganna eat one". they reply "ok, have fun!". So i eat one and we continue talking. After about 2 hours i am BEYOND high. Im having a 10 second delay and my entire body feels extremely warm and fuzzy. it was great! XD Then ashley decides she wants to go to her moms house and see her 2 year old niece iris. I wasn't too keen on the idea but who was i to say no. Niether ami nor ashley have a drivers liscense so they make me drive, despite me telling them i am WAY too high to drive. This story goes horribly wrong from here on. So we get in my car and i start it up. We leave their apartment complex and get on the highway. BAD IDEA! I am so high when i go to change lanes i cant tell how close cars are to me or how far away they are! 70mph feels like were going 10mph! To add to that the 2 sisters start fighting over who is hotter. God its so horrible! The feeling of fear and panick go back and forth with being extremely high for the entire drive there! After driving for about 30 minutes (felt like 6 hours) we arrive at their moms house. Now, i live in a pretty ghetto area and ive seen some bad shit, but this house blew everything ive seen out of the water. I walk in and all the carpets are ripped out, shit all over the floor, food / trash, it was aweful. We walk into the kitchen, and baby iris comes running out by herself (no adult supervision whatsoever) wearing torn and dirty clothes not even knowing how horrible the envirement she lived in was. I then come to find out there is 10 people living in this 3 bedroom house, most of them are meth / heroin addicts!! wtf?!! Anyways, atleast iris seemed happy, never stopped smiling. After chilling in the house for about 15 minutes, some serious drama breaks out between ashley and iris's mom.I dont really want to go into the details but the point was it happend right as i was peaking and it was catastrophic. I have never had a more horrific feeling in my life. The weed like amplified my feelings of sorrow and sympathy for this baby girl and anger for the poeple fighting and putting her in this situation. I hated it so much, there are no words to describe how i felt. <<So one of the best highs ive ever had was completely destroyed by the horrible situation i put myself in>> So then i told ami and ashley i HAD to leave and there is no way i could stay any longer.They were confused to how i felt so i tried to explain it to them, but they didn't understand nor would they leave. I think it's because they were raised around that but im not sure. So i ended up leaving by myself and having to drive an hour back home. I decided i needed to write this down here because the experiance has really made me feel depressed and i needed to vent it somewhere. There is a lot more information about the situation but i dont really want to go into any more detail about it. I have decided that tomarrow, as soon as i wake up, i am going to call child protective services and see if i cant get that kid into a better situation. Whoa that is so fucked, and so dangerous for that kid. I think you should do exactly as you said. May I ask what the median age is between you and those sisters? Sounds really scary for a young teenager to deal with if thats you... | ||
United States20 Posts
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United States1187 Posts
I've heard different things from different people | ||
Canada18410 Posts
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United States671 Posts
On October 15 2011 11:13 Grobyc wrote: Yes greening out is real. You'll start puking. I've only seen it once, and it was pretty fucked up @_@ How much do you need to smoke for this to happen? | ||
United States370 Posts
On October 15 2011 11:42 LambtrOn wrote: How much do you need to smoke for this to happen? Some people just can't handle weed all that well and get sick easily; this is only a small portion of people however. For everyone else, A LOT. like a lot a lot. | ||
United Kingdom20275 Posts
On December 16 2006 00:21 sweatpants wrote: Okay I thought this would be a good idea. Post here when you're baked. It'll be like having a stoned discussion with other starcraft players but we'll all be stoned at different times. It's just crazy to think about. Okay I'll go first. I've always thought of TL.net as like a newspaper. Like I'll just go and check out all the cool little self-contained sections like. Hm let's see what the schedules are for this week, ooh a LiquiScoop, okay what's new on the tracker, what's interesting in the news nowadays, what's the latest internet video Stuff like that, you know. Admins, please feel free to delete on any grounds. I'm stoned right now anyway. Edit: PS. I'm done with finals so I'll probably be talking here a lot. Ive never understood the legality of drugs... People get >ARRESTED< for posession of even small amounts, yet it is socially acceptable to use them, and there are so many thousands of people talking about them online as an everyday topic... Wtf | ||
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