What it very well could be is just where your hand are. If your keyboard/mouse are above "level," then your hands will get cold as the blood is being rushed away from them. A simple solution to that issue is to lower your play setup.
The other stuff is nerves. Find a way to collect yourself before and after a game. You're getting tensed up, causing the blood circulation to act in ways it is not used to behaving. Take time in between each game, and perhaps read up on some sports psychology tips to perform under pressure (they really helped me).
I wish you the best of luck moving forward, coming from someone who had nearly the same issue!
Warm your hands up between each game with basic stretching. Also, if you are low on water, your blood is gonna have a harder time getting to your fingers fast enough for them to keep warm.
I kinda had those problems in my early BW days, however somewhere along the lines i learned to control my bloodflow ;p This means i can warm up any part of my body i want, including fingers, so i have no problem with that anymore.
However, streching and massagin exercises are still the next best thing to do. Useing things like hot packs, is like pissing yourself to keep the warmth. Your fingers will be very hot for a while, then get really cold again.
You could also move to a warm country like Malaysia and complain about the heat everyday
Playing in the marching band back in high school, I'm reminded of those sub freezing days outside before the sun came up and having to do remarkable amounts of finger coordinating things. It's never felt the same way with cold hands while being on the computer. The former could usually be remedied with warmer clothing, hot packs, and/or a warm drink. However, with gaming, those things always make it worse for me. Instead, what helps the most is relaxing and doing relaxing things, like listening to music or going to the bathroom. I have a feeling that things like posture probably play a role as well, but the general idea is to find a way to relax.
On the note of adrenaline, I have always found there is a "sweet spot," where you're pumped full of adrenaline but don't feel frantic.
United Kingdom20275 Posts
On May 26 2013 16:34 JieXian wrote: You could also move to a warm country like Malaysia and complain about the heat everyday
With body messed up enough, you can have sweat pouring off you but frozen hands
could be anxiety causing lack of blood flow
Most of all, you need to chill and remember its just a game lol
It's most likely due to poor posture.
Poor posture in the neck/shoulders can lead to your hands falling asleep which can make them feel cold and unresponsive. If the poor posture is in the wrists bloodflow can be cut off and they can become cold and painful. First thing to check is if you are reaching forward or hunching down to reach your mouse and keyboard or to view your monitor.
The next thing to check is to make sure your feet are flat on the floor. If it's a hassle to maintain good posture while doing so you need to change the elevation of your screen, chair, mouse and keyboard. Also you may need to move everything including your chair closer or farther from the desk (most likely closer).
Also check out RSI (carpel tunnel) you may have this as well. It is caused by bad posture as well. It contributes to lack of bloodflow and can cause pain in the wrists forearms and thumbs. Depending on the severity (if postural correction doesn't do it) you will have to do some stretching and simple quick exercises or you may have to take some time off. It's not a big hassle as you should be doing them already if you are an avid PC user to help reduce injury and fatigue.
I can help you with streches/exercises if you need. Just send a pm.
I got a pair of fingerless gloves and stuck small heating packs inside of them on the back of my hand. They dont get in the way and your entire hand stays warm.
On May 26 2013 15:29 Inoshishi wrote:None of the warming techinques, involving soaking in hot water or drinking something hot, seem to work for me but the pressure points and stretches described in this article seemed to help me tons. http://drbenkim.com/blood-circulation-arms-hands.html
Could you have problem in your circulatory system? xD