Pharrell is a a fucking artist in every sense of the word. He lives, breathes, eats, and probably even shits music. His life has been nothing but music for the last 20+ years. Its what he loves, more then you, more then me, more then most people.
He has been involved in more music projects then you even know. This is his fucking life, don't be mad when he likes daft punk more then a normal person.
I have and will check this thread everyday till release, and can't even imagine what my first full listen to this album will be like.
Yeah I don't really understand the hate on Pharrell, he blends extremely well with the style Daft Punk is going for on the album. Daft Punk has had plenty of songs with vocals in it and it hasn't seemed to draw such criticism before.
On April 17 2013 14:06 Schlootle wrote: Yeah I don't really understand the hate on Pharrell, he blends extremely well with the style Daft Punk is going for on the album. Daft Punk has had plenty of songs with vocals in it and it hasn't seemed to draw such criticism before.
On April 17 2013 10:13 cskalias.pbe wrote: I knew nothing about pharrell before the mention of his collaboration with Daft Punk. I immediately youtubed a bunch of his tracks and didn't like any of them..... but the stuff I've heard from the album I love.
Wow, the quality of the fakes just keeps going up. PS that one with verses is also fake. Everything in there is from the ads, other than the vocals which don't quite match Pharrell's (the verses just seem kinda 'off' regardless). It also lacks this guitar bit:
Trying to figure out why the vocals feel wrong - it's like it's a copy of what's already been shown in the ads, just with different words. There's no new musical material in this fake (other than the weird ending part).
It helps that I saw on twitter that some Italian guy is responsible for it so I'm confident about the 'diagnosis'.
On April 17 2013 10:07 Duka08 wrote: Lot of Pharrell hate in here. Exaggerating the way he acted in his episode and shit. I'm going to be honest I knew nothing about the guy before this, but I don't see what the problem is, both when it comes to the music (he fits just fine, stylistically, considering the only thing we're judging by is <1 min of one song on the album) and his attitude.
I find that odd because Pharrell does so much in the music scene as a few guys have alluded to. The guy deserves some respect. He's a very good businessman.
Now this one sounds a hell of a lot more legit considering it has more verses from Pharrell. From what I have heard it is a radio edit and not the full length.
But then again it could just be an amazing fake, no way to know for sure unless there is a confirmation.
Edit: Actually now there are a ton of people calling it to be fake. I agree with them on how Pharrells lyrics sound different on all of the new verses than it does on the confirmed bits we have gotten so far. And there are also some minor issues like at 3:03, if you listen VERY closely on 1080, you can hear a clicking noise that would otherwise never make it onto any official release. Perhaps somebody found Pharrell's twin brother to record with? Beats me but I enjoy it regardless.