Washington, D.C9933 Posts
did you get wharton? that's ownage if you did i don't know what school has the highest suicide rate now but cornell is no longer #1. the reason being that they have these lovely, lovely deep, deep gorges that would be so easy to just fall off of and end everything. if one was so inclined...
oh yes and the weather is actually very nice if you like snow =) and mellow evenings
MURICA15980 Posts
OMG... an international Princeton guy got an email saying his online decision will be avaliable on April 6th... that'd be gay if they don't tell me today. Wow.
"Dear International Student --
Thank you for your email. We understand that you are anxious to hear the results of your application for admission. For your information, our admissions letters were posted yesterday (March 29th) and are now en route to your mailing address. We know that mail delays may prevent you from receiving your letters in a timely manner. Therefore, we will be able to send email notification of decisions to those applicants who write to us from the email address listed on their application.
If you are receiving this email, you have already sent our office a request for electronic decision notification. We will be responding to these requests in the order received starting approximately Thursday, April 6th. If you do not want us to email you with this information, please let us know. Otherwise, we will be sending you your decision next week.
If you would like to call our office for your decision, we will be able give them to you starting 9:00am Eastern Standard Time on Monday, April 3rd.
Thank you for your patience and your interest in Princeton!
The Undergraduate Admission Office Princeton University"
On March 30 2006 15:04 0_0 wrote: isn't cornell famous for its high suicide rate? i've heard the weather is pretty bad around there too xD
Yes... MIT is also very high. I knew 2 of the people who died these past 2 years.
On March 30 2006 15:07 Klogon wrote: Well, save Yale, Princeton, and Stanford, almost all the colleges I applied to are more urban or has a huge urban city next to it... Ithaca was too out there for me. You can see I didn't apply to Dartmouth or Brown either. I also didn't want to go to the South, so I didn't even consider places like Rice, etc.
Yeah... I'd prefer Cali right now, so Stanford is my #1... but we'll see... if I even get in tomorrow.
chraej, I did apply Princeton... (HYP) -- yeah... GIVE ME MY EMAIL PRINCETON. REJECTION? I DNO'T CARE. I WANT IT. NOW. -_-
Out of my schools I go into so far, I like Penn the best. I think I'll have to visit around this month to make a final decision though.
lol... Stanford is like a playground. Lots of prestige, but somewhat "easy". Go there if you're less serious about schoolwork. :-D
MURICA15980 Posts
On March 30 2006 15:10 Hot_Bid wrote: wait you havent visited penn yet you like it the best? Based on location, size, student reviews by people I've met, and questions I've asked.
Yeah, not much to go on, but my family is too poor to pay for any sort of visitations unless I got accepted. Our FAFSA EFC is 29 bucks, and that 29 is from the student (me) so you can do the math and see that we're not rich. Penn also has the best Financial Aid from all the schools I've been accepted to yet so far (don't know the package, but just based on stats), so that makes it more attractive as well. ;o
intrigue, I applied to the Huntsman program in International Business between the college and Wharton but didn't get in.
WhatisProtoss, I'm a lot less serious about school work now... and it seems my perspective and focus in life is changing a lot... so if it is a playground that's awesome -- hopefully Il'l get in.
MURICA15980 Posts
Wait listed at columbia:
We write to inform you that the Admissions Committee has voted to postpone a final decision on your application. Instead, your name has been placed on a waiting list of students to be considered for admission should vacancies occur in the Class of 2010 later this spring.
Braavos36372 Posts
klogon if you get into a nyc school you should fucking go
its awesome living here, words can't describe it
MURICA15980 Posts
Got into NYU-Stern, but like... their aid is crappy and... yeah.
Just got into Berkeley, but probably not going there unless they give me amazing money, which is doubtful 'cause I'm out of state and it's public ;o
btw, where do you go right now Hot_Bid?
Wow, so there's a global date now where you can check all (or a lot) of schools online to see if you got in? That's awesome. When I was your age <rant about having to wait for envelopes>...
Anyway, grats on getting in to all those good schools Klogon. And don't worry about WhatIsProtoss's opinions on schools, he's obviously got some kind of complex about it. Stanford is totally solid, so is Brown.
Anyway, you can load yourself up with enough schoolwork at any of the schools you mentioned to get your ass kicked
On March 30 2006 15:56 Klogon wrote:
Just got into Berkeley, but probably not going there unless they give me amazing money, which is doubtful 'cause I'm out of state and it's public ;o
Berkeley in NYC? (is there more than one?)
i graduated with a chic who goes there now.
anyone hear from harvard yet
MURICA15980 Posts
heh, there's no Berk in NYC. Yeah. It was just different subject ;o
exalted: some people have been getting them since 10 minutes ago. I guess about time, eh?
Sucks, I just got rejected from there. I had no intention of going but I know my mom would've been happy if I got in anyway.
On March 30 2006 15:04 0_0 wrote: isn't cornell famous for its high suicide rate? i've heard the weather is pretty bad around there too xD MIT is the only valid one, if you look at their teacher recs, it basically asks if the student has suicidal tendencies. Cornell doesn't, and the only reason we get attention is cause supposedly some idiot freshman jumped off one of our many bridges into the gorges we are so known for, in other words, its easier to publicly kill yourself here, but you don't get that kind of atmosphere on campus. The weather is what someone here referred to as an abusive relationship, it beats the shit out of you on some days with like horizontal rain and freezing cold, and then the next day it apologizes with tee shirt weather :X Cornell Engineering kicks ass though especially ChemEs.
Note to those reading this thread and have yet to apply to college, if you have high SATs like 1400+, apply for Case-Western, they give alot. Apply to Carnegie Mellon since you can re-negiotiate your finaid really easily (I got 5000 more just for asking ) and of course Cornell cause we rock and we didn't get into harvard 
Good luck exalted and klogon; play the colleges off of each other later for finaid
i heard rory gilmore just got into yale
MURICA15980 Posts
Rejected from Harvard.
the Harvard letter sucks even more than the Yale one... and the Columbia one at least was colorful, as was Northwestern. Harvard was plain text. Ewww. Worst rejection letter thus far ;D
Anyway, that's all for me today. Stanford tomorrow at 3PM PST and Princeton in the mail, and that's it.
On March 30 2006 16:20 ml1710 wrote: i heard rory gilmore just got into yale
fuck that bitch
haven't gotten e-mail from harvard yet damn it reject me already