![[image loading]](http://i2.ytimg.com/vi/E8CQNte4ft8/hqdefault.jpg)
Athene to raise $1,000,000 for the children in the Horn of Africa, at time of this post, he has already gotten over $350,000 worth of donations.
This is a 100 day marthon, with 74 days left from the date of this post (you can check timer on the right of the webpage) to raise the money.
Notes: Athene is currently in his 8th day of fasting to raise awareness for this cause.
100% of the money goes directly to Save the Children, Athene has no contact with the money donated.
Athene replies to this TL thread:
+ Show Spoiler +
On April 22 2012 15:58 Athenewins wrote:
Hi everyone,
Saw the thread just now. Went through all the replies and have to say that I'm really happy to see that most of you are supporting the event. I also want to thank kellymilkies and everyone else for bringing up the topic.
Since I'm on a hungerstrike and have to rest it's easier to be interactive. I saw a lot of comments and although i won't be able to adress them all i hope this message will clear some things up. I have always been very activist oriented, even before "Athene" became known on the internet. The reason why most of my video's are cocky is because that is what created the required controversy to reach out and build up a following. I have always tried to use that to do good things, mainly around net neutrality but also towards raising awareness on other important isseus.
These two faces have been following me untill now and i don't blame anyone since that is how i got known in the first place. People that have followed me from the start and know what i did before this will know that i couldn't care less about fame succes or money. What put's a smile on my face when i wake up is the idea i can help others as i'm priviliged and fortunate, not because i'm special or chosen but because i got lucky with the event that turned me in who i'm now. I never really understand when people try to see greed in people, i made a lot with poker and wouldn't even know what to do with all that money, the reason why i started focussing on my youtube channel again. I have given a lot to charities before and am happy with living a very sober life.
This event is not about me, i have read multiple people saying that and that's what it is, i couldn't care less wether my name is under it or not. There is the ability to start your own sub fundrazer campaign. My initial goal was to have a gaming community event that reached high, something like project for awesome but for the gaming community. I didn't predict that my persona would have turned all the threads i read into athene flamewars. To me it was very simple, it's a charity and we can save children and make a statement. Gaming get's portrayed way to bad in the media look at all the Breivik crap headlines in the news lately.
I really beleave if the gaming community unites we can achive great things. Most of the 375k$ has been raised by a very small group tuning into the livestream everyday based on the statistics i have. I'm confident we would have reached one million already if everyone would reach and help out. The entire Kony debacle was what motivated me, not to jump the bandwagon but because i knew it would make charities look bad and condition people to not give a damn, while our innitial reaction was to actually care.
This operation is a very well researshed cause, a very efficient charity and with donations being doubled, double effective then most of our donations.
I'm sorry for the wall of text and the spelling mistakes but i wanted to make sure that i answered most of the points brought up in this thread since i don't know how much i'll be able to reply due to the stressfull shedule i'm in. Most donation 95%+ are done due to the livestream show and it drains all my time and energy.
Hope this clears things up, and again a big thanks to the starcraft community for helping out. If i'm able to be of any help i'll make sure to do so.
Chiren aka Athene
Hi everyone,
Saw the thread just now. Went through all the replies and have to say that I'm really happy to see that most of you are supporting the event. I also want to thank kellymilkies and everyone else for bringing up the topic.
Since I'm on a hungerstrike and have to rest it's easier to be interactive. I saw a lot of comments and although i won't be able to adress them all i hope this message will clear some things up. I have always been very activist oriented, even before "Athene" became known on the internet. The reason why most of my video's are cocky is because that is what created the required controversy to reach out and build up a following. I have always tried to use that to do good things, mainly around net neutrality but also towards raising awareness on other important isseus.
These two faces have been following me untill now and i don't blame anyone since that is how i got known in the first place. People that have followed me from the start and know what i did before this will know that i couldn't care less about fame succes or money. What put's a smile on my face when i wake up is the idea i can help others as i'm priviliged and fortunate, not because i'm special or chosen but because i got lucky with the event that turned me in who i'm now. I never really understand when people try to see greed in people, i made a lot with poker and wouldn't even know what to do with all that money, the reason why i started focussing on my youtube channel again. I have given a lot to charities before and am happy with living a very sober life.
This event is not about me, i have read multiple people saying that and that's what it is, i couldn't care less wether my name is under it or not. There is the ability to start your own sub fundrazer campaign. My initial goal was to have a gaming community event that reached high, something like project for awesome but for the gaming community. I didn't predict that my persona would have turned all the threads i read into athene flamewars. To me it was very simple, it's a charity and we can save children and make a statement. Gaming get's portrayed way to bad in the media look at all the Breivik crap headlines in the news lately.
I really beleave if the gaming community unites we can achive great things. Most of the 375k$ has been raised by a very small group tuning into the livestream everyday based on the statistics i have. I'm confident we would have reached one million already if everyone would reach and help out. The entire Kony debacle was what motivated me, not to jump the bandwagon but because i knew it would make charities look bad and condition people to not give a damn, while our innitial reaction was to actually care.
This operation is a very well researshed cause, a very efficient charity and with donations being doubled, double effective then most of our donations.
I'm sorry for the wall of text and the spelling mistakes but i wanted to make sure that i answered most of the points brought up in this thread since i don't know how much i'll be able to reply due to the stressfull shedule i'm in. Most donation 95%+ are done due to the livestream show and it drains all my time and energy.
Hope this clears things up, and again a big thanks to the starcraft community for helping out. If i'm able to be of any help i'll make sure to do so.
Chiren aka Athene
Link to Operation Sharecraft:
OpSharecraft's Hunger Strike:
Why he decided to start Sharecraft 2012:
"Millions of people, most of them innocent children, are at risk in the Horn of Africa due to the worst hunger crisis in 60 years. The Internet has come to a point where when we simply collectively reach out for what we think is right, real change often follows.
You can join Operation ShareCraft and add your own voice to the campaign. I can't raise one million dollars on my own, but together we can."
You can join Operation ShareCraft and add your own voice to the campaign. I can't raise one million dollars on my own, but together we can."
Other Videos:
Sharecraft2012 promo:
About the Horn of Africa:
The Horn of Africa is a peninsula in East of Africa and is inhabited by roughly 100 million people.
There has been an on-going drought coupled with conflict in Somalia, affecting over 13 million people.Millions of people are requiring food assistance.
Since 2011, many non-profit organisations have been continuously helping out with the food crisis that has been happening there.
Starvation is currently the number 1 risk to health there.
Why we should contribute:
There is never a why when it comes to Charity, it doesn't matter if you are contributing $100 or $1. Every dollar counts.
TeamLiquid's contribution:
Many other gamers have already contributed to Athene's cause.
I have started one to track the contribution of TeamLiquid's members to help out with Operation Sharecraft over here:
What has been done by Athene and other gamers so far:
Athene has currently done a few notable things for this particular cause. He and many other fellow gamers have gone on a hunger strike and water fasting "marathon". He himself have already contributed a generous amount of his own money for OpSharecraft.
Another fellow supporter. Per Age Kristiseter, has pledged to match every dollar up to $20,000. So far, his contribution is $22,000 personally, with many people continuing to donate to his dedication to OpSharecraft.
Other things you can do to help:
Spread the word,
![[image loading]](http://blog.wsg.net/files/2009/03/twitter_logo_small1.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://www.festiwaldobregosmaku.eu/fds_files/Image/banery/FacebookLogoSmall.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://blairsy.com/www_logos/youtube-logo-small.png)
Love streaming? Include a link to http://opsharecraft.com at the corner of your screen or on your overlays

Have a Steam account and spend a lot of time playing games on it? Change your steam name to opsharecraft.com
Just letting people know about this is helping.
Are you a professional gamer or a popular streamer? If you would like to contribute by sending autographed items, having your own gear signed to put it up for bidding or running donation streams to help with Operation Sharecraft, please do not hesitate to PM me or e-mail me (details below).
About Save the Children:
Live Q&A with Save the Children in Africa. (Q&A starts at 8mins50seconds)
Save the Children is the leading independent organization creating lasting change in the lives of children in need in the United States and around the world. Recognized for our commitment to accountability, innovation and collaboration, our work takes us into the heart of communities, where we help children and families help themselves. We work with other organizations, governments, non-profits and a variety of local partners while maintaining our own independence without political agenda or religious orientation.
Website of Save the Children: http://www.savethechildren.org/site/c.8rKLIXMGIpI4E/b.6115947/k.8D6E/Official_Site.htm
More Links:
Yahoo covers OpSharecraft: http://news.yahoo.com/gaming-community-launches-viral-charity-stunt-response-kony-120347931.html
Kotaku's coverage of OpSharecraft: http://kotaku.com/5896909/gaming-provocateur-aiming-to-raise-1-million-for-humanitarian-aid
Athene on Reddit regarding OpSharecraft: http://www.reddit.com/r/self/comments/refau/reddit_vs_kony2012/
Thank you for taking time to read this.
![[image loading]](http://fundrazr.com/contests/sharecraft/save_the_children_2012/img/sharecraft-avatar_100x98.png)
![[image loading]](http://fundrazr.com/contests/sharecraft/save_the_children_2012/img/save-the-children-logo_100x100.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.ytimg.com/vi/qOq7lM3hKHk/0.jpg)
Please feel free to PM me if you have any questions or would like to contribute in other ways regarding Operation Sharecraft and I will try my best to answer them or get Athene to answer them.
Alternatively you may e-mail me at kelly@own3d.tv
Thank you.
PS: I understand that many people knows about a few withstanding rule on Teamliquid.net, however,
On April 21 2012 23:17 Plexa wrote:
We've discussed this internally and we're going to allow this thread. Best of luck to Athene.
We've discussed this internally and we're going to allow this thread. Best of luck to Athene.
Thank you TeamLiquid for showing your support.