On May 21 2005 02:53 anarchyplz wrote: whats wrong with being 21, smoking pot and working with fast food? chanses are he enjoys life more than you dude
He might be enjoying it now but he already failed at it, wait till hes older
you spelled chances wrong
uh, if shes the type of woman to do this you, after all you've been through, then its obvious shes fucked up in the head, and you're still young, not like you've commited you're life to her. By the way you're talking it seems like you dont really need her, you just like/love her alot, love isnt enough, specially one sided. Even if she does love you, it still isnt enough, if shes fucked up in the head. Btw, all that 'groping boobs w/o shirt, with shirt' its all bs, thats arbitrary, she still made out with him and let him get physical with her, and she liked it and wanted it, so she made the descision for you, find a nice girl this time
First off: Don't try to get girl advice on a computer game board.
Second off: whatever happens, happens. You're young and immature, at least shrug it off.
Details of the situation aside, you mentioned that you are fresh out of high school. Unless you two are planning on attending the same school, or the schools are less than 20-30 minutes apart, your chances of keeping this relationship together PERIOD is slim to none.
I can't begin to tell you how many people I met incollege who were engaged to a high school sweetheart and broke it off within a year or two. The ones that didn't lost out on a lot of fun. They spent so much time trying to keep the relationship together that they would never want to go out and would never even give another girl a look. College is a time for discovery and you can't discover shit if you're engaged.
If you do decide to try and keep the relationship going in school, realize that you are going to spend 1/2 of your day sitting on the phone talking to each other and missing out on 95% of the college experience.
uh draeger is right break up with her, no matter, even if she does want you back. i know from experience its the right decision, you'll miss out on far too much of your young adult life tied down with a high school crush...you'll be far happier in the long run.
oh and hahaha your girlfriend left you for a 21 year old burger flipper
On May 21 2005 14:49 Invincible-SCV wrote: First off: Don't try to get girl advice on a computer game board.
Second off: whatever happens, happens. You're young and immature, at least shrug it off.
lmao good advice bro
dump the bitch seriously it might be hard but you gotta do it
maybe your feelings block your thinking...
analyze this:
if a girl really loves you, will she be having a "break" and hang out with another dude?....
i dont really think so
let me clarify
the way you love her compared to the way she "loves" you can only be brought to the conclusion of:
she ain't worth your love and everything that you'll do for her.
it happened something similar to me right after the girl told me about a "break" i immediateley said "you aint worth it anyway, take care" and i left.
hope this helps
On May 21 2005 02:53 anarchyplz wrote: whats wrong with being 21, smoking pot and working with fast food? chanses are he enjoys life more than you dude It's OK, nobody's judging you
Thread Author: You're a man. RAWR! Don't let her reduce you to anything less; you don't have to tolerate her. Also, I hate to break this to you. There is no love between you and her. Let me reiterate: There is no love. There is no love. There is no love!
All the key ingredients for love are missing. She is not in love with you, and you are NOT in love with her. Based on your posts/behavior/age, you are certainly mistaking infatuation for love. It's a common mistake, especially at your age. The sooner you acknowledge this, the sooner your heartbreak will be over.
Hmm, I also want to add, your descriptions of her and what she's done brings to mind somone I dated in high school. She did the same shit and hurt me, a very similar situation actually. Well, I ran into her this past year and she's doing horribly! She's assimilated all the negative characteristics of the group she started hanging out with (weed, cigarettes, 21+ yrs old living with parents, no goal in life, failed junior college, etc). These people still act like they are kids. It was strange seeing her, because I had all good news about my life, while her news was just depressing. I don't take solace in seeing people's lives go down the shitter, but it did seem like justice was served. If it's any consolation, girls who are attracted to failure usually end up failing themselves. You are better off without her. Don't get dragged down. RAWR!!
Dude, drop that bitch fast. It just sounds like you just have low self-confidience to me. This girl is seriously worthless for doing what she is doing to you.
I'd kick your ass for "negotiating" with this girl like you are doing if I knew you in real life. You'd thank me later too. You need some common sense. Don't you know you deserve better?
Excuse me for ranting, but your about the millionth guy I've met that doesn't know his own self-worth. Don't let anyone shit on you like that!
She doesn't love you. This girl just likes attention. Just your run-of-the-mill dumb hoe. Just say goodbye and learn from the experience. Thank god you didn't marry her...
On May 21 2005 17:36 HeadBangaa wrote: You're a man. RAWR!
That pretty much sums up my entire post. It captures everything I was trying to say.
Don't even take her back if she comes back to you. If you married her, it would only be a matter of time before she starts to wonder if she coulda done better, and then you'd be divorced. You're too good for that ho. She's not thinking about you anymore. The best thing you can do is stop thinking about her. I know it really hurts, but you'll make it through this hell. Just learn from your mistakes and move on. You really have at least another 10 years before you should even think about marriage.
shes slut, no question about it. and you are letting her walking over you.
just tell her that if she decides to broke with u u will never wait for her any longer she is the typical girl who is a slut and tries to look like if she was a victim i had something similar i just said GG NEVER RE U BASTARD!
wtf you are a low self steem lil snail....
dump the bitch.
man i thought my relationship was bad enough to consider breaking up with my g/f. But yours is 1000x worse. I was thinking my g/f didn't love me or loved me a little bit (if there is such a thing); but i now know she does love very much, she just don't express herself like that.
Staying with her will just hurt you more and more. And it's clear she doesn't love you. Why would you stay with someone who does not love you?
I could never consider having a break and going out with another girl because all i want to be with is this one. I just could not even imagine doing that. BTW, breaks is the biggest piece of shit ever invented, right up there with timeouts.
Well I guess I have a bigger dick. And I am not gonig to talk to her for a while. Things are basically over with. So fuck it. She wants me, she can have me. I'm not going to be depressed about this shit anymore. It's over, and she ended it this morning. What the fuck am I giong to do about it? Nothing. Fuck her. I can't dump her, because she already dumped me. But, I'm not going to call her, or do anything. If she kisses this fucker, thats her choice. I'm just going to party, and live my life as a young adult. Fuck this girl, I'm out.
i just read the entire thread OMG!!!! your dad is wrong, you are not a fool.... YOU ARE AN IDIOT THAT CALLING YOU A FOOL IS INSULTING TO FOOLS... FOOL!
what the fuck is wrong with you, have some freaking balls, this is pathetic it truly pisses me off that you are such a clown and let her do this to you.
What you have to do is be a fucking man and end this, ive never seen such a pathetic display seriously.
Probably im fucked up but i'd DESTROY that girl if i could... So if my post is too rough well hopefully it will slap you back into your senses.
Baal, would YOU have sex with me?