On February 11 2012 08:48 Njbrownie wrote: Idk why noone has the slightest interest in any republican candidate that isn't one of the "big frontrunners" that everyone constantly has something bad to say about each and every one when you can change the result of an election by simply voting for somone else... it's insane how many people dodge that idea.
For those thinking Ron Paul is the greatest thing since sliced bread, your wrong. His stand on foriegn policy is outright dangerous. I will be voting for Santorum and proudly so. He will work for the people the most. Hell the man went door to door in a pick-up truck trying to get votes in iowa's caucus. Although I don't see eye to eye with him on his views of the gay community; I do like his commitment to the people of this great nation. He upholds the values that I see fit for a presidential figure and I believe he's very capable of productivity in the white house. He's already successfully gone up against big business interests as a senator. He'll get my vote.
For those who may want more information about him here's a link to his accomplishments / credentials http://www.ricksantorum.com/why-rick
Lol...Santorum is a joke, not only with his policy on gay rights, but also of abortion and many other hypocritical stances. (i.e tort reform)
Yeah he is really a joke, not only his policy on gays and abortion though. He has state that he opposes the right to privacy and here are his views on libertarianism:
On February 11 2012 08:48 Njbrownie wrote: Idk why noone has the slightest interest in any republican candidate that isn't one of the "big frontrunners" that everyone constantly has something bad to say about each and every one when you can change the result of an election by simply voting for somone else... it's insane how many people dodge that idea.
For those thinking Ron Paul is the greatest thing since sliced bread, your wrong. His stand on foriegn policy is outright dangerous. I will be voting for Santorum and proudly so. He will work for the people the most. Hell the man went door to door in a pick-up truck trying to get votes in iowa's caucus. Although I don't see eye to eye with him on his views of the gay community; I do like his commitment to the people of this great nation. He upholds the values that I see fit for a presidential figure and I believe he's very capable of productivity in the white house. He's already successfully gone up against big business interests as a senator. He'll get my vote.
For those who may want more information about him here's a link to his accomplishments / credentials http://www.ricksantorum.com/why-rick
Two posts and speaking praises of Santorum already, hmm..... why do I get the sense this guy does know much about Starcraft...
On February 11 2012 08:48 Njbrownie wrote: Idk why noone has the slightest interest in any republican candidate that isn't one of the "big frontrunners" that everyone constantly has something bad to say about each and every one when you can change the result of an election by simply voting for somone else... it's insane how many people dodge that idea.
For those thinking Ron Paul is the greatest thing since sliced bread, your wrong. His stand on foriegn policy is outright dangerous. I will be voting for Santorum and proudly so. He will work for the people the most. Hell the man went door to door in a pick-up truck trying to get votes in iowa's caucus. Although I don't see eye to eye with him on his views of the gay community; I do like his commitment to the people of this great nation. He upholds the values that I see fit for a presidential figure and I believe he's very capable of productivity in the white house. He's already successfully gone up against big business interests as a senator. He'll get my vote.
For those who may want more information about him here's a link to his accomplishments / credentials http://www.ricksantorum.com/why-rick
Two posts and speaking praises of Santorum already, hmm..... why do I get the sense this guy does know much about Starcraft...
What's really interesting is when you google for for "republican nominations", this thread is on the first page.
On February 11 2012 08:48 Njbrownie wrote: Idk why noone has the slightest interest in any republican candidate that isn't one of the "big frontrunners" that everyone constantly has something bad to say about each and every one when you can change the result of an election by simply voting for somone else... it's insane how many people dodge that idea.
For those thinking Ron Paul is the greatest thing since sliced bread, your wrong. His stand on foriegn policy is outright dangerous. I will be voting for Santorum and proudly so. He will work for the people the most. Hell the man went door to door in a pick-up truck trying to get votes in iowa's caucus. Although I don't see eye to eye with him on his views of the gay community; I do like his commitment to the people of this great nation. He upholds the values that I see fit for a presidential figure and I believe he's very capable of productivity in the white house. He's already successfully gone up against big business interests as a senator. He'll get my vote.
For those who may want more information about him here's a link to his accomplishments / credentials http://www.ricksantorum.com/why-rick
Two posts and speaking praises of Santorum already, hmm..... why do I get the sense this guy does know much about Starcraft...
What's really interesting is when you google for for "republican nominations", this thread is on the first page.
That's because google knows you've been to this thread a lot
On February 11 2012 08:48 Njbrownie wrote: Idk why noone has the slightest interest in any republican candidate that isn't one of the "big frontrunners" that everyone constantly has something bad to say about each and every one when you can change the result of an election by simply voting for somone else... it's insane how many people dodge that idea.
For those thinking Ron Paul is the greatest thing since sliced bread, your wrong. His stand on foriegn policy is outright dangerous. I will be voting for Santorum and proudly so. He will work for the people the most. Hell the man went door to door in a pick-up truck trying to get votes in iowa's caucus. Although I don't see eye to eye with him on his views of the gay community; I do like his commitment to the people of this great nation. He upholds the values that I see fit for a presidential figure and I believe he's very capable of productivity in the white house. He's already successfully gone up against big business interests as a senator. He'll get my vote.
For those who may want more information about him here's a link to his accomplishments / credentials http://www.ricksantorum.com/why-rick
Two posts and speaking praises of Santorum already, hmm..... why do I get the sense this guy does know much about Starcraft...
I have no idea how my posts have anything to do with what I just said or what I know about Starcraft.
If you must know I created my profile today. Not because I never play SC or because I never watch streams. Truthfully I never cared about posting all that much but, I just felt like posting a bit today.
On February 11 2012 08:48 Njbrownie wrote: Idk why noone has the slightest interest in any republican candidate that isn't one of the "big frontrunners" that everyone constantly has something bad to say about each and every one when you can change the result of an election by simply voting for somone else... it's insane how many people dodge that idea.
For those thinking Ron Paul is the greatest thing since sliced bread, your wrong. His stand on foriegn policy is outright dangerous. I will be voting for Santorum and proudly so. He will work for the people the most. Hell the man went door to door in a pick-up truck trying to get votes in iowa's caucus. Although I don't see eye to eye with him on his views of the gay community; I do like his commitment to the people of this great nation. He upholds the values that I see fit for a presidential figure and I believe he's very capable of productivity in the white house. He's already successfully gone up against big business interests as a senator. He'll get my vote.
For those who may want more information about him here's a link to his accomplishments / credentials http://www.ricksantorum.com/why-rick
Two posts and speaking praises of Santorum already, hmm..... why do I get the sense this guy does know much about Starcraft...
I have no idea how my posts have anything to do with what I just said or what I know about Starcraft.
If you must know I created my profile today. Not because I never play SC or because I never watch streams. Truthfully I never cared about posting all that much but, I just felt like posting a bit today.
<Gogo HUK!>
Im sorry but Rick Santorum is batshit crazy. Almost every single one of his social policies is bad or wrong, his faith first campaign completely contradicts the concept of a seperation between church and state, he doesnt believe in personal privacy, he thinks legalizing gay marriage will lead to people marrying barn animals, etc... Hes just a nutjob that should have no business being put into a position where he could enact any sort of social policies. To be fair, most of the republican candidates fall into this boat. Huntsman, who was BY FAR the best and most reasonable candidate barely even got any attention, because apparently you need to be a psycho extremist to be considered as a "serious" conservative candidate.
On February 11 2012 08:48 Njbrownie wrote: Idk why noone has the slightest interest in any republican candidate that isn't one of the "big frontrunners" that everyone constantly has something bad to say about each and every one when you can change the result of an election by simply voting for somone else... it's insane how many people dodge that idea.
For those thinking Ron Paul is the greatest thing since sliced bread, your wrong. His stand on foriegn policy is outright dangerous. I will be voting for Santorum and proudly so. He will work for the people the most. Hell the man went door to door in a pick-up truck trying to get votes in iowa's caucus. Although I don't see eye to eye with him on his views of the gay community; I do like his commitment to the people of this great nation. He upholds the values that I see fit for a presidential figure and I believe he's very capable of productivity in the white house. He's already successfully gone up against big business interests as a senator. He'll get my vote.
For those who may want more information about him here's a link to his accomplishments / credentials http://www.ricksantorum.com/why-rick
Two posts and speaking praises of Santorum already, hmm..... why do I get the sense this guy does know much about Starcraft...
I have no idea how my posts have anything to do with what I just said or what I know about Starcraft.
If you must know I created my profile today. Not because I never play SC or because I never watch streams. Truthfully I never cared about posting all that much but, I just felt like posting a bit today.
<Gogo HUK!>
Im sorry but Rick Santorum is batshit crazy. Almost every single one of his social policies is bad or wrong, his faith first campaign completely contradicts the concept of a seperation between church and state, he doesnt believe in personal privacy, he thinks legalizing gay marriage will lead to people marrying barn animals, etc... Hes just a nutjob that should have no business being put into a position where he could enact any sort of social policies. To be fair, most of the republican candidates fall into this boat. Huntsman, who was BY FAR the best and most reasonable candidate barely even got any attention, because apparently you need to be a psycho extremist to be considered as a "serious" conservative candidate.
You give no instances of his "bad or wrong policies" nor any citations to even give validity to anything your saying right now. His faith falls under the freedom of speech next off and seperation of church and state applies to state legislation not federal government... He believes in a reasonable amount of privacy and I already stated I disagree with his stance on gay marriage / the gay community. I agree he may not have been as "clean-cut" of a candidate for lack of a better word than Huntsman, but then again Huntsman didn't have any backing. Not to say, on the other hand, that Santorum did. He literally went door to door and held meetings in Iowa from city to city in order to sustain a very solid win in the caucus and beat Romney who had almost 8x the amount of campaign money invested in one state and still lost by a number of about 30 votes? Only after this display did he get enough campaign income to sustain his campaign into the other states. This speaks volumes as to how hard this guy will work for every American and it shows with three more wins since then.
There are millions of other hilarious positions he holds. I dont care if he lops off his legs, and pushes his torso around door to door on a skateboard to get votes. The guy is ridiculous. His entire social policy is archaic, and has no place in the modern world. The guy is a straight up fundamentalist nutjob.
As retarded as his Christian views are... It's interesting that many of the successful business people in the world didn't attend college. Many university graduates just do the usual corporate ladder cock-suck but are not entrepreneurs.
I stop reading/watching about the race for just a few days too celebrate my birthday and it's Ricky's turn as the front runner. Oh well, 4 more years I guess. Talk about someone having no chance at winning a general election.
As retarded as his Christian views are... It's interesting that many of the successful business people in the world didn't attend college. Many university graduates just do the usual corporate ladder cock-suck but are not entrepreneurs.
That only goes to say what sort of people are on the top of the corporate ladder and what sort of people are allowed to make decisions and basically run society.
There are millions of other hilarious positions he holds. I dont care if he lops off his legs, and pushes his torso around door to door on a skateboard to get votes. The guy is ridiculous. His entire social policy is archaic, and has no place in the modern world. The guy is a straight up fundamentalist nutjob.
Who couldn't post 3 slanderous VOD's about any other candidate in this race? Seriously? You mean to tell me since you can throw a few negatives at the feet of the bigger picture that it may change the fact he would still be the least corrupt, politically sound, and most reliable candidate for the job? His accomplishments far outweigh his failures no matter what way you look at it. And to tell you the truth I would rather have him as my president than Barakk Obumer, Newt who's literally a crook, Romney who couldn't pinpoint iraq given a globe, and Ron who is the real nutjob you are refering to.
B.T.W. - The college video is so funny because the hosts of the show are so arrogant that they didn't even address what his speech revolved around. He talks about how colleges have no choice if they teach evolutionist theory or not if they wish to get government financial aid yearly. And since every teacher has to force the students to learn this beyond their will or said student gets a negative grade reflected upon them they feel as if they have no right to a religion having left college. The science FACT part is funny because science can only explain so much until there is the inevitable answer of "uh... I don't know." and THAT leaves room for religion. Now don't go walking away all butt hurt, it's okay.
On February 11 2012 18:54 Njbrownie wrote: The science FACT part is funny because science can only explain so much until there is the inevitable answer of "uh... I don't know." and THAT leaves room for religion.
Actually, THAT leaves room for making up stories, whatever those stories may be. Last time I checked, saying "I don't know" is still a lot more objective and reliable than making stuff up and selling it as facts.
On February 11 2012 18:54 Njbrownie wrote: The science FACT part is funny because science can only explain so much until there is the inevitable answer of "uh... I don't know." and THAT leaves room for religion.
Actually, THAT leaves room for making up stories, whatever those stories may be. Last time I checked, saying "I don't know" is still a lot more objective and reliable than making stuff up and selling it as facts.
"We don't know... therefore it must be religion/aliens/ghosts/*insert made up story here*!". Talk about contradictions...
On February 11 2012 18:54 Njbrownie wrote: The science FACT part is funny because science can only explain so much until there is the inevitable answer of "uh... I don't know." and THAT leaves room for religion.
Actually, THAT leaves room for making up stories, whatever those stories may be. Last time I checked, saying "I don't know" is still a lot more objective and reliable than making stuff up and selling it as facts.
I said that leaves room for religion I never said anyone had to believe it. And you were the one that implied that my comment on religion was said as if it were fact. I am NOT EVEN RELIGIOUS... but, I hate people who talk down on religion and those who are religious. Who are you to tell people what they can and cannot believe. It's unfair to them and yourself to be honest.
On February 11 2012 18:54 Njbrownie wrote: The science FACT part is funny because science can only explain so much until there is the inevitable answer of "uh... I don't know." and THAT leaves room for religion.
Actually, THAT leaves room for making up stories, whatever those stories may be. Last time I checked, saying "I don't know" is still a lot more objective and reliable than making stuff up and selling it as facts.
"We don't know... therefore it must be religion/aliens/ghosts/*insert made up story here*!". Talk about contradictions...
I laughed pretty hard at this comment. I only said that you cannot disprove any religion. It's impossible. Those who try are pathetic and feeble in character. If you get your rocks off by crushing somones hope in another life that is really sad. Before you comment on how I'm a religious looney your wrong I'm not religious in any way, but I hate how people "beat-up" on those who are.
On February 11 2012 18:54 Njbrownie wrote: The science FACT part is funny because science can only explain so much until there is the inevitable answer of "uh... I don't know." and THAT leaves room for religion.
Actually, THAT leaves room for making up stories, whatever those stories may be. Last time I checked, saying "I don't know" is still a lot more objective and reliable than making stuff up and selling it as facts.
I said that leaves room for religion I never said anyone had to believe it. And you were the one that implied that my comment on religion was said as if it were fact. I am NOT EVEN RELIGIOUS... but, I hate people who talk down on religion and those who are religious. Who are you to tell people what they can and cannot believe. It's unfair to them and yourself to be honest.
Education is there for this very reason - to eliminate the need for believing and root out false beliefs, and to replace it with actual knowledge.
On February 11 2012 19:18 Njbrownie wrote: I laughed pretty hard at this comment. I only said that you cannot disprove any religion. It's impossible.
Nobody ever needs to disprove anything that isn't proven in the first place. Trying to disprove something for which there is zero evidence is obviously a waste of time.
On February 11 2012 18:54 Njbrownie wrote: He talks about how colleges have no choice if they teach evolutionist theory or not if they wish to get government financial aid yearly. And since every teacher has to force the students to learn this beyond their will or said student gets a negative grade reflected upon them they feel as if they have no right to a religion having left college. The science FACT part is funny because science can only explain so much until there is the inevitable answer of "uh... I don't know." and THAT leaves room for religion. Now don't go walking away all butt hurt, it's okay.
It's not strange that colleges that are finances by the government has to teach fact.
It is after all supposed to educate people.
If people in college feel they have a 'choice' in whether or not they believe facts ... yeah, they should get poor grades.
... now ... 'butt hurt' ? Did you think that you owned someone with that post? I assure you, you convinced and 'owned' absolutely no one - you just preached what you believe.
On February 11 2012 18:54 Njbrownie wrote: The science FACT part is funny because science can only explain so much until there is the inevitable answer of "uh... I don't know." and THAT leaves room for religion.
Actually, THAT leaves room for making up stories, whatever those stories may be. Last time I checked, saying "I don't know" is still a lot more objective and reliable than making stuff up and selling it as facts.
"We don't know... therefore it must be religion/aliens/ghosts/*insert made up story here*!". Talk about contradictions...
I laughed pretty hard at this comment. I only said that you cannot disprove any religion. It's impossible. Those who try are pathetic and feeble in character. If you get your rocks off by crushing somones hope in another life that is really sad. Before you comment on how I'm a religious looney your wrong I'm not religious in any way, but I hate how people "beat-up" on those who are.
I cannot disprove the existence of God, Vampires, Werewolves, Unicorns, Elves, Killer Clowns from Outer Space wanting to turn humans into meat for an intergalactic hamburger chain, or little small green men from Mars that are hiding out in your bathroom right now.
But I see no reason to believe in any of that either.