On February 16 2014 11:30 Thrill wrote: Hmm, does anyone know a music video from the late 90's that was quite popular, rock/melodic metal sounding with the word 'Pain' repeated a lot, like "Pain,, something something something, Pain,, something something something" etc.
The video is quite recognizable, it features what looks like a Jawa Sandcrawler traveling through a desert landscape and the long haired singer trapped inside.
Been over fifteen years since i heard/saw it but somehow a memory of it was triggered and now it itches my brain. I didn't even think it was that good but now i'm surprised i'm unable to find it.
On February 14 2014 07:24 Saumure wrote: Hey guys, I am looking for that thread with the documentary about racism in korea, but I can't find it. Can anybody help please?
edit: hope this qualifies as 'stupid', because at least my motivation is :p
Are we talking about the one made by Khaldor? I can't seem to find the thread, but here is the youtube link:
Thanks but this is not the one. It was a korean documentary in korean with english subs. I am looking for the scene with the punchline: "the white bastard with overdevelopped phallus approaches"
Ahh, the one that was aired on MBC? Can't find the thread, but I'm pretty sure the clips are on youtube.
In MTG, when your opponent has a card with protection from creatures, and you use something like "Hunt the weak" on them, does that still resolve to kill their guy?
I had this happen today and I was using the predation or hunt card. Anyways I thought it didn't work but someone else said it might.
1. Do you ruin socks by using them over and over with out washing? 2. Should I wash socks with regular cloth? Will it make the cloth stinky? 3. If I have a ton of gross laundry unwashed for 5 months, is it possible to redeem their quality or is it after a certain point, you just can't do anything about it.
4. How much money do people living by themselves generally spend on food per month?
For the following email exchange: Sam (Boss): Hey Joe (employee) can you answer this question? bah blah blah blah. And Hope you're feeling better! Thanks, Sam. Joe: "Answers the question." (Should Joe also write some comments about feeling better?)
Sam: Thank you!
Joe: Does Joe need to respond?
6. Are there any harmful effects to having a very dusty room? For some reason, the place underneath my computer desk generates copious amounts of dust.
I only wear socks once before washing, why would you wear nasty socks? Yeah you can just wash them with normal clothes. Just wash your gross laundry with some extra detergen and then determine if they are okay.
My average cost for food is $10-12/day. I used to be more strict about keeping it under 10 buying foods that I can get 300cal/dollar from but I have a little bit more money to spend now. You can certainly get by on less, with stuff like tice, pasta, peanutbutter, chicken, carrots, brocolli, milk, and bananas as staples. Obviously you can spend much more per day.
What musical instrument would be optimal considering a low budget, with low talent, and a large amount of time to practice that can easily lead into the learning and mastery of other instruments? Edit: Why have people in the usa taken up religious practices like yoga in a secular way? Does the reverse happen in other cultures taking something from western religious practices?
On February 17 2014 05:40 SwatRaven wrote: What musical instrument would be optimal considering a low budget, with low talent, and a large amount of time to practice that can easily lead into the learning and mastery of other instruments? Edit: Why have people in the usa taken up religious practices like yoga in a secular way? Does the reverse happen in other cultures taking something from western religious practices?
Guitars can go into the thousands, but can also be pretty cheap if you're sticking to a budget - it won't be as nice though obviously, but it's a start. From there, you can take on most other stringed instruments and be somewhat informed by the experience with guitar. Bass is an easy jump, and others should be similar enough too. Piano might be another one, finger strength and dexterity are key with both.
Yoga is practiced by a lot of people for the health benefits, it pushes flexibility and I believe the heart as well. Or maybe I'm just full of it.
On February 16 2014 20:22 obesechicken13 wrote: In MTG, when your opponent has a card with protection from creatures, and you use something like "Hunt the weak" on them, does that still resolve to kill their guy?
I had this happen today and I was using the predation or hunt card. Anyways I thought it didn't work but someone else said it might.
You can choose both creatures since the source is the sorcery and they will fight each other. But the protected guy won't be killed since the source of damage is a creature which it has protection from.
On February 17 2014 05:40 SwatRaven wrote: What musical instrument would be optimal considering a low budget, with low talent, and a large amount of time to practice that can easily lead into the learning and mastery of other instruments? Edit: Why have people in the usa taken up religious practices like yoga in a secular way? Does the reverse happen in other cultures taking something from western religious practices?
Piano, you can pick up a full size electronic keyboard for probably $100 or less, especially if you buy used. Piano will help you learn music theory better than any other instrument in my opinion.
On February 17 2014 05:40 SwatRaven wrote: What musical instrument would be optimal considering a low budget, with low talent, and a large amount of time to practice that can easily lead into the learning and mastery of other instruments? Edit: Why have people in the usa taken up religious practices like yoga in a secular way? Does the reverse happen in other cultures taking something from western religious practices?
Answer: the instrument you like to play... my advice is to get something YOU like, and ask yourself if you would like a wind instrument (recorder, flute, etc.) string instrument (gutiar, bass, etc.) drum instrument (drums, conga. etc.). The piano is a string-percussed instrument. You are also an instrument, that is to say your body is too your voice. Pick what you please!!
On February 17 2014 13:14 Meepman wrote: In the 'real world' are minor degrees looked at as being significantly lesser to major degrees or just slightly lesser?
Depends on the job. Some jobs have basic requirements, ones with which a minor serves perfectly well. I mean, if someone with the same qualifications as you except for the major of your minor, they'll probably get the job, but that's to be expected. So to answer, I wouldn't say significantly, but a bit more than slightly (give or take depending on the job, a job at a university is going to want you to have a major, obviously).
On February 17 2014 05:40 SwatRaven wrote: What musical instrument would be optimal considering a low budget, with low talent, and a large amount of time to practice that can easily lead into the learning and mastery of other instruments? Edit: Why have people in the usa taken up religious practices like yoga in a secular way? Does the reverse happen in other cultures taking something from western religious practices?
Answer: the instrument you like to play... my advice is to get something YOU like, and ask yourself if you would like a wind instrument (recorder, flute, etc.) string instrument (gutiar, bass, etc.) drum instrument (drums, conga. etc.). The piano is a string-percussed instrument. You are also an instrument, that is to say your body is too your voice. Pick what you please!!
Well, the "low budget" constraint is probably the most important here. That probably disallows something like a piano which is usually quite expensive. Singing would be the lowest budget, but it also has the disadvantage that it is a lot harder to actually judge your own music. Now, i am not really an expert, so take the following with a grain of salt. The classic low budget instrument would be a cheap guitar, but something like a flute would also fit here. There are probably also many others. You can go really low budget and make some stuff out of trash, but that is a lot more gimmicky and probably not what you would want.
On February 17 2014 05:40 SwatRaven wrote: What musical instrument would be optimal considering a low budget, with low talent, and a large amount of time to practice that can easily lead into the learning and mastery of other instruments? Edit: Why have people in the usa taken up religious practices like yoga in a secular way? Does the reverse happen in other cultures taking something from western religious practices?
Harmonicas are pretty low-budget. I don't know how hard they are to play, but they're small so they can't be too hard, right?
For physical sports the advice in crazyweasel's post is good. For a different example, european (soccer) teams are "word of a certain kind" + city. They are usually recognized just by their city name. The word of a certain kind is for example in germany usually a latin translation of other words(unity, harmony, prussia etc.) Some clubs have abbreviated old long names like "ball sport club berlin"-> "bsc berlin"
In the end names are just random words that don't mean anything until we give them meaning. That's why internet teams, whose members have no shared place have occasionally stupid names like "super strong dinaurs" or names derived from internet memes.