So I was recently having a discussion with one of my friends. It started off as what you would do if you were in a small room with a clone with no artifacts except for one light source in the very center of the room. We started talking about fighting your clone and then we started arguing about how the fight would play out:
Since you are perfect clones of each other (i.e. same physical and mental attributes), you would have the same exact thought processes. My friend argued that the fight would be somewhat dynamic and, although you would have the same fighting style, you would be doing different moves at different times and therefore you would be reacting differently.
I argued that, since you have the same thought processes, you would both choose to not only open the fight with the same exact move, but you would also open the fight at the same exact time. You would then both see the same move and respond in exactly the same way and you would end up mirroring each others moves.
I thought this was an interesting question and I was wondering what TL would think.
EDIT: To be more specific, the room in question is a perfectly symmetric room in every aspect. In fact, to make it even more symmetric, maybe instead of a single light source at the center of the room, the entire ceiling actually emits some low level light. Basically, the room is designed so that two people in the room will experience the same exact stimuli.
EDIT2: By clone, I don't mean the modern conventional definition. I just mean some entity that is exactly the same as you are both mentally and physically. Also, this clone is created the instant you enter the room, so it has all your memories up until that point.
I think it would just be a huge stalemate. Like, I would probably wait for him to make the first move, and he would do the same thing. However, I think you are wrong, and you would not mirror each other's moves. Basically, as soon as one of you does something he didnt intend to do (i.e slips up, trips, or something), then the fight is now completely dynamic like your friend said./ However, arguably that wouldnt happen, because in that case you would both trip/slip, but I still think that the mind could make different decisions even if it is a clone of the other mind.
On April 10 2011 06:30 eduh wrote: there is a certain randomness to your decision making process, so you wouldnt be mimicking each other.
i disagree, why would there be randomness? when faced with the same situation and the same stimuli, i'd make the same decision every time i'd go with the OP - identical mirroring
I argued that, since you have the same thought processes, you would both choose to not only open the fight with the same exact move, but you would also open the fight at the same exact time. You would then both see the same move and respond in exactly the same way and you would end up mirroring each others moves.
yeah I agree with that. I don't really know what else to say; it would be a stalemate.
I'd argue that something as simple as being on the opposite side of the room might make you do slightly different moves. And all it takes is one different move to create a chain reaction of different moves.
There's no way you would do the exact same move, you guys are absurd.
You both would be in different environments. I.E. one person would be in one place in the room, and the other would be in a different place. This change in environment alone will spawn different reactions, and eventually lead to different moves and a dynamic fight.
I'd pause, stare at my clone, who is staring back, and ask "what are we fighting for?" We'd then both shrug, and then go brew some tea and play video games and argue who takes out the trash next week.
I don't think decision are 100 procent deterministic, it still shows chaotic behavior. Meaning the slightest breeze in the air can change the outcome of the thought drasticly. So since you can't occupy the same space at the same time your thought will be a bit different. Thus not leading to a mirror.