On August 07 2010 09:19 Zutta wrote: your friend does not appear to be having much fun getting those tats. hahaha. the pain is pretty bad sometimes if the artist is workin on a bad spot. for instance, it was really intense when my artist would shade right on my spine, that was definably the worst possible spot. but ya kno, the pain is apart of it, not to sound like a masochist, but it is very endearing.
I actually found that the spine wasn't too bad. For me, it was the soft tissue around my kidneys that made me grit my teeth.
Im sorry for the bump. I've seen this thread a month ago but did not have an account to post. Now that I finally decided to get one, I wanted to share my nerd tattoos with you guys. 
![[image loading]](http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs297.snc3/28492_10150201657230006_903060005_12186007_4533755_n.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs121.snc3/16836_451079800005_903060005_10452816_5594716_n.jpg)
Im a big Fallout fan as you guys can see... currently working on sleeving my arm up with a Fallout theme.
Damn it i was hoping to see a tatoo of mana and health orbs in this thread. Health orb goes to the left nipple Mana orb to the right. They would cover up your nipple and the diameter would be twice the size of it.
Pretty ridicilous i know. But im sure that someone out there will get it/already has it.
As for myself, i dont get whats so cool about tatoos. Every time i see a bunch of tatoo enthusiasts complimenting each others ok'ish tatoos i cant help but to see a bunch of people lieing to themselves/others... and i understand why - telling someone that his tatoo sucks (or even giving some constructive criticism) is extremely mean.
But tbh most of the tatoos ive seen in this thread are just that. Some are O.K but i still dont think any of them are worthy of a perma spot on someones body.
To me, a good tatoo is the one that has a meaning that is subtily hidden/not obvious and are the true works of art... on a grayscale. Coloured tatoos look bad on a human skin imo, whenever i see one i think of some sort of washable carnaval decoration, and not a permament mark.
The WH40k one is ridicilous, yes it has detail and colours, but its a fucking poster design, not a tatoo. Now that guy will look like a walking painting for the rest of his life :<
That is all, and sorry if it was hard to read, i havent slept for almost 24 hours.
do chicks like these kind of tatooes?
On August 04 2010 17:17 Nokarot wrote:Sporting a WASD tattoo, and a "Nokarot" tattoo. Haters gotta hate all the time but I don't really care. It's photoshopped  I was on 4chan /tg/ the day that someone made that. Makes me laugh every time I see it. To those who don't know, that's the wrong command for Shoryuken. Its Right, down, downright, not down, right, downright.
Lol I posted in page 1 as soon as I saw this thread cuz I remembered your WASD You should post a picture, you do hvae an awesome camera and awesome tattoo after all haha
I have no regrets
I have the smash bros symbol on my left shoulder, Im going to get the screw attack symbol above and triforce below eventually
On August 04 2010 07:00 Gigaudas wrote:![[image loading]](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2723/4411835312_b43391d0d8.jpg) I've got that on the inside of my left arm. I'm 22 and I've been tempted to get a tattoo since I was like 16. However, being a nerd and not much else I couldn't really find a good motive, I felt like I would outgrow a nerdy tattoo. Now I know that I won't  Zelda: Ocarina of Time is one of my strongest childhood memories. EDIT: I was tempted to do the whole emblem with wings and all but I like the simplicity of this. great tattoo, LoZ is awesome, it's simple, doesn't stand out to much, you don't have to tell people it's a "nerd tattoo" if you regret it i wouldn't be to remove.
I've toyed with the idea of getting a nerdy tattoo a few times—there's really no other kind of tattoo I'd consider—but nothing has occurred to me that I'd like to carry with me that permanently yet.
On the other hand, there are some pretty cool ones in this thread. :D
Bowser with a sunglasses playing the double guitar with musical notes flying out while on a surfboard would be the geekiest tattoo imo.
On August 04 2010 17:47 .risingdragoon wrote:I've always loved Deus Ex, if I get a gaming tat it'll be... The DX letters ![[image loading]](http://www.next-gen.biz/files/imagecache/article_content_360x270/deusex4.jpg)
That would be the one I would get if I ever got a nerd tat
On September 11 2010 22:48 rhiesa wrote:I have no regrets ![[image loading]](http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs51/f/2009/319/a/9/My_tattoo_by_rhiesa.jpg) is this one of the comp stomp achievement logos for sc2?
On August 06 2010 00:10 251 wrote:![[image loading]](http://thegamellama.gamerlimit.com/files/2009/10/Street-Fighter-Tattoo.jpg) lol, poor bastard...
Yeah I had a double take there too. Oops............
On August 04 2010 07:05 CCGaunt wrote:+ Show Spoiler +For you 40k fans out there, this tattoo always makes my jaw drop. And the tattoo most likely to regret on that weekend retreat at your fiance's parents pool is...
If i got one it would definatly be
![[image loading]](http://www.gosugamers.net/starcraft/images/news/blizz_splash_08_v3_protoss.jpg)
Id tell people its Korean for power or something
On September 11 2010 23:45 CharlieMurphy wrote:is this one of the comp stomp achievement logos for sc2?
It's the Grand Arcanum from Full Metal Alchemist ^^
On September 12 2010 05:00 rhiesa wrote:Show nested quote +On September 11 2010 23:45 CharlieMurphy wrote:On September 11 2010 22:48 rhiesa wrote:I have no regrets ![[image loading]](http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs51/f/2009/319/a/9/My_tattoo_by_rhiesa.jpg) is this one of the comp stomp achievement logos for sc2? It's the Grand Arcanum from Full Metal Alchemist ^^ Damn right it is, Rhi.
On August 04 2010 10:32 Chairman Ray wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On August 04 2010 07:05 CCGaunt wrote:![[image loading]](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3158/2780998783_87082b0d0f.jpg) For you 40k fans out there, this tattoo always makes my jaw drop. The only thing I can think of is how painful it must have been... and how much it would cost...
On September 12 2010 06:04 Toke wrote:Show nested quote +On August 04 2010 10:32 Chairman Ray wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On August 04 2010 07:05 CCGaunt wrote:![[image loading]](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3158/2780998783_87082b0d0f.jpg) For you 40k fans out there, this tattoo always makes my jaw drop. The only thing I can think of is how painful it must have been... and how much it would cost... I read some where that the artist who made it was a friend of the guy and he did it for free.
On September 12 2010 06:10 pred470r wrote:Show nested quote +On September 12 2010 06:04 Toke wrote:On August 04 2010 10:32 Chairman Ray wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On August 04 2010 07:05 CCGaunt wrote:![[image loading]](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3158/2780998783_87082b0d0f.jpg) For you 40k fans out there, this tattoo always makes my jaw drop. The only thing I can think of is how painful it must have been... and how much it would cost... I read some where that the artist who made it was a friend of the guy and he did it for free. Hell yeah it would be free just imagine how painful that was i have not gotten any tattoo yet.. quite frankly i don't want to be like hey im gonna get a gamer tattoo /flex and 1-2years later being in despair regretting the tattoo. I Still browse the internet for nice tattoo but have not found one that catches my intrest. No disrespecting to anyone that got a gamer tattoo but if i want a gamer tattoo i want it to be nice and cool and worth every penny.