Thread Rules 1. This is not a "do my homework for me" thread. If you have specific questions, ask, but don't post an assignment or homework problem and expect an exact solution. 2. No recruiting for your cockamamie projects (you won't replace facebook with 3 dudes you found on the internet and $20) 3. If you can't articulate why a language is bad, don't start slinging shit about it. Just remember that nothing is worse than making CSS IE6 compatible. 4. Use [code] tags to format code blocks. |
On July 27 2015 09:46 FFGenerations wrote:yo so i just graduated, dunno what grade yet, either Without Honors or 2-2 + Show Spoiler +im gonna take the next X weeks (4?) to do some project to raise my ability to something useful and be able to get a job from it any of you recommend what i should do during this time? haven't looked myself yet but will start tomorrow so thought i should post this now. yeah i'll look at the job listings and then take on some basic google tutorial and progress from there, but you guys might have something specific to suggest cheers and enjoy the pic lol
I recommend you do something small. Right now I'm slowly building up an app in my free time (basically the same stuff I'm doing at work but in a different programming language and framework to learn some things) and I estimate that if I keep at it I should have the bare-bones minimum basic version of it done in about 6 months or so. After that I'll be comfortable enough to add it to my CV or showcase it if I ever want to work somewhere else.
I don't want to discourage you but 4 weeks isn't nearly enough time to do something impressive without any prior experience. You'll be better off with doing something basic but doing it well (you'll at least be able to show potential employers that you've at least got the grip on the basic stuff and won't need tutoring from the ground up).
Also, if I were reviewing a potential candidate, I think I'd also like to see something simple but well done rather than something that might look impressive but is a complete mess under the hood or has half of its features not working properly (another thing to remember: the more features you add, the greater chance for potential disaster).
Are you legally allowed to do that even if it's another programming language? What about intellectual property? Assuming you're trying to clone an existing application but that may not be the case.
Depending on the company it may be not allowed. If I were to do that at my current job and post it publicly to my CV I would get sued.
Really more that it depends on the contract you sign and what you actually do. Some companies can explicitly claim the copyright of any products you make while you're employed by them. Other companies just have a no side project policy. Other companies don't care. Usually you're fine if you don't work on the project while you're on the clock, and if you don't work significantly on projects that compete with or disrupt your employer's products.
On July 30 2015 10:27 Blisse wrote: Usually you're fine if you don't work on the project while you're on the clock, and if you don't work significantly on projects that compete with or disrupt your employer's products. And don't publish it publicly...
On July 30 2015 08:17 darkness wrote: Are you legally allowed to do that even if it's another programming language? What about intellectual property? Assuming you're trying to clone an existing application but that may not be the case.
I'm not trying to clone anything. I'm trying to create some pretty standard company management suite/cms (you know, products, invoices, employees, leases etc.). Obviously, I won't be able to show it to anyone for some time as I have a 'no competition' clause in my contract (especially that I'm employed on the B2B basis, being self-employed basically). Using it mostly as a side project to learn other languages and see if I can find some better ways of doing stuff.
I believe that if I asked my employer if it'd be OK for me to showcase it in the futre he would be fine with it (he's pretty lax about that stuff as long as you inform him about it beforehand and ask for permission).
Also, I'm not really sure if generic cms would be in direct competition with my company's products, since we make systems tailored specifically to the needs of each client (which means no two of them are the same, most are nothing alike).
What do you call a program, that scans the web for a certain keyword/combination of words, that recently popped up. Is this just a special crawler/spider or is it called else? I would like to write such a programm myself for fun and therefore searching for the correct term, so I can look up how it generally works.
Zurich15313 Posts
On July 30 2015 15:55 Manit0u wrote:Show nested quote +On July 30 2015 08:17 darkness wrote: Are you legally allowed to do that even if it's another programming language? What about intellectual property? Assuming you're trying to clone an existing application but that may not be the case. I'm not trying to clone anything. I'm trying to create some pretty standard company management suite/cms (you know, products, invoices, employees, leases etc.). So basically an ERP suite? Good luck getting that done in 6 months!
I know I can't do it in 6 months. I am hoping to at least get up 2-3 basic modules (sales and distribution for example) and slowly build up from there.
Zurich15313 Posts
I don't want to discourage you for no reason, but this sounds insane to me. SD alone is humongously complex. Even if you focus on just one industry, the variation of how businesses operate are virtually endless. I am not sure about your background, but where do you take the insight into business practices, or the legal requirements your software will have to satisfy from?
And that is just SD, which is easymode compared to say controlling or financials.
Everything that happens behind what the customer is facing gets stupidly complex. There is a reason why there are about a million e-commerce solutions fronting for only a handful ERP suites.
zatic, why are you discouraging someone who quite clearly knows his shit when it comes to programming, is working in the business and is using this project as a relaxing (I know, he might be insane) side job. God knows, SAP could use some competent competition...
No worries, he's not discouraging me. I'm doing it to learn more stuff and don't have any pressure on me with this (as it doesn't matter if I fail or succeed at this - if I do, it's awesome bonus). I don't really need this for anything else than personal ego booster. Perhaps in the distant future, if I do in fact succeed at this task I'll be able to earn some money from this, but for now it's just a pet project (albeit pretty big one) that'll most likely start as a simple CMS and grow from there.
I'd like to at least get it to the level of Sylius.
Zurich15313 Posts
On July 30 2015 23:17 Manit0u wrote:I'd like to at least get it to the level of Sylius. Maybe we are having a different understanding then about what you are trying to do. See, this Sylius thing is much more realistic since it's just one of the million e-commerce solutions out there, and stops at just anything that's too complex.
I love the idea of coding something for learning a language, new concepts, or even just honing skill. I would still go with something that has at least a chance of being used at some point.
On July 30 2015 23:52 zatic wrote:Maybe we are having a different understanding then about what you are trying to do. See, this Sylius thing is much more realistic since it's just one of the million e-commerce solutions out there, and stops at just anything that's too complex. I love the idea of coding something for learning a language, new concepts, or even just honing skill. I would still go with something that has at least a chance of being used at some point.
That's "Stage 1" of "Da Cunnin' Plan"
Step 2: ???? Step 3: Take over the world
We're pinky. We're pinky and the brain brain brain.
On July 31 2015 01:52 Acrofales wrote: We're pinky. We're pinky and the brain brain brain.
Was wondering if anybody here could give me some feedback on my github repo.
I'm looking to leave my current job soon in hopes of landing a full time software development position. I've been working in IT as a sysadmin for about 5 years now. My current job, where I've been working at for about 1.5yrs, had some opportunities for me to learn programming. It's only about ~10% of my job requirements though, which sucks. My interest is completely in programming now and I barely have time outside of work to enjoy it, thanks to my kiddos.
Here's a quick rundown on what I have up on github: - teklist: job search listing aggregator - thurtain: live card-game, commonly known as "13" (or "Tien Lien" in Vietnamese where it originated) - MonitR: a simple windows service that monitors and reports system reportables such as diskspace, authenticated user, etc - ProjectManager: manages our IT team's projects, and provides various reports and statistics
I work mainly on the microsoft stack (.NET, C#, SQL Server, etc.), although I have some experience doing front end web development using JS frameworks. I'm hoping to start one more final project before I start applying that'll utilize a complete JS stack (node, react, etc..) to brush up on my JS and frontend stuff.
The things I know I'm lacking at: - unit testing (have seriously, almost, never touched this) - version control. we used SVN here for a little bit but killed it off about a year ago because we don't work on programming projects as a team. Our director thought it made more sense to do the old-school "copy-entire-directory" as a means of controlling/backing up. - algorithms/data-structures. I've never had to really implement any of this, as I'm usually working with higher-level abstractions and libraries. I do know a little on the basics though, ie i could implement my own simple linked list if asked. Don't know anything really about sorting algorithms, other than the fact that divide-and-conquer is a commonly used strategy. I'm bad with recursion. I haven't really had to use it, so my head hasn't had the time to wrap its head around thinking recursively.
I have no idea if what I know at this point could land me a job. Maybe a jr level position? mid? I just feel like I'm lacking a lot of what they're asking for such as unit testing, version control, agile/scrum type development, etc.
The reason I want to get out of here, is not only because I'm getting sick of doing sysadmin stuff, but also because my director is very old school when it comes to programming. He's never heard of agile, and preaches waterfall all-day, everyday whenever we come up with some project. He's also very skeptical of modern tooling, frameworks, and technologies and programs all his stuff in a very imperative style (ie, tries not to use OOP at all). For example, if you guys are familiar with ASP.NET, he did all his web projects in webforms. I had to beg him for about a month to try out MVC5 for one of our projects. He was overly-cautious and refused, until he talked with one of his programming buddies who vouched for MVC > WebForms.
I feel like the longer I stay here, the further I'm getting behind with where the industry is currently at and is heading. Money is of concern to me, as I have a family of 4 and I'm the primary source of income, so the job I get would have to pay at least as much as my current one. But I know that once I get my foot in the door at a real development gig, I can put in the effort and progress much more quickly than what my current situation is letting me. I feel like if I've been able to learn this much in 1.5yrs, doing this as a very minimal part of my job, I could do fairly okay if I could do this stuff 40hrs/week.
Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated. I've been reading a lot of books on programming interviews and stuff, and at times this whole process seems kind of daunting. I'm not planning on applying or working at places like google, facebook, etc. I'd rather work at a smaller shop with a close-knit team, doing mostly web stuff, where they utilize and embrace the newer stuff.
Thanks a lot!
I'm not really familiar with web development in C#. You should definitely read up on most popular frameworks (if any) and technologies for that (LinQ is probably key). If you'd like to go the JS way then I'd suggest veering more towards the front-end development (HTML/JS/CSS, key frameworks here would be Angular, Bootstrap and jQuery library) since good front-end people are always sought after and you don't really care what they use for backend (which gives you more opportunities to land a job as you're no longer tied to PHP/JEE/.NET).
Another thing to get used to is Git (fuck SVN, never going back to this shit again). Agile management shouldn't be of much concern to you - you could read up on this a bit, just so you know the basics but won't need any deeper understanding as that'll come with experience. Unit testing is pretty important, you should also read up on acceptance tests and BDD (behavior driven development, the new hip thing in programming) in general.
Just don't make the mistake of simply quitting your job and seeing what happens then. Try to schedule some interviews while still working at your current company (take a day off if you have to) and see how it goes. Each interview is an experience in itself. If you go to one interview and fail then nothing's wrong. You'll at least know the kind of things they were interested in, work up on that and schedule more interviews for similar position.
It took me 5 interviews to land my first job as a programmer. I've failed the first 2 pretty hard.