On March 13 2012 06:58 Manit0u wrote:
Might I ask a question about design and theory? We've decided with a couple of buddies to make a simple 2D turn based space combat game. The problem is, it's been ages since I did any real maths/physics and I'm not sure how to approach one thing...
Stuff I need:
1. Ship position - pretty obvious, (x, y) coordinates on a grid.
2. Ship bearing and speed - also obvious, vector originating from ship position.
3. Ship relation to each other - this one is problematic.
What I need:
I must know in which of the 4 90 degrees arcs of a ship is another ship. One way to do it (although I'm not sure if that's the optimal way) would be to get another grid centered on the ship position and rotated 45 degrees. This way, by checking other ship's position on this "personal" grid I'd know in which arc it is (x, y) = front, (-x, y) = left, (x, -y) = right, (-x, -y) = rear. Comparing the vectors will then also give me info if the ships are closing, abeam or moving away in certain arc.
Is there a better way of doing it?
Might I ask a question about design and theory? We've decided with a couple of buddies to make a simple 2D turn based space combat game. The problem is, it's been ages since I did any real maths/physics and I'm not sure how to approach one thing...
Stuff I need:
1. Ship position - pretty obvious, (x, y) coordinates on a grid.
2. Ship bearing and speed - also obvious, vector originating from ship position.
3. Ship relation to each other - this one is problematic.
What I need:
I must know in which of the 4 90 degrees arcs of a ship is another ship. One way to do it (although I'm not sure if that's the optimal way) would be to get another grid centered on the ship position and rotated 45 degrees. This way, by checking other ship's position on this "personal" grid I'd know in which arc it is (x, y) = front, (-x, y) = left, (x, -y) = right, (-x, -y) = rear. Comparing the vectors will then also give me info if the ships are closing, abeam or moving away in certain arc.
Is there a better way of doing it?
To figure out what quadrant the angle lies in you could use atan2 to get the angle between two points. You can then do whatever you like with that angle. I believe atan2 returns a range of pi through -pi representing a full 360 degree rotation.