I've whacked several scouts heads off. They were stupid but...
When I was running around with the targe and the eyelander, I wasn't noticing many soldiers killing me with the shotgun. A lot of them were pulling out the equalizer/their shovel though. Although that often led to mass decapitation... once you start rolling heads, it's pretty easy to keep it up since you have superior melee range and superior speed. Heavies are really the only problem, because it's next to impossible to kill one that is getting healed, and you absolutely need to charge to even have a chance against a non-healed one.
Although you can "cheat" and use your pipebomb launcher to soften him up and then charge.
I have to say the targe/eyelander combination is ridiculously fun, and whoever thought it up was a genius. It also managed to do something everything else failed to do for me- make 2fort fun! I looped off 17 heads in one rampage which ended with me getting the eyelander taunt kill on one of my friends (I believe this is the only legit taunt kill we have ever gotten on each other)... had another 11-14 head rampage.
After playing a couple of games versus the direct hit, fucking disgusting is perhaps the nicest of words I'll use. The "Random" (Ie, whenever you are "jumping" or "in the air") minicrits is literally one of the most vomit-incuding things I've seen in competitive tf2. I don't enjoy being raped because a demoman bounces me two centimetres off the ground while we're retreating through a choke. What pisses me all the more off is a team we scrimmed today had both soldiers using them - it let our secondary and scouts destroy their team but it really makes life miserable as a primary soldier/medic/demoman due to the focused spam you take and the fact that focused spam will get you "Airshot critted".
Looking forward to minicrits being removed off that thing when you hit airshots, as much due to the fact they're easier with it in the first bloody place as the balance issues the current system causes.
scrimmed against harmonic/detox yesterday on granary, basically if soldiers rjed from garage i got free kills, and when i speed rushed garage and got on their crate fast, i got two free kills when their soldiers jumped to knock me off. it was awesome.
could anyone tell me how to make demos work (the ones you record, not the class)? I know how you bring up the menu and play demos, but roughly 95% of all demos that I download just doesn't work. I realise that there was just a big update that pretty much broke every old demo that there is, but I'm pretty convinced that neither the version nor the map is the problem. Say 6 ESEA-I matches were played and I download all of them, maybe one of them will work. It's really weird and I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. Help!
As a scout player, I HATE that direct hit. Scrimming with some of the league teams is frustrating as hell. You'll turn a corner and there will be a soldier coming at you and before you know it you're in a million pieces due to the Direct Hit.
Normally I have no problem as a scout dodging rockets but my flailing around isn't working anymore. Maybe I've just been unlucky the past few days. Frustrated player = shitty playing.
I don't really like the update in general, but I feel like it's just because of the mass soldier/demo playing. Hopefully things will balance out when everyone and their mother stops playing sold/demo. Lots of the guys on our server (FITH) have gone back to the old RL and shotty...so we'll see. :D
torenhire - if you're close against a soldier with dh, you have to play SUPER aggressive with your movement against dh. it's about timing your jukes/jumps and getting beyond their fov - unlike with the regular rh, they actually have to direct you, so there's a good chance you can get just as many or more shots on them as you could if they were running the regular rl
but if you're not right on them you just don't want to take on soldiers within that 15 foot one hit range, unless you have an overheal, though
Yeah, It's basically just having to re-learn how to scout in a 6man. What we've been seeing in the scrims is that the main soldier will keep his regular RL and and the second sold will keep the DH.
I'm sorry if you've posted this elsewhere here but which class are you running? The demo in our group is torn on which weapons to be using and he's decided to take on this situational-usage thing where he'll be using these weps for this point and then change when we/they cap and so on. Just wondering what your thoughts are on this as it's pretty obvious you know your way around the CEVO, or at least have a damn good grip on how it's played.
as roamer, i'm going to run regular rocket launcher most of the time. i'll have to see how the dh gets tweaked in the coming months.
for mid battles, i'll run the normal rocket launcher if i ever do a rush (and perhaps the gunboats, if they're allowed, for speed rushes). if i'm playing aggressive, expected to hold a flank, or pressuring with the scouts, i'm always going to run normal. if i'm playing super passive and with the combo, i think i like the dh more but even then it's not a clear edge.
i'll obviously run dh for granary crates, and i actually like it better for pretty much all of granary, it's something about the angles and terrain. except maybe pushes into point 2. i doubt i'll ever really use it for freight, yukon, or follower, and i doubt it will be useful on gpit. badlands pretty much just once or twice for mid rollouts, and spire play if my respawn is favorably timed.
one thing i'll add- i definitely feel like i get more kills with the dh, actually, but i also feel like i'm almost always doing less than i usually/could do.
I doubt the DH will see much use, especially after the fix the bullshit minicrits on it. 2 of the most crucial aspects of 6v6 at a high level are spam and negating the enemy Scouts. The DH does neither. Not to mention, with the falloff identical to the regular RL, hitting a direct for someone at mid or long rage for 60 damage is not worth as much as doing 45 damage to 3 people with splash.
The unlock I suspect will have the biggest change on competitive play is the buff banner. If it's balanced and not banned from leagues (as I suspect it might be), it will really shift the metagame. I don't know if that's a good thing, however. The banner makes the pace of gameplay more slow and conservative. Instead of just worrying of protecting my Medic and waiting for our uber before a large push, we now need to protect our Soldier and wait for him to get his banner charged up as well. It slows things down, makes the kritzkreig nearly useless, and 2 scouts with 14 seconds of minicrits = gg2u.
so on IRC the other night alot of people showed interest when me and some others talked about a TL TF2 tournament...
I'm all for renting another server for TL with CEVO loaded up on it if there is enough interest in a tournament. Also, myself and R1CH started a TL TF2 group (The main TL group is super-huge) which is here http://steamcommunity.com/groups/tltf2
So come find me or R1CH for invites through steam or PM here and we'll get ya in!